𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

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𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺- 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱.

"I feel alone, I feel the need to leave," Taehyung sobbed to himself, as he painted his arm with silver, that instantly turned a beautiful shade of red. The man was locked in his school bathrooms, the razor he always carried with him clutched in his right hand, only drawing more of the thick substance he hated to see but brought him so much relief at the same time. He had one person that cared for him, his best friend Jungkook, for around 5 years. But even a blind man could see they were drifting apart, only bringing terror to the oldest man's body. Jungkook had saved him from so many things, the bullies and even his parents at home. They had moved in together for about 2 years, a one-bedroom apartment. It was practical and cheap, considering none of them owned many things, and they had always liked to be together. Taehyung's mind was so clouded to realize that someone else had entered the bathroom, a pair of familiar shoes. The eldest heard his 'best friend' hum a random tune to himself and seemed to be ready to leave, but his feet abruptly stopped in the dirty tiled floor.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook's sweet voice spoke, the sound bouncing back and creating a beautiful echo. Fuck. His bag. Jungkook recognized the bag and his shoes. And sadly, a couple of drops of blood that had landed on the floor.

"Hey, Jungkook," He answered, after a very obvious sharp intake of breath, he did to make sure his voice wouldn't crack. Just leave, you've been doing it for the past month, just keep going. But to Taehyung's worry, Jungkook walked to the stall next to him and got in. Taehyung tried to cover the cuts as fast as he could, he knew what his 'best friend' was doing, standing on the toilet to check on him. But he was too slow. A gasp was heard from above him, but he didn't dare look up. The cut this time had been very deep, as had the pain been. There were supposed to be no surprise visitors. Taehyung's breathing started to come out uneven, he closed his eyes and didn't notice the sniffles coming from the younger male.

"T- Tae. Why would you do something like this? You could have talked to me we have been friends for so lon-"

"Friends? That's what you call ignoring me for a month? I've been withering away for the past months, but you haven't noticed. I feel less like myself every day, crying myself to sleep and waking up to go in the bathroom and create fresh cuts to my skin. I don't blame you though, it's not like I was ever important enough for anyone's attention or love, they always get tired of me at some point," Taehyung said fatly. His voice lacked any sort of emotion, and it pierced Jungkook's heart. He opened his stall door and grabbed some paper towels for his wound, wrapped it with the bandages he carried in his bag for situations like this. Jungkook just watched, stupified.

"Please, just stop. I forbid you to say that. I know that I've been a horrible person to you lately, but just know I love you will all my heart. I would do absolutely anything for you, without hesitation. There is something I realized, which is why I've been distancing myself from you. I love you, so much, and not like a friend way. I understand if you want me to move out because I'm disgusting. The reason is not at all valid for causing you all this pain, but I don't want to hide my feelings for you and-" He was stopped once again, but this time it was by Taehyung's lips. The scent was there, even after everything, the comforting scent that only Taehyung held was still present in his body. As their lips moulded together, Jungkook felt a rush of euphoria rush through him. He truly did love Kim Taehyung. And he was determined to make sure he would never hurt himself again.

It took a lot for it to stop, not easy at all. Some of the tries failed miserably, but his boyfriend never gave up. During more intimate moments, Jungkook would show Taehyung how the scars represented a dark time of his life that he managed to let go of, his battle scars. He got through it, with all his will-power and lived on. Grew more and became an even better person, helping everyone that went through the same or a similar situation as him. It was a free business, the Jeons managed to help a lot of people without charging them. Knowing well some people couldn't afford to pay. The scars became a symbol of moving on or passing that time that once tormented them. It can be seen as something positive once they've healed and are no longer getting reopened because it shows the effort and dedication it was put to stop the pain, or whatever caused it.

"There is no such thing as cutting to get attention. If someone gets to the point when they hurt themselves, help is necessary. The pain must be so huge that the individual decided to cause themselves physical pain so they can get a break from the mental pain that weighs on them. I used to cut because I needed a break from everything happening, but I tried to be strong, my boyfriend, who is now my husband, also helped save me," Taehyung showed his scars proudly, hoping to save a kid from hiding in a bathroom stall and hurt themselves. It was his wish.

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