Under the Stars (12)

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A sea of stars were still scattered across the sky as the sun began to peek over the horizon. Shimmering beams streamed into the quiet room through the open window. Below, taxis and cars whizzed through the narrow streets. Despite the early hour the city was already humming with life.

     "George, wake up," The whisper sent goosebumps ripping down his arms. George slit his eyes open, his body stiffening as he registered his proxy to Clay, but he quickly relaxed as the memories from last night resurfaced.

     "What time is it?" He mumbled sleepily, tucking his head back into the crook of Clay's neck.

     "Around six, I think."

     George groaned and pulled the blanket up over his face. "Goodnight," He said, his voice muffled.

     "Wait," Clay moved the blanket away from him, causing George to groan again and move closer. "There's something I want to do."

     "I don't care, now go back to sleep."

     "Please?" He asked, combing his hand through George's hair.

     He cracked an eye open, stomach twirling as Clay's fingers travelled down his arm. "Fine." George agreed reluctantly. His skin tingled where it came into contact with the other.

     A smug smile played on Clay's face. He threw the covers back. "Come on, time to get up."

    "I hate you," George deadpanned. He stood up clumsily and followed. "It's so early."

     Clay grabbed his wrist and guided him to the front door, ignoring his protests. George wriggled his arm out of his grasp. "Where are we going?"

     "Shh, just follow me. You'll see."

     "But Clay, I don't even have shoes on!" George pointed out as the other opened the front door.

     "You don't need them right now."

     "You're so weird, just tell me where we're going!"

     "Hmm," Clay tilted his head, faking consideration before grinning. "No, I don't think I will."

     "Ugh, you're so annoying."

     Clay laughed, eyes flicking down to George and noticing how close they were standing. "Are you sure about that?"

     "Yes." George shifted away from him just as the elevator dinged, the heavy doors sliding open. He shuffled inside and leaned against the wall.

     "Close your eyes."

     George made a face at him. "Fine, but only because I'm tired."

     The lift hummed as it ascended. Exhaustion was like lead in his veins, making his body heavy. George yawned and kept his eyes closed.

     They were still shut when the elevator doors split apart again. He stumbled out, cringing as a blast of cold air hit him. George pried his eyes open finally, drifting them over the deserted roof top.

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