Actually, the title was Darling in the Franxx x Eva Pilot male reader Alternate universe, anyway, as you read a crossover and male reader insert, on this universe an evil god that will bring both mechas to his own world and use them to fight one aga...
The boy immersed himself in the lake of LCL, where what used to be the headquarters of NERV, looking for the respective pieces that he was ordered to look for ... the boy used the pulley system with which all that was taken to take out the pieces, he climbed them on a platform with wheels but when he tried to push it, he wasn't strong enough to move it ... Asuka: Baka! Do you think you can do this? (Y/n): Asuka, I ... Asuka: Did you think you can do this without me? Of course not! Let's do it together ... The boy's eyes displayed a few tears, but full of determination he began to push the platform with the help of his friend ... They took the platform to what used to be the section of Eva 01, waited a little while until a metallic noise it echoed throughout the room ... Eva 01 was landing in the section, still holding Longinus' spear ... Winthrop: I was floating adrift from space, it wasn't so esy to bring it back ... (Y/n): And now what do we do? Winthrop: Well, this is the plan, I will use a quarter of my energy to create the super Evangelion, when this is done, I will use half of my energy to give you to Adam and Asuka will have Lilith, I will open a portal where you will enter... once you cross, you will confront some VIRM ships meanwhile Asuka enters the portal with the spacesuit that I will provide... when they are both, I will close the portal, I will not be able to help them since I will lose a lot of energy... you two will gather to Adan and Lilith, that will cause an impact, but at that moment, (Y/n) will use the Berserk form of Eva 01 and Longinus's spear, so he will target the VIRMs and the impact will eradicate them, once this is done, they just have to track the last one and kill it. understood? (Y/n) / Asuka: Understood! The pieces began to levitate and join the shattered parts of Evangelion unit 01, when merged, they improved the strength of the unit, agility resistance and, above all, its effectiveness against the VIRM. Winthrop: This is the ultimate weapon of two universes that come together ... do you think you can handle it? (Y/n): Yes, I promised her it would be her darling, that I would marry her... Winthrop: Then, get into the robot! (Author's note: Choose the version you want)
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The boy entered Eva's plug, which was reactivated when he felt his presence ... (Y/n): Mother, I need your help once again ... The boy entered the portal instantly witnessed the Klaxosaurs heading towards the point of origin of the VIRM ... Strelizia was fighting but stopped, Zero Two had gradually lost his energy, after two full months of having been fighting, the VIRM they took advantage of this, so they attacked the Star Entity, in addition to easily destroying several klaxosaurs ... (Y/n) ignoring the plan he should follow, he headd to the battlefield, generating his AT field, blocking al The attacks... Papa: We knew you would appear sooner or later, now, activate the lightning !!! The VIRMs deployed a beam that began to destroy the layers of the AT field ... (Y/n): P-Please, mom !!! I need your help!!! The AT field became stronger, while on top of Eva 01 Guf's cameras opened, Eva 01 launched a laser beam from the mouth, disintegrating the VIRM mothership ... Asuka: Baka (Y/n)!! it's time!!
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Asuka approached with a Lilith embryo form in a container, Eva 01 had Adam's embryo in his left hand ... when they were joined, Guf's cameras intensified but before they began to take human souls, the Eva 01 held Longinus 'spear and threw it against VIRMs ... as Longinus' spear detects when an entity approaches ancestral beings, he noticed the significance of VIRMs, so the Rei-like creature emerged again, grabbing the moon of planet earth and began to absorb the existence of VIRMs, making them see visions of what they wanted ... the vast cosmos witnessed the failures of infinity, because the VIRMs were not made up of LCL like the Evangelion universe creatures, so they only became in ways similar to Adam but they exploded in a bath of blood... in the end, there was only zero gravity blood, the only surviving VIRM was Papa... (Y/n): Zero Two!!! The hairy girl woke up from the trance, noticed the Evangelion unit 01 ... ZeroTwo: Darling!!! Star Entity and Eva 01 held on and began to glow a golden color, meanwhile, on earth everyone was praying that everything would go well ...
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The two wicks combined a ball of energy, but little by little it drained the energy of the pilots, shot at Papa and it began to disintegrate... Papa: Years of organizations, wasted... A year later, all the Klaxosaur ships returned to the earth, carrying the two wicks ... the Klaxosaurs merged with the earth to regain their former being, a green planet where life could prosper again ... the two pilots and Asuka were taken to a doctor, Asuka had only a few injuries due to the explosion of the first impact, but the pilots had cuts in the body because of the death mark produced by Zero Two ... when they woke up, they found that demigod that united them from the beginning ... Winthrop: C-Congratulations! They won our bet, now they are free ... but (Y/n), I must admit that you have my respects... you have resisted all that pain, you have sacrificed everything to achieve your dreams, so, I will use all the rest of my life energies to grant you a last wish... you have the following options: a) Create a life with Zero Two where the two live prosperously. b) Restore your universe so you can live with your loved ones but never face the angels again or fly an Eva anymore. c) Combine both universes ... d) Stay here with Zero Two and Asuka...