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the sun was already setting. mark was pacing back and forth in his room while biting his nail. he wanted to get out of the asylum but he didn't know-how. he had found donghyuck already and it was enough to prove the doctors that he wasn't insane.

"i need donghyuck to get me out of here," mark muttered to himself.

mark tried to twist the knob quietly and luckily, the door wasn't locked. a sigh of relief escaped his lips and he shut the door behind him. the hallway was empty. mark silently made his way to the staircase, avoiding to go by elevator as most of the staff used it.

mark had once gone to the doctors' office's floor before when one of the staff forgot to lock his door. so mark used the opportunity to sneak out and wandered around the building. luckily he remembered it was on the 7th floor.

he peeked behind the door, making sure no one was in sight. the hallway was long. this heightened the male's anxiety and once he was spotted, he would be dragged back to his room and this chance would be blown off just like that.

quietly, mark searched for the door with the name donghyuck, hoping that he would find it in no time. as mark was busy looking here and there, he froze on his spot when the elevator door dinged open. panicking, he just entered one of the rooms that he stumbled upon.

mark was lucky there was no one in the room. he had no interest to observe what was inside but he saw a desk and hid under it. however, mark regretted his action when he noticed someone entered the room. under the desk, mark's gaze followed the footstep and his breath almost stopped when the person approached where mark was hiding.

the chair in front of mark was pulled out and the person seated on it. mark was amazed the latter hadn't noticed him yet so mark slowly and carefully went to see what was the person doing. he was playing with his phone in his hand and with one more move forward mark saw the latter's face. he also had his eyes on mark, startled at the sudden intrusion.

mark quickly crawled out of the desk and pounced on the latter when he tried to scream, making both of them fell to the floor.

"donghyuck shhhh!" mark hissed as he covered haechan's mouth.

haechan struggled and wriggled his body as he moved mark's hand. "what are you doing here?!"

"donghyuck, i need to get out of here, please help me," mark pleaded, trapping haechan's body between him.

"mark, you know i can't do that, right? i'll get into trouble!" haechan whispered-yelled, looking at mark with a blushed face as he realized mark was still hovering him.

"i don't like it here, donghyuck! they're evil! doyoung is evil! he wants me to forget about you!" mark said frustratingly as he sat on haechan's laps.

"w-what?" haechan followed suit as he sat up, supporting his body by planting both of his palms on the floor so he didn't get any closer to mark.

mark ruffled his own hair before he sighed. "that medicine he asked me to take, i know it's not to help me get any better. i believe it's to erase my memory of you..."

"what do you mean by that?" haechan still couldn't believe his ears.

"bring me out of here, please? and i'll tell you," mark clasped their hands together and gave haechan a desperate look.

haechan was aware that mark was a patient. that mark's mind wasn't healthy and he still needed treatment to become normal. but something in mark's eyes told haechan the other. as if mark's soul was trying to reach out to him and want to tell haechan something. something that was hidden that haechan needed to know, and must know.

burnt memories | markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now