Thirteen ♥

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The moment I took the first step up the front porch, my phone began vibrating. And for a long time, too, and so I assumed it was a call instead so I slid my finger across the screen and picked the call up. With a smile, I confidently answered. “Hello?”

What can I do? I’m a little too happy right now to have anything else ruin my mood. So, let’s just live in this moment for now. Okay.

“Yo, B. Where are you?”

I let out a laugh. Jake is being so abnormal it’s hilarious. “I’m one step away from entering the house, so let’s hang u―”

“No! Don’t even think about it! Something happened. Your plan has backfired. I think. Somehow. Just―don’t have your ass inside this house right now.” Then he started whispering. “Cody’s flaring up, and he’s been cussing your name.”

And then my happiness faded. Or should I say, vanished. As my eyebrows furrowed, I thought of every possible thing that could cause Cody to be so mad. To curse my name? Are you kidding me right now or are you not? Wow.

And then it struck me, quick and hard.

McKenzie must’ve called Cody and told him bullshit and accused me of something I never did do at all. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m serious―oh, and, Jake?” I ran my tongue across my lips, damping them and warming them up for some exercises coming their way. I smirked.


“Get ready for the ugliest show yet.” And before he could reply, I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket, before pulling my hand up and delving in my bag for the keys. If this is what he wants, then so be it. He knows who I am. I shoved the key into the keyhole. He knows how I am. I turned the key ninety degrees. No one can phase me, much less Cody Robert Simpson.

Unlocking the door, I pushed it open, and instantly the breeze of the air-conditioner slapped my face stingingly, make me scrunch my nose up. Well, it’s December and it’s summer. How nice. Forcing the fakest smile up my face as I slipped my heels off at the side, I slammed the door right behind me. “I’m home! Anyone missed me?”

I didn’t have time to look at Jake. Cody snatched my attention away by standing up and turning to me with a scowl and a glare. “Obviously nobody would miss a bitch like you,” he snickered, “who do you think you are? Miranda Kerr?”

While that hurt my ego, I brushed it off and shrugged my shoulders as I placed my bag on the sofa, walking past him to Jake, who was wearing probably the blankest expression I’ve actually ever seen him wear. “I was just trying to enlighten the mood.” I gave Jake a hug. And while I did, I grabbed the chance to whisper to him. “Ready?”

“How the hell are you capable of enlightening the mood when you just got back here, from my best friend’s house, and embarrassing her, and threatening her in public? How? You could enlighten me with how. Right now.”

And something in me snapped. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what happened, but all I know is that I was thoroughly sick of his bullshit. And I’m sick of his best friend deceiving him just because she’s selfish and she wants to himself. I hope she knows one day or another, the truth will be revealed. Dumbass.

Pushing myself away from Jake, it almost felt as if all of the weight on my shoulders have been lifted and all I wanted to do was confront him and let everything out all at once, in his face, making him regret every single thing. I walked up to him, feeling tired. I’m just so tired that I just want to curl up in bed and sleep.

I’m tired of this, and I’m extremely tired of everything. Really, I’m exhausted.

“Just, what is your problem? What did I do wrong?” And BAM, there goes all of my confidence. I sounded weak, and that was actually the last thing I’d actually ever wanted. It still kind of hurts knowing he’d really rather trust his best friend over his girlfriend. And I know I’ve said it like more than once, but I’m really still rather incredulous, you know?

Falling in Love ♥ A Cody Simpson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now