1. Goodbye America

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(Note: This a little different from the characters's real life state so don't be bashing me aha.)

[Yeonwoo's POV]

"Dad do I really have to go to Korea?", I asked my dad, pouting. The thought of going to Korea to finish my studies and basically live there hunts me, I don't wanna leave America, this is where I grew up this is where I belong.

"Yes my sweetheart, you're Korean and I want you to experience life there" Dad explained sweetly.

"But dad I won't be happy there, I have no one, nothing!" I protested.

"Don't worry my princess, everything is all set for you, I have talked to your new school principal about things, you have a new dorm all to yourself, new school ready and don't worry about your allowance I got that all covered", dad chuckled, "and by the way darling, your flight is in 2 days so better get packing!"

"What?! In 2 days?! Already?!" I was so shocked that I dropped my phone.

"Yes darling, in 2 days because the next school year is starting in a week in Korea" dad explained.

"Well then can I stay here for 1 more day?" I asked pouting.

"No sweetie" said dad firmly.

"Please dad", I was so desperate that I kneeled down in front of him and pleaded with puppy eyes.

"No", dad said with a bit of coldness this time.

"But da-"

"No buts Dabin, now go pack" dad said, this time with no warmth but full coldness in his voice.

I sighed and accepted my defeat, knowing my dad, once he called me by my real name with no trace of a sweet tone I know I've crossed the line and I shouldn't keep pursuing. So I went to my room, tears leaving my eyes and started to pack.

~The next day~

I woke up early for my last day of school in America. For the first time I'm not excited to go to school knowing it'll be my last day. I haven't even told my boyfriend nor my friends yet and I'm not looking forward in doing so.

[Later that day, Yeonwoo is now having lunch with her friends and boyfriend]

[Yeonwoo's POV]

"Hey Dabin why so quiet?" asked my good friend Lisa.

"Guys I have something to tell you" I sighed.

"What is it?" they all said unison, I can see they're worrying because of the looks on their faces.

"I'm leaving" sadness and tears are starting to build up inside me as I said those words.

"Lol, like we believe you" said Jennie chuckling a little.

"I'm saying the truth all right?!" I said defensively, tears are now threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Whoa chill baby" my boyfriend said putting an arm around my shoulder, seeing the tears in my eyes.

"Where are you going Dabin?" asked Lisa, now with sadness on her face.

"Korea" I simply answered avoiding their gaze.

"Guys relax she's probably going there as a vacation and she's probably on her period that's why she's sad haha" my boyfriend said trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm staying there for the rest of highschool and to basically live there" I said now crying.

"What?! Baby are you for real?!" Asked my boyfriend, shocked and sadness are visible in his eyes.

"I'm leaving to tomorrow" I said, my face buried in my hands.

"WHAT?!" they exclaimed in unison.

Suddenly my boyfriend got up and stared at me coldly.

"If you love me, then you'll stay but if you don't then we're over" he said with real coldness and no other emotions.

"But baby I don't have any choice!" I said balling my eyes out.

"Then I have no choice either. Thank you for everything Chloe, goodbye." He said turning his back on me and walked away.

End of this chapter.

Please don't judge I might get some stuff wrong here cuz like I don't really know how education works in Korea nor America. So like please just go on with the flow lol. Thank you!!

Yes, Chloe is also Dabin's name, it's her instagram name @chloelxxlxx
Go follow her!!

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