Don't Rain on My Parade (3)

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The London streets were bursting with energy, a sharp contrast from the quiet atmosphere of the coffee shop that George and Clay had just exited. Tourists scurried around the city enjoying the uncharacteristically warm air.

     Clay lagged slightly behind the other boy. "So, where are we off to first?" He questioned, his voice full of anticipation.

     George smiled at his new-found friend. "Wouldn't you like to know," He began smugly. "I can't tell you or it'll ruin the surprise."

     "I wasn't aware it was a surprise," The American laughed. "You do know that normally the tourist is the one who plans the tours, right?"

     "Well this is a special tour, and trust me, it'll be way better. And you should thank me, I'm doing this for free!" George pointed out.

     "Can I at least guess?" Clay asked as they turned a corner.

     "You can try,"

     "Are you gonna take me to see Piccadilly Circus?" He wondered curiously, trying to think of various attractions that England was famous for. "Maybe the Big Ben, or something? London Bridge?"

     George gasped dramatically, putting his hand on his chest in mock outrage. "I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that and just continue walking,"

     "What? Isn't that where tourists go?" Clay asked innocently, suppressing a smirk.

     "Exactly. Gross," George faked a gag.

     "Hey, Rude! Technically I'm a tourist too."

     "Not after today! Come on, follow me," He grabbed Clay's arm, dragging him through an empty alleyway.

     "Is this the part where I get murdered?" Clay joked.

     "No, stupid. This is a shortcut," George rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but grin as he let go of the other.

     The road ahead led to a more secluded area. Little boutiques and pop-up shops lined the narrow cobblestone streets. The brightly colored buildings stood out against the grey of the sky. Clay stopped walking in awe, admiring the picturesque scenery around him.

     "Wow," He breathed. They hadn't gone far but their surroundings had changed from taxis and smog to sprawling parks. "It's so green here." Clay turned his body to face George, still looking around in shock.

     "See, isn't this better than some crowded square full of random advertisements?" George spoke with a knowing smile.

     "Maybe," Clay admitted in defeat.

     They continued along one of the pathways through the park. Tall trees towered above the two, leaves rustling from the slight breeze. At the other end of the park cars quickly whizzed by, but the two boys were in their own little world.

     "There's this amazing theme park not to far from here. My mum used to take me and my brother every summer when we were little," George closed his eyes briefly, reliving the happy memories from his childhood.

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