Seven ♥

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I woke up to the shining bright sun that shown through my window -- or should I say, our  window, literally. It was as if someone had thrown back the curtains and let the light blind my eyes....intentionally.

Ugh, it better not be who it obviously is.

I was right. Cody stood at the window side with the curtains in one hand and stared at me with a little smirk plastered on his face. It made me feel irritated. Really irritated. I lazily pulled my arm up to shield my eyes from the light. 

"Cody! Close it!" I groaned, my eyes still stinging, getting used to the beaming sunlight. Again, I let out an unattractive groan before letting out a sigh.

"Wake up! I've been waiting since nine in the morning to go surfing!" I didn't realize until now that he had been jumping on our bed. I wanted to sneeze in his face, man, I really, really wanted to. "Come on! I've waited long enough! I'll even wait for you to finish breakfast, please!"

I don't know why, but what he said touched me. Again. I mean, like, he usually just drags me out without letting me change at all! This was new. Something negatively positive, new. I don't even know if I was able to get used to his...kindness.

Whoa, never knew it even sounded so odd saying it aloud!

I slowly sat up, which caused him to stop jumping and sit legs criss-crossed in front of me. Staring at my also even more unattractive face, he flashed me a lovely smile of his own, keeping our gazes steady.

"Good morning, sleepy head! I'll make you breakfast if you agree to change quickly, please." He innocently smiled, resulting in me narrowing my eyes at him in suspicion. Something fishy's going on...and to be honest, I don't even know if I wanted to know about it.

I got up from my position on the bed and walked towards my wardrobe. "Deal. Go get me some Fruity Pebble cereals with milk, please. Oh, and make sure I have a spoon, and not a fork."

I squinted my eyes, relieving the memory of him giving me a fork to eat my cereal when we were nine. It was weird. To add it all up, I was blindfolded and I didn't even know I was using a fork until I felt wetness and something cold spreading on the crotch of my pants!

Gah, bad experience, never again.

"But that's mine!" He argued, practically shoving the 'please, please, pretty please' thing on me, nevertheless putting on his oh-so best puppy dog face...that doesn't really ever work on me, considering I didn't like him that much yet.

Plus, this kid literally never shares his cereals, like literally. Yes, so real that using literally twice is literally compulsory. If you ever steal his cereal, he will attempt to bite your fingers off. Or, the whole hand. Whichever was big enough to fit in his mouth. Oh well, if he wants to go surfing, he'd better share.

I turned around to face him and smirked at him, "It's either you give me a bowl of your cereals or I'll take a long time. Which'd probably have lesser time to surf and I would have enough time to tan for a while...and--"

I know how he is. He would eventually give up because, well, surfing is his life! Plus, this is a compromise. Not a threat or anything mean, if you get what I mean. Ha, I'm such an intelligent young Grommette.

"Ugh. Fine. Go get changed quick." He groaned. I watched him as he got up from the bed and locked the door behind him, leaving the whole room to me as he went down to prepare my favorite. Oh, wow. Today's treating me good. Seems just like so, anyway. 

Pulling out my surf suit, I laid it down on the bed carefully not to wrinkle it before going through my usual morning routine. In less than five minutes, I was back and I slipped into the suit. Oh, gosh. Whether it's because of my love for surfing or whatever, I really love this suit. Looking myself in the mirror, I stood up straight and zipped it up properly.

I grabbed my rubber band off the dressing table before pulling my brown, long hair into a neat, tight ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way of my vision, in the sea when I challenged the waves. I decided I wasn't gonna wear any make up since we were gonna get wet in the water so.

I quickly switched off the air-conditioner before rushing down the stairs to see Cody gobbling down his cereal. I was silent, I knew I was, but my presence or a sound that I had made caused him to look up from his nearly empty and spotless bowl. His eyes widened at the sight of me, "Dude! How could you have pulled it on so fast?!"

"Look who's the girl now," I scoffed, sliding in next to him with a soft giggle. After giving one last lick on his bowl, he set it down in the washing basin and scurried away to get his surf suit. Well, benefits on getting ready quickly, eh. I took a huge spoonful of cereal, shoving it into my mouth.

Cereal, cereal.

"Bree, take our surf boards and lay it by the sofa!"

Seriously, Cody? When I'm enjoying my cereal? No. I went on for another minute, eating my cereal before placing my bowl above his in the washing basin. I practically bolted towards the back lawn---yeah, well. Cody said placing our boards here would be best. I don't even know why, really.

