Actually, the title was Darling in the Franxx x Eva Pilot male reader Alternate universe, anyway, as you read a crossover and male reader insert, on this universe an evil god that will bring both mechas to his own world and use them to fight one aga...
The boy began to fight against the Eva series, using the great power of Eva 01 he defended himself in turn that deactivated them one by one, he almost managed to deactivate the last one until Maya, one of the survivors of the NERV complex, told him that the Eva series were reactivating, due to their S² organ, a quality that so far only the angels and Eva 01 had, the Eva series launched their replicas of the Longinus spear against (Y/n) making his Eva take the crucifixion pose... Once that was done, the eva series that had not been completely torn apart by Eva 02 were almost completely regenerated and formed a diagram of the tree of Sephirot inverted around Eva 01...
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Meanwhile, in the central dogma, Gendo would carry out his plan with Rei III, however Ritsuko tries to stop him with the help of the MAGI system, however it does not happen and Ritsuko dies... Rei III betrays Gendo, staying with his arm where he was implanted the embryo body of Adam, it is there where Rei III becomes 1 with Lilith, becoming a giant creature with the appearance of Rei... This entity begins to grow until reaching the Eva series and Eva 01, there it takes control of the situation... Longinus's spear returns to the planet and pointing to the core of Eva 01, merges with it to form a kind of tree... while that happens, the Rei-like entity would begin the third impact , through the black moon, beginning the process that was tried to avoid...
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During this process, a broken (Y/n) states: "Nobody cares whether I exist or not... Nothing will change. So, everybody just die..." This wish seems to manifest itself into reality, as the Rei life form proceeds to create a gigantic anti-AT field that unfolds all over the Earth and all humans lose their AT fields and dissolve in LCL after witnessing an appearance of Rei taking the form of the person most loved by them, SEELE members dissolve as well, with Keel satisfied with this new scenario. Gendo has a vision of Yui, Rei and Kaworu, where they make him reflect and he regrets having treated (Y/n) badly throughout his life, before being devoured by an appearance of Unit 01... In outer space, the EVAs in series impale their cores with their spears, remaining in a crucifixion position while the Tree of Life is introduced into the Rei-like entity through its forehead through an opening, while all souls they enter Guf's chamber ... the boy sees Misato, Asuka and Rei appear before him, and he is asked if he wants to continue and yield to Instrumentality, but he wonders the difference between dreams and reality , and Rei shows him the process that is causing his desire: a sea of LCL, a lonely world where all souls are united in a single entity, for this point, (Y/n) comes into clarity by holding Misato's crucifix , questioning for the first time that vision of the world ... at this moment, the boy witnesses an alternate world, where everyone he knows lives a normal life, even he comes to see himself as a normal boy ... Asuka: Wake up sleepy! (Y/n): five more minutes .. Asuka: Get up! it's late... (Y/n): You act like my mother ... Asuka: This is how you appreciate the concern of your old childhood friend? Get up! *Timeskip* (Y/n): Will there be two new girls? Asuka: Yes, since the city became the capital, new people have been arriving ... *(Y/n) bumps with Rei (who had a toast in her mouth), then (Y/n) sees her panties* Rei: *Covers* I'm sorry, I have to go, I'm in a hurry! Upon arrival, teacher Misato announces the arrival of the two girls... Misato: Please don't be shy, introduce yourself to the class... Rei: I'm Rei Ayanami... (Y/n): *Talking with Toji* What is the name of the hairy girl next to Ayanami? Toji: I didn't listen well ... ZeroTwo: *Approaching (Y/n) * You look attractive, would you mind being my darling?... Asuka: You've met him and you want to be his girlfriend already!? ZeroTwo: Ohoho~ Are you jealous? Asuka: WHAT!? Hikari: Misato-sensei shouldn't we start the class? Misato: Meh, i want to see how this goes... After seeing this, (Y/n) realizes that there are alternative possibilities for his current life, that is, there may also be a (Y/n) that should not be a pilot, that his current life may not be so bad and decides that it is better to back down to allow humans to live in separate bodies, even though that implies the risk of being hurt by other people, because (Y/n) admits that he always fled from others and takes through of visions of Rei and Kaworu the hope that people can one day understand each other... Leaving through the eye of the Rei-like entity, Unit 01 roars and its wings expand, the Third Impact is interrupted, causing Guf's doors to close and the creature to free all souls and EVAs in series They fall petrified to Earth. Kaworu, Rei and Yui reveal to (Y/n) that humans will be reborn from the LCL if they are able to imagine themselves in their hearts, and (Y/n) states that, despite not knowing where happiness is, they will live like himself from now on... The boy wakes up near the LCL sea, where remains of the Rei-like entity lay, Eva petrified series and debris ... when he turned around he noticed Asuka's presence, bandaged... the boy began to strangle her but when she caressed his face, he stopped, and began to cry shedding his tears on her ... Asuka: How disgusting ... Winthrop: Listen I found the solution to help Zero- The boy tried to strangle him but he moved ... Winthrop: Woah! Could you stop strangling people for a moment and listen to me? The boy just nodded ... Winthrop: Well, you have one last way to save Zero Two, she is not dead, her conscience was trapped in Strelizia and we have investigated her whereabouts for two months ... now, NERV employees stole pieces of Strelizia, help me Find them while I recover your Eva 01, so we can create the super Evangelion okay? (Y/n): W-why? Winthrop: You, are going to cause the first impact there.
To be continued... Now it's time, I fear to tell I've been holding it back so long But something strange deep inside of me is happening I feel unlike I've ever felt And it's makin' me scared That I may not be what I (think I am ...) What of us, what do I say Are we both from a different world Cos every breath that I take, I breathe it for you I couldn't face my wife without you And I'm so afraid There's nothing to comfort us What am I, if I can't be yours I don't sleep, don't feel a thing And my senses have all but gone Can't even cry from the pain, can't shed a tear now I realise We're not the same And it's makin' me sad Cos we can't fulfil our dream (in this life ...) So I must, let us break free I can never be what you need If there was a way, through the hurt Then I would find it I'd take the blows. Yes I would fight it But this is the one. Impossible dream to live What am I, if I can't be yours.