Actually, the title was Darling in the Franxx x Eva Pilot male reader Alternate universe, anyway, as you read a crossover and male reader insert, on this universe an evil god that will bring both mechas to his own world and use them to fight one aga...
Code 007 announced to the parasites about the protocol to be carried out for the decisive battle, each Franxx squadron would keep the enemies at bay, in addition that the definitive weapon would be used for their defeat ... now, under their possession , there was Star Entity, a klaxosaurus weapon that they could control by means of a modification that implanted Strelizia in this...The parasites gather in the Grand Crevasse for the final battle against the Klaxosaurs. While the others face a large army of Klaxosaurios that attack the base, Hiro and Zero Two have the mission of using Strelizia to control the "Star Entity", even though Zero Two is partially against the idea, already that he would have preferred to pilot along with (Y/n) ... In the middle of the battle, the Princess of the Klaxosaurs eludes safety and assumes control of Strelizia, throwing Zero Two out of the cabin and synchronizing with Hiro by force ... at this point Zero Two is called a copy, something very confusing to her, meanwhile, the fighting continues... Unexpectedly, an army of spaceships appears in the orbit of the Earth and the Klaxosaurs stop fighting against the parasites to attack it, this action confuses the pilots of the Franxx since they did not know what to do, it was something that had left them stunned... Meanwhile in Evangelion Universe Mari Illustrious Makinami kidnaps Unit-02 to attack the angel, after verifying that traditional combat methods such as assault weapons were ineffective, Mari decides to activate the beast mode of unit Eva 02, she starts the process by saying "Reverse Mode, Secret Code: The Beast! ", The restrictions are released and a physical transformation is triggered in which the EVA" abandons its humanity ", the body of the Eva 02 unit begins to stretch as well as adopting a more primitive appearance, showing a sharp extended denture from its jaw to a certain part of the neck, this powerful form also implied a physical risk for the pilot, because that directed her to the danger zone that a plug should not exceed ... In this state Unit-02 proved to possess a speed and force majeure, taking a powerful leap against Zeruel, it displays its AT field, a very large one and capable of blocking Eva 02, which jumps over the AT field and begins to dest brush it layer by layer, despite this demonstration of power it was not enough to defeat the powerful angel, who in one attack with his arms cut one of the arms of Eva 02 and made a cut on his side ... a wound Mari, continued her assault, but was immediately stopped for a brutal attack by Zeruel who managed to hurt Eva 02 head... The angel Zeruel continues his way to the geo front but suddenly, Rei Ayanami makes a suicide attack, holding a powerful projectile and tries to penetrate what is left of the AT Zeruel field, the Eva 02 unit does its best to finish destroying Zeruel's AT field, however the angel covers his AT field with his ribs, the explosion would be in vain so Rei uses Eva 00 unit to throw Eva 02 unit away, thanking the pilot .. The explosion is so powerful that the Eva 02 unit falls right into the construction where it was (Y/n), while the Eva 00 unit falls to the ground completely calcined... Mari reasons with (Y/n) and he accepts a once again pilot Eva 01, motivated to the limit when seeing the fall of the Eva 00 unit... Zeruel manages to melt the Geo front breastplate, approaches all the staff, mainly Gendo and Fuyutsuki, but before killing everyone with a laser beam, the Eva 01 unit breaks the wall and with a punch blows the angel back .. The fight intensifies while (Y / n) tries to subdue the angel but he gives an arm to the Eva 01 unit, splashing blood on the wall and Gendo's face... The Eva 01 unit hits the angel again, then pushes it towards the ejection platform, where it kicks it and takes it to the surface... there, Eva 01 begins to brutally hit Zeruel but runs out of energy... the angel uses his arm attack and hits Eva 01, dragging him towards an elevation of land, there begins to hit him, slowly breaking the chest of the Evangelion, inside this, (Y/n) desperately tries to move to the Eva... (Y/n): Move! move on! move or we will all die!!! The boy kept trying, even with tears running down his face, in that he began to hear heartbeats... the extended arm of the angel was going to attack Eva 01 again but his hand stopped him, the Eva unit approached Zeruel to his face, while making a growl, then kicked him away, dismembering his arm and adding himself, the Eva unit began to regenerate his arm from that, then emitted another growl and an angel halo circled his head, his arm regenerated began to glow orange...
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Zeruel tried to attack closely but Eva 01 activated his AT field, Zeruel tried to destroy it with his laser beam but it did not work, Eva 01 unit shot a laser from the mouth and destroyed Zeruel's ribs , exposing its core ... The readings showed a synchronization that exceeded 100%, Ritsuko knew that Yui Ikari had woken up, meanwhile, Misato encouraged (Y/n) to pursue his dreams ... Eva 01 unit began to eat the angel in front of everyone, breaking the anchors and growling louder and louder... in that, a portal appeared in front of Eva 01... (Y/n): I must help Zero Two !!! Eva 01 ran towards the portal, upon entering she noticed that there was a strange fleet and klaxosaurs fighting against these... Papa reveals that he and his companions were actually members of "VIRM", an alien race that in the past attacked the Earth, but was defeated by the Klaxosaurs, and that all APE actions were part of his plan to use the humanity against them. Having predicted the Princess's attempt to take control of the Star Entity, the VIRM activates a self-destruct mechanism to destroy all the Klaxosaurs, along with the Earth, the ships then begin to attack the parasites, so the unit Eva 01 using that phase of God begins to attack the ships without suffering the slightest damage, its AT field blocked all its attacks, as VIRM uses its powers to charge the consciousness of humans from the Plantation to its system, Hiro uses his connection with the Princess to delay the explosion of the Star Entity, while the rest of squad 13 advances to the Grand Crevasse to help their friends... (Y/n): I knew it! APE was an evil organization!!! Zero Two arrives at the Star Entity and notices Eva 01 in the distance ... (Y / n): Zero Two!!! ZeroTwo: Darling!!! Eva 01 unit arrives towards her, running ... KlaxosaurPrincess: We need to recover the energy to continue using Star Entity ... (Y/n) invests his AT field to provide that energy to Strelizia, Zero Two pilots and begins to defeat the invaders...
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VIRM decides to retire, promising to return with all his army to annihilate the Earth, and just when everyone is about to celebrate the victory, they discover that Zero Two does not respond ... meanwhile, the amount of the LCL increases in the unit Eva 01 so (Y/n) lose consciousness while the NERV agents along Eva unit 06 take away the unit, although they also steal some replacement parts of Strelitzia... A month later (Y/n): *Awakes* W-where i am? Rei: We are in the hospital... (Y/n): Where is Zero Two!? Rei: *Hugs (Y/n)* Don't worry (Y/n) we are going to help her later, but you need rest... You've been inside the Eva unit 01 an entire month... (Y/n): I can't rest, because she needs me now! Kaworu: It is okay (Y/n)-kun, right now we have to fight the last angels... (Y/n): Who are you? W-what is going on!?