Eleven ♥

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“Mornin’, babe,” Cody greeted behind me, leaving me with a quick peck on the head before walking to the kitchen counter to grab an apple to eat. I tore my gaze away from the magazine and looked up at him with a smile, acknowledging his presence.

“Morning, Codes.”

Funny how we're all being familiar with each other and getting all close when just a few days ago―or more like many days ago, we were hating on each other like there's no tomorrow. Hmmm... I see how it is now.

Sitting down on the chair opposite of me, Cody stared. Yeah, he just simply stared. At me. So as he took bites out of his apple, he kept on staring at me, making me feel uneasy. I swear I wanted to ignore it, but I couldn’t go against that powerful feeling his eyes kind of radiate off―like that feeling you get when you know or feel someone staring at you, you know? So slapping my magazine shut, I placed it on the table as I looked right back at Cody, crossing my arms over my chest.

“What do you want, Simpson?” I began feeling tiny under his strong gaze. Chewing on my lower lip, I scrunched my nose up in hope that my glasses would be pushed up, but nah. I was wrong. I think it slid down further instead. Well. Annoying glasses problems 101, I guess. Okay, focus.

Chuckling again, he ran his tongue across his lips before tilting his head to the side, keeping his gaze steadily on me. He shook his head, putting on an innocent expression, “Oh, nothing. What, can’t I just stare at my beautiful girlfriend for once?”

I lowered my head and cleared my throat, feeling the heat creeping up to my cheeks again. He really enjoys doing this to me, doesn’t he? Oh gosh, I hate him for this. Seriously. So much. Clearing my throat again, I kept my gaze on my lap as I pushed my glasses up the tip of my nose.

“Aw, come on, baby, don’t hide your face,” he let out a laugh this time, making me blush probably two shades darker because he’d just called me ‘baby.’ I shook my head, and somehow, he just took that opportunity to go on speaking. “Come on, you look so cute when you blush!” And then he went back chuckling.

“Go away, idiot,” I said, letting out a breath, trying to cool my cheeks. God, I hate it when I blush and then there’s Cody here who keeps showering me with compliments and saying exactly the opposite of what I think about myself. No wonder people say Cody would be a good boyfriend, huh.

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” he responded. “Anyway…”

I looked up at him, and stared at him, growing interested in what he was going to say. I mean, usually the kid begins a statement with ‘anyway’ when he’s about to say something, so. “…what?”

“So,” he hesitated a little bit, making me grow suspicious. I narrowed my eyes at him. “I kind of…uh, I invited McKenzie over for the afternoon to do some catching up. Is it all right with you?”

I froze for one second.

Just for a moment.

Because the next second, fury was making my blood boil as I thought about what could happen if she were to be here―she wouldn’t make things end well between the both of us, I swear. But remember, Cody and her are best friends, and you should be feeling the slightest bit of happy because he's asking if you’re all right with it. I knitted my eyebrows absentmindedly at that thought, before relaxing my face, hoping Cody didn’t catch it. 

I looked right up at him, remembering he didn’t know McKenzie and were rivals. He’d always thought I alone had a problem with McKenzie, but boy, doesn’t he know what’s behind all that…ugh.

Okay, so I’m sure he did―he caught my frown. He was looking at me with his eyebrows raised, still patiently waiting so, ignoring the strong hatred I had for McKenzie in me, I drew in a deep breath. I shouldn’t hold him back from anything he wants to do. Besides, it's only for a while, right? Our parents must've allowed her to come. “Yeah, I’m totally fine with it.”

Falling in Love ♥ A Cody Simpson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now