Twelve ♥

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“So are things going well with the both of you?”

“Yes,” I instantly responded, trying to be natural so our mothers wouldn’t suspect anything, anything at all―even though deep down I felt like I was practically dying of nervousness, because I’m afraid Mom would see through my act. She’s more than who people thinks she is, I promise. Gosh. “It has.”

Glancing at Cody, that pathetic fool, I unwillingly (not that he was willing either, but whatever) intertwined our fingers and held it up before the web camera and forced a smile up my face. Cody stifled a laugh and shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah, we’re all fine.” Then he raised our entwined fingers and gave the back of my palm a kiss―a fricking sloppy one, at it.

Somebody should just, like, without hesitation kill me. I tried to hide the disgusted expression I was making, and dropped our hands, running the spot he’d left his sloppy kiss on, across his pants, ignoring the glare he was indirectly shooting me.


However, judging the looks on the two ladies on the laptop screen before us, they didn’t seem to suspect anything. They just kept staring at us in awe, and somehow, I just feel like snapping at them; screaming ‘reality check’ because clearly Cody Simpson and I are never meant to be, like, ever.

“So,” I started, drawing in a deep breath, “since we’re already getting along…which is even two weeks before we can return, can we go back earlier or something? It gets pretty boring being here all alone―especially when we can’t invite people over.”

Yes, I was being. Yes, I was rubbing it on Cody’s face. That jerk; that―I have to explode.

“Well, you can invite two people over twice a week―which means you’re going to continue staying there until a month’s time is up. No returning earlier. Besides, now that the both of you are finally getting along, extremely well, might I say, you guys should go out and have fun!”

I groaned. This is going to be hell. This is honestly, torturous. And I mean it like no other.

“No, thanks,” Cody and I unintentionally stated in unison, making our mothers raise their eyebrows at us. Crap! I cleared my throat and pulled my hair across my face, pretending to hide a grin. Well, negatively, whoop-dee-fricking-doo.

“You know how I am,” I shrugged my shoulders, playing it cool. Though, well, yeah. My mind was a mess and my heart suddenly began beating as quick as a Formula One racecar on track. Bad experience, but I genuinely hope I’ll never feel it again any time soon, after. “I hate going out. Besides surfing, that is.”

“And me, I…” Cody trailed off, making me clutch the sheets on the bed in frustration. He. Couldn’t. Hesitate. Now. And he likes partying, dumb butt! I interjected by letting out a laugh and poked on his cheek (again, playing it cool) while I shook my head.

“He wants to stay home with me, because my feet are still hurting from the heels I wore in the TCAs,” and it was the truth, too. Not sure if his promise still applies, but whatever. At least it’s been said so why not be smart and use it at the moment, hmm?

“Yeah,” he chuckled shyly.

“Oh, well,” Mom laughed, “that’s cute. So you two rest well, all right? And remember what we’d said.”

“Only two people twice a week! I’ll let you decide on who it would be,” Angie warned us, letting us know that she, as well as Mom was being serious and I couldn’t not obey. I nodded.

Pushing my laptop aside, I moved away from Cody and pulled the covers over me as I cuddle my pillow. And my phone, which…inappropriately, is in my bra. Forget it, I’ll take it out tomorrow. Anyway, it’s safer this way.

Falling in Love ♥ A Cody Simpson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now