Those Three Words (19)

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Bright technicolor lights flashed around the large room, shining down from the ceiling. Arcade game music and laughter floated through the air along with the sweet smell of sugar. George felt his lips curve into a smile as he looked over to Clay.

     The colorful lights were reflecting in his eyes, making George's heart flutter. A rush of nerves swelled in his stomach suddenly but it was smothered down by excitement. He shyly reached out to grab Clay's hand, his smile widening as their fingers clasped together.

     Clay gestured to the large arcade ahead of them, various games lining the wall and filling the section fo the room. "I hope you're ready to lose, George."

     "Whatever. If anyone's going to be losing it's going to be you."

     "I'm warning you now, I'm going to destroy you," Clay taunted. "Layla and I used to play arcade games all the time when we were younger and I always won."

     "Well, you're not going to win this time." George grinned at Clay, letting himself be pulled along.

"You sure?" Clay stopped in front of the basketball game. "You're going down, George."

"Game on." He narrowed his eyes at Clay. "You're going to lose."

Once the game began, George wasted no time. He picked up the basketball and haphazardly threw it, groaning as it rebounded off the rim. Grabbing another ball, he focused on the hoop and cheered as it swooshed against the net, raising his score from zero to one.

George couldn't help but send a smug look Clay's way but his mouth fell open as he noticed that Clay already had three points. "How are you so good at this?" George shoved him a little, trying to mess up his aim.

Clay still managed to still make the shot, momentarily turning to face George and laughing. "It's not my fault you suck at this." He shoved him back, sending the ball George had been holding flying out of his grasp. It bounced against the rim before rolling back towards him.

"Stop it, that's cheating!" He whined, desperately trying to catch up to Clay's score. "This is so unfair."

"You shoved me first," He shrugged, making another shot. "But maybe this is a little unfair, you're too short to reach the rim."

"Shut up!" George pushed him again, laughing as Clay's shot missed the hoop. "See? You suck at this."

"I'm better than you!" He retorted as the game ended. "Look, I destroyed you, twenty two to twelve."

"It wasn't fair, you kept pushing me!"

"I was pushing you?" Clay smirked, still chuckling after his win. "You're so bad George, just accept it."

George glared playfully at him, unable to stop the smile forming on his face as his eyes met Clay's. "I accept that you're terrible."

"I literally won the game!" He pointed out, resisting an eye roll. "Come on, let's find another game that I can beat you at."

Beams of blue and purple light emitted from the machines filling the room, bathing Clay's face in a neon glow. George struggled to look away from him, unable to focus on any of the games they played.

"What's wrong with you, George?" Clay wheezed as he won yet another round. "You're literally so bad!"

He blinked suddenly, Clay's taunts jolting him back to reality. "Fine, if you're so confident then prove how good you are."

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