Actually, the title was Darling in the Franxx x Eva Pilot male reader Alternate universe, anyway, as you read a crossover and male reader insert, on this universe an evil god that will bring both mechas to his own world and use them to fight one aga...
It has been difficult times for poor (Y/n) Ikari, he has tried everything to help Zero Two, but on the orders of SEELE his Evangelion unit was held, Arael, the fifteenth angel appears in space and does not seem to want to go down to planet. Misato sends Rei Ayanami to make a remote shot using a modified version of the positron rifle, Rei cannot cross the AT field with the positron rifle at full power because the angel is too far away to defeat the angel, Gendo he orders Rei to go down to the Dogma Terminal and extract Longinus's spear, which was stuck in Lilith's chest. Misato complained about its use, but the commander issued no response. Faced with this situation, Misato understood that it is a lie that the contact between Adam and an EVA could cause the Third Impact and as a result of that reasoning, he wonders what could have caused the Second Impact... Armisael, the sixteenth angel attacks Tokyo-3, and Unit 00 piloted by Rei Ayanami went out to fight it, she couldn't attack it because it had a high speed and the angel's wave pattern changed from blue to orange, which seemed to indicate that its shape could change. Once Unit-00 approached, Armisael adopted its combat form, easily crossing her AT field and her core, meanwhile, the angel mentally contacted Rei, expressing its desire to merge and forcing her to feel its pain, which Rei identified like addition, Armisael told her that loneliness also exists in her heart...after hearing this, Rei opens her eyes and sheds a couple of tears. Gendo Ikari, apparently desperate to save Rei, orders to extract Unit 01 from quarantine, when Unit 01 deployed its AT field it attracted the other end of the angel who began to establish contact with (Y/n) by copying the form from Rei, and making a tower of angels come out of Eva 00's back, in a very grotesque way... through this, Rei understood the true nature of her feelings, strong feelings towards (Y/n) so she decides to self-destroy her Eva together with the angel, even though she was ordered, she did not eject her Eva's plug because if she did so the Eva's AT field would be deactivated and Armisael could escape, then a huge explosion occurred and reduced to rubble much of Tokyo-3... now (Y/n) was devastated ... Misato tried to comfort him but it didn't help, the boy lost someone close again and couldn't do anything to help her... The next day, Rei mysteriously appears alive, (Y/n) was very happy, but is surprised to discover that Rei does not remember anything that happened and points out to be "the third"... after a while, Ritsuko, angry with Gendo for using her, shows (Y/n) and Misato the truth about Rei Ayanami... All the other friends of (Y / n) have left the city due to the destruction caused by Zeruel, the boy was alone, but he noticed the presence of the boy who was in the hospital the day he woke up as frenzied ... the boy introduced himself as Kaworu Nagisa, who claims to be the fifth child chosen, he would be in charge of piloting his own Evangelion since neither Mari nor Asuka were in a position to pilot ... Kaworu begins to approach (Y / n) telling him "maybe i was born to meet you" and that he loved him, words he had only heard from Zero Two two months ago ... That same night, (Y / n) does not return to Misato's house anymore that he did not want to face his problems so he lives with Kaworu, the next day, Kaworu is ordered by Keel Lorenz, head of SEELE to go down to the terminal dogma and carry out his mission ... At the base of NERV, Kaworu is revealed as Tabris, the last angel to be expected. During his attack, he took control of Unit 06 and began descending with her to the Dogma Terminal. Seeing this, Kozo Fuyutsuki ordered to close all armored gates in order to block the passage of the EVA and thus gain some time ... (Y/n) is forced to stop it with unit 01, but this has some denial to do so, he told him that he loved him and also a certain disposition to confront him since he betrayed his feelings... Finally, Kaworu reached Lilith, but not Adam, then, when he understood the hidden meaning, he refused to cause the Third Impact , and asks (Y/n) to kill him, the poor boy has no choice but to do it, but he regrets the horror of having to take the life of the only person who said he loved him. NERV eliminates the last angel... After so many losses, the boy has nothing left to live for so he only resides in his solitude ... Meanwhile, SEELE occupies the Japanese army to attack the geo front, they begin to invade the NERV facilities and kill the employees they find ... Asuka has finally woken up, realizes that she was placed in Eva unit 02, in the middle of the lake supporting army missiles ... Misato went to look for (Y / n) and take him to Eva 01, but when he found it he was completely down, depressed and not wanting to fly the Eva ... Misato began to drag him to Eva 01 just at the moment when Asuka regained his synchronization with Eva 02, understanding the true meaning from the AT field, thus he began to fight with the army, destroying his heavy machinery, at that time the mass production Evangelions arrived, and began to fight with Asuka ... Meanwhile, Misato managed to take (Y/n) to the platform of l Eva 01, but she was wounded in the stomach ... (Y/n) still refused but she knowing that she would die, decided to surrender to him...
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Misato: That was an adult kiss, we'll do the rest when you come back ... She placed in the hands of the boy the cross that his father gave him during the second impact, the boy climbed onto the platform while the whole floor below exploded... Asuka was having a hard time, because although he was still fighting, the annoying Eva series were still standing and in that, the head of Eva 02 was pierced by a replica of Longinus's spear ... Asuka ran out of energy and the Eva series they were approaching and in that moment...
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