Ten ♥

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“Do you know how cute the both of you were on the red carpet?! And Cody, your interview, just now! Oh, my goodness, the both of you were so adorable!” Angie squealed loudly before the web cam, making me burst out laughing.

Cody turned to me with a knowing grin, which made me shove him to the side. He’s been shooting me the same grin ever since he managed to make me blush before everyone―and he even said that it was an accomplishment. And he’s said that for like seventeen times in a row!

Not that I've been counting or anything, you know. 

But not to mention how much it annoyed me. Rolling my eyes at him, I tried my best to stay mad but I just couldn’t―not when he’s been flashing me toothy grins; it’s not something all of us get to see everyday, since it would only make an appearance if he truly found something amusing or he was extremely happy.

“So, is there a progress between the both of you?” Mom asked, looking as though she was trying to fight a smile from surfacing onto her face. It made me raise my eyebrows at her, but I didn’t say anything.


“Actually,” I shook my head, not even certain about where the both of us are now. I mean, sure I like Cody. A lot. But I’m trying not to show it, but I’m sure Cody’s aware of how I feel about him, and I’m playing hard to get―so I really don’t know where this leaves us. “I don’t even know. Possibly yes, probably no.”

“Take it as a slight progress,” Cody interjected instantly after my honest statement, “that we’re actually speaking to each other normally now. Does that count or does it not?”

I shrugged my shoulders, nodding, going along with it. After all, it was true so why not just agree, right? Besides, if Cody and I were to quarrel, it’d be over the dumbest things. Generally… I think we’re able to communicate now without starting an argument.

“I guess we could,” Angie flashed the both of us a huge smile, making me smile back. Cody shot her a toothless grin and wiggled his eyebrows, resulting in us three ladies cracking up. “It’s good to know that there’s improvement in the relationship, between the both of you.” And she sounded really genuine.

Somehow it made my insides feel all tingly, and the last time I actually felt like that was seven years ago, at the Simpsons’ backyard, where Cody gave me a little hug, trying to cheer me up from my fall―we were riding our bicycles and I lost my balance.

Bad experience, never again.

“And, I just have a question though,” Mom voiced out next, catching my attention. I lowered my head onto Cody’s shoulder and waited for her to go on―I really do feel tired. It’s been a long day for the both of us. Besides, I wouldn’t do this too, but there was nothing else closer than me than Cody so why the hell not, right? “Where does this leave the both of you?”

I could see Mom and Angie exchanging glances-slash-looks, and I kind of just, let out a sigh as I felt a wave of severe exhaustion flooding over me. I just wanted to sleep, honestly. I felt too lazy to think.

When Cody and I didn’t reply for a long time, Mom and Angie decided to voice out again. Angie said, “It’s all right if the both of you haven’t figured that out yet, but we would like to know as soon as possible, okay?”

I nodded slightly, feeling Cody do the same above the top of my head. He shot the web cam a smile, “We will.”

“All right, it must be a long day already, so you guys go rest, and rest well, all right. We’re expecting a call very soon.” Mom said softly, before she along with Angie began waving with little smiles plastered across their faces.

Well, I guess Mom read my mind. After all, we had great minds since we often thought alike. When the web cam screen went black, Cody switched off his laptop before closing the lid of it shut, carefully, probably because my head was still on his shoulder.

“Cody?” I asked, lifting my head lazily when my tiredness drifted away from me. I felt awake again. Turning my head to look at Cody, he looked right back at me with head cocked to the side, his grey eyes focused just on me. It made me feel all tingly again.

Geez, I’m beginning to think that it isn’t a normal symptom.

“Yeah?” He answered, lifting his hand up to run his fingers through his hair. Well. That looked unexceptionally seductive right at this moment. But I’m never going to admit it aloud.

“What? Admitting aloud that I looked unexceptionally seductive right at th―” I facepalmed, feeling my cheeks grow extremely warm. I hate it so much when I blurt out stuff I don’t mean to say. It’s extremely embarrassing, and I just wanna die in a hole right about now.

Cody chuckled and shook his head at me, “It’s cute.”

“Oh, my God, I did it again, didn’t I?” I asked, chewing on my lower lip. I earned back a nod and a cute laugh. I cleared my throat, pulling us back to topic. Too many embarrassing moments in one day, gosh. “Anyway, um, that’s not the question… I, uh―I meant to ask, what are we...now?”

“What do you want us to be?” Cody asked, a corner of his lips twitching a little, curling upwards to form a smirk. And he looked amused. Which made me feel a little irritated because he’s trying to make me blush again. Not cool, Simpson, not cool.

“I swear, Simpson, you shoot me back the same question and I’m gonna give you my fi―” He cut me off with a chuckle and raised his hand, resting it against my cheek as he softly caressed my skin in the most gentle way ever.

Tingles, ✝ingles, ✝ingles.

I was growing weaker under his touch, and right now, I’m not even going to deny anything. Anything at all. I gazed right into his mesmerizing grey eyes.

“All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you, oh yeah,” he sang softly, inching his face closer to mine as his fingers tangled themselves in my hair. I’ve been tranced by his eyes and his voice and―his lips. When our noses had finally met after a few seconds, my heart picked up its pace and began thumping rapidly. “How about you be my baby girl and I be your everything?”

Falling in Love ♥ A Cody Simpson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now