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beep 🎵🎶 ' phone ringing

"y/n?" he heared her crying on the other line. "seriously?! i'll be there okay, wait for me!" he hung up and went to her.

"what happened?" he found her crying on the corner of her room, she looked up to him with swollen eyes.

"h-he broke up w-with me ty" she was still crying "he broke up w-with me!" he couldn't stand seeing her like that.
he stayed beside her during her rough times.


"y/n please eat"

"no i dont want to" she said histerically
"i want him here dylan!" she started crying again. "but y/n, he is not here, he left you"

"i dont care, t-ty please! i cant accept it"

"i'm here okay, i wont leave you" he hugged her tight

"but i need him! i-i need him", he stayed beside her all day and all night even though he knew that he wasn't enough to cover up her pain.

"open the door, p-please let's talk! i dont want to loose you, i-im begging you" she knocks on his door

"y/n, please go home. its late he wont open up for you!" he said holding her arm

"no ty! i want to see him! i want to talk to hi-" the door opened

"what do you want?! i told you i dont want to see you anymore y/n!!" the guy said with anger on his face

"i-i want to see you, p-please get back with me please! i cant loose you! " she kneeled in front of the guy

"hell no y/n!! i am happy with her now and you!" he pointed at her "get out of my sight and never ever fvcking come back here!"

"n-no please! dont say th-" the door shut before she could even finish her words

"y/n, let me take you home now, its late"
he pulled her up and guided her back inside his car, taking her home and staying to watch over her.

"y/n, i bought you your favorite, come on let's eat this up it's still hot" he smiled

"i have no appetite"

"oh, come on! i cant finish this please!"
he begged


"yes! thank you y/n! let's eat this up"

"y/n look! i found this teddy bear and i know you like this so i bought it" he handed her the stuff toy

"this is purple ty but thanks anyways, i like it" she smiled and hugged the teddy bear

"y/n?" she frowned "i miss him, i need him, i-i still love him" she said looking at him

he hugged her "if you miss him, just hug me and close your eyes and imagine i am him" he chuckled

"that is insane" she laughed at his thought

he pouted "pfft okay y/n, whatever you say" she hugged him back tightly

"y/n shit what happened!? y/n, y/n! please wake up!" he found her on the floor unconcscious with her nose bleeding, he panicked and quickly brought her to the hospital

"she doesn't have much time left, her condition is critical due to her current illness, sorry"
"ty?" she was on a hospital bed with apparatus on her body

"yes y/n?" he sat beside her and holds her hand "i am here, everything is gonna be fine now" he said suppressing his tears.

"where is he ty?" almost crying

"i-i dont know y/n

"i-i need him ty, i need him!" and her tears fell

the next day; "y/n sweety!" the guy appeared beside her and hugged her

"sweety, i-i thought you wont co-"

"why wont i? i should be here, im your sweety aren't i?"

"dont leave me, i need you here!" she started crying

"i wont i promise i wont leave you again, i wont" and kissed her forehead

he was happy for her and him


the guy,

showed her he's back

brought her flowers

brought her to places with her on her wheelchair

brought her, her favorite foods

visits her often

stayed beside her and cared for her

showed her that the guy loves her so much and will stay with her on her last days,
while him on the corner was crying his heart out for her happiness,
for her happiness that was not meant for him.


"t-thank you for coming back for me" she was crying

"no sweety! i love you okay? d-dont leave me!"

"i love you so sweety" her tears falling with her words

"y/n i love you! i love you!" his tears fell

√\__/\ /\/\ /\ /\_____________
\/ \/\_/ \___/

as her eyes shut, falling asleep forever

him on the corner couldn't hold his tears and started crying silently, it was painful for him, his heart shattering into pieces

"i hope your happy now ty, your request is done" the guy stood, wiping his tears, his palm in front of him

"payment?" the guy said while smiling

"her happiness is my happiness even if it means doing this" he handed him money

"thanks, but why do this for her?"

"i love her and for her happiness"

"aren't you enough to make her happy and you have to do this?"

"i told her my name countless times, but all she screamed is yours" he smiled at him with tears in his eyes glancing one more time at her peacefully resting body.

ps. bear with errors.

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