Spotting our boards side by side in the corner, resting lifelessly against the artificial tree, I slipped both boards under my arms and carried it all the way until the living room where the couch was. People usually thought surf boards were heavy objects, but nah. They were a little too light, in fact. If it were heavy, we couldn't use it to surf anymore, to be honest.

I carefully laid Cody’s surfboard down on one couch, and proceeded to the other couch and laid mine down after. While waiting for Cody to get changed, I turned on the television and E! News was on.

“Did the Cody Simpson bring David and Cassandra Jones’ daughter back to Gold Coast with him? Find out after the break!” The emcee reported. A picture of us at the cinema the other day flashed for a split second before coming into commercial.

But. How?

“Isn’t paparazzi so annoying at times?” Cody’s voice popped out behind me. “They don’t know much, yet they assume and say these things.” 

Cody grabbed the remote control off the table and switched it off at instant, before throwing it on the sofa next to him. Well, that's a gentle Cody. Eh.

“Exactly! It’s so annoying how they make up rumors too!” I agreed with him. "They're also the main reason why there's drama. Those people are too irrelevant for their worse." I grumbled unattractively, scrunching my nose up in annoyance.

He stood in front of me and lowered his head, so his eyes could meet mine. Shooting me a small smile, he opened his mouth to speak. “Come on. Let’s not waste our time talking about them, and go surf, instead.”

He walked pass me and carried his own board in one arm, while I mirrored his action, taking mine as well. I'm so excited! I was a step away from stepping forward when Cody frowned, making me stop all movements. And then he proceeded, walking over to me.

What's up with him?


I raised my eyebrows at him. "Pass, what?"

Without responding, he took my board that was clasped tightly and secured between my arms and held it in his free arm. He eyed the door pointedly, before smirking at me.  Sometimes I must say, this kid is just purely bipolar. Really. 

“Cody, no," I protested, trying to take it back, "it’s all right. I can carry it to the beach all by myself.” I failed to grab it back to me. He was stronger than me and that kind of suck. A lot.

“It’s fine, I want to.” He smiled down at me for a second before walking towards the door. "Besides, what kind of gentleman would I make if I don't even wanna help a lady like you carry the lightest surfboard in history? Mhmm."

I triple-blinked. Is this all really happening? Like, happening now? This must be a dream. Seriously though, did that really happen? Was he just being nice or is this just some kind of fantasy? Oh, my god, healthy fantasy.

“Uh, do you mind helping me get the door?” He asked cheekily after a moment of silence. I cocked my head to the side, walking before him to get the door. 

Okay, so I think I might get used to his… kindness.

I smiled at him and walked to the door, opening it wide, letting the warm breeze enter the house, and brushing against us. Cody walked out first and I walked out in tow with him before closing the door. Since the beach was just approximately about fifty meters away, we walked quietly in peace.

Well, that is, until Cody decided to hit up a conversation. I was fine with that, I really totally was. I just, still, wasn't that used to him being so...nice.

“Do you think that paparazzi would make a rumor about us dating?” Cody asked out of the blue, sounding nothing but really curious about it. This question was obvious. Really. It was just like asking if I was breathing is compulsory.

However, I was gonna be nice. Wouldn't want Mr. Nice to flip out and make U-turn, coming back to bite me in the ass, saying I didn't appreciate his manners or some sort. No. I appreicated this. More than his usual attitude towards me, in fact! “Most likely, it’s a yes. I mean, like, they saw us together in public. And they're the paparazzi.

After a few moments of Cody not responding, I turned to him with a questioning look. I wonder what he's thinking about. He hadn't spoken, he hadn't run his fingers through his hair and usually, being quite a yabber he is, he wouldn't mumbled something or ran his fingers through his hair.

As though sensing I was staring at him curiously, he spoke up without turning to look at me. “Sorry. I was just thinking.” He simply said, blinking a couple of times as his long fringe fell over his eyes. Oh-kay, then.

Before I could reply, though, he started running towards the white sand that was in sight. Lovely! Just then, the smell of the fresh, salty water hit my nostrils, giving me a sense of delight. Oh, the adrenaline in me was rushing like hell.

“Race you to the water!” He shouted ahead of me, a hint of mischief in his tone, making me laugh as I tried, in time to catch up with him.

I’m sure he knows that I was in Track and Field, because once he started running, within seconds, I passed by him and got to the water first. Oh, well. Win or lose doesn't matter. Swimming and surfing matters most.

Yay, S E A. 

Falling in Love ♥ A Cody Simpson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now