Chapter 12

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He waved at me signalling me to come out too. I actually just wanted to turn around and go into the living room and hide myself and my embarrassment because he had caught me stalking.

I groaned and got up making my way to my balcony. I opened the door and stepped out into the fresh evening.

"Hey", he said smiling leaning against the balustrade. He let his gaze wander over me and stopped at my eyes, "nice to see you, neighbour."

I rolled my eyes and took a step closer, also leaning on the balustrade. "So you have the exact room, just at the opposite side of mine?"

He laughed and shrugged. "Seems like", he said and watched me.

"What about the English test?", he asked me.

"I haven't studied yet", I answered trying to sound casually, "I mean, you can come over now if you want."

"Yeah, sure", he said smiling, "I'll just hop over."

"What? No-", I screamed when I realised what he just said but it was too late. He took run-up and jumped over the balustrade landing on my balcony. The distance wasn't so big, but still it was quite dangerous.

"Are you insane?", I asked louldy and rubbed my chest because of my pounding heart. He smirked and just helped himself to get in.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have time to clean up", I said sarcastically and he laughed looking around my room.

"Cute", he stated and sat on my bed. I smiled and sat down too.

"Okay, let's get started straight away", I suggested and he nodded.

I grabbed my stuff and began to explain the easy things but he seemed to not listen. He just kept staring at me while I talked and didn't pay attention to my words. He regarded my lips as I showed him the rules.

I didn't know why he stared at me but I thought it was cute. Anyway, we were here to study and he didn't even listen. "Come on, Jungkook", I complained making him flinch, "you're not even listening to me."

He groaned and let himself fall back on my bed. "Y/nn", he whined and pouted, "let's do something else. I'm boreeeed." I had to chuckle because of his childish behaviour.

"Okay", I gave in, "what do you suggest?" His eyes sparkled and he sat up straight.

"Let's watch a film!", he said and got up, "and make popcorn!"

"I don't have any popcorn", I said laughing and he rolled his eyes.

"But we can still watch a film?", he asked.

"Sure", I said and he smiled like a cute little bunny. No sooner said than done. We walked downstairs and got comfortable on the couch.

It was weird to be so close to him but I see it in the way of best friends. He convinced me to choose a film so I picked one of my favourite romantic comedies. He groaned as he read the title but he didn't complain. Soon the film started and I got sleepy. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open and then at one point I just fell asleep.

My muscles relaxed and I lost control over my body so I just slid to the side landing on his chest.

Jungkook's POV

After a short while I heard how her breath got slow and steady. She closed her eyes and was fully asleep. Her lump body just casually slipped to the side and she rested her head on my chest.

I smiled and looked at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world. If ever anyone lays a finger on her, he'd get in trouble with me. I didn't even pay attention to film anymore, I just watched her sleeping peacefully on me.

If she knew how she made me feel.. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and decided to put her to bed. It was already late so I scooped her up in my arms and brought her into her room. I gently laid her down and covered her with a duvet.


I woke up because of the sun shining through my window. I quickly widened my eyes and sat up straight. How did I get into my bed? Oh no no. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Yesterday I just fell asleep and he must have carried me upstairs. How embarrassing. Again.

I looked at the clock and noticed that I was already late for school so I had to get ready faster than usual. I skipped breakfast and left the house in hurry.

I was walking at a rapid pace to school when someone walked up next to me. I looked to my side and realised it was Jungkook. Of course, we had the same way.

"So, sleeping beauty?", he said smirking and lifted an eyebrow. I wanted to ask him about yesterday night but - no that's what friends do, it's normal. I didn't want to be obvious. I didn't say anything and just kept walking.

"Do you have time to study today since we didn't come very far yesterday?", he asked sheepishly.

"Oh, I actually - no", I answered when my date with Jun crossed my mind.

"Wait - why?", he asked confused.

"Why? Do you care?", I asked trying to hide my smile.

"Yes, I mean - no", he stumbled, "I just want to know why you don't have time for ME!"

He pouted and looked at me with doe eyes. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I have a date if you're that curious", I told him the truth.

He furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes darkened. "Hm okay", he said tense and clenched his fist. I could feel how he tensed but I ignored it. Why did he even care? I also have a love life.

On the remaining way to school we didn't talk much more so we just walked quietly side by side. But it was nice to have him by my side. I felt... Good?

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