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Advance Happy Pongal and Happy Sankranthi..Friends..

At Temple

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At Temple

The Pandit came to Dhruv and Bindu

Pandit : You both still here? Here one Murder was happened, someone take him to hospital.You both go fast from here..

Dhruv became worried on heard this and said to Bindu

Dhruv : If that DGP was alive, it would be danger for Nivi..

Dhruv : If that DGP was alive, it would be danger for Nivi

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Bindu : What to do now?

Dhruv : You take Nivi from here immediately, I will come after finishing him.

Bindu : Ok..

Bindu went inside Temple to take Nivi with her and Dhruv went towards that Hospital to finish that DGP.

At Hospital

Doctors are doing Treatment to DGP Satya but he still in unconscious stage.

Outside the room, Nivi is there along with DGP Satya mobile.

Outside the room, Nivi is there along with DGP Satya mobile

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Flashback (Few Hours back)

At Temple, Nivi came outside on searching Dhruv and Bindu.On that time, she saw DGP Satya in pool of Blood.She saw he is still alive and called Ambulance and took to Hospital to save him.

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