8. Morning full of surprises

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[Hyebin's POV]

As I shifted to my right side, my face was immediately greeted by the bright sun that was peeking through the blinds, though I kept my eyes closed still wanting some sleep. It was a bit uncomfortable to move around - my bed isn't this cramped.

But then realisation struck me. I opened my eyes wide only to see a beautiful face of a sleeping pink haired girl. Now I remembered that I was at a sleep over.

But all my thoughts swam away as I stare at the vitamin of our group. She looks so peaceful and cute sleeping, snoring slightly, and not to mention - I'm still in her arms. All the blood in my body found their way to my cheeks.

[Third Person]

"It's rude to stare at someone you know," mumbled JooE, not opening her eyes.

"I-I wasn't s-staring," Hyebin was now mentally cursing herself for being caught red handed by a sleeping JooE and not to mention she stuttered.

This also made her very surprised as JooE does not wake up very easily, especially without Nancy's help.

"Tryna convince me or yourself?" yawned JooE, lying on her back, removing her arm around Hyebin who was a tad bit disappointed at the younger's action.

Very suddenly, JooE rose up quickly shocking Hyebin out of her wits, the others still in their very comfortable slumber. Jooe smirked in her head when she noticed Nancy in Yeonwoo's arm.

"What are you doing JooE-yah!" Hyebin practically whispered-scream to the younger in order to not cause a lot of noise and wake up the others.

As JooE took a long deep breath all the while closing her eyes, Hyebin's face immediately imitated Nancy's face the previous night when the maknae realised they were watching a horror movie - JooE's about to do her good morning song which was a routine of her whenever they have a sleepover. This was unknown to Yeonwoo of course.

When JooE got the air she needed as fuel for a loud morning greeting, the oldest of the group immediately covered her ears, not even bothering to stop the pink haired girl.

"PPUPUPUMPPUM GOOD MOHNENG PPUPUPUMPPUM GOO-" (sorry if this spelt or wrong or something I don't really know how to spell it or word it😅).

At this, everyone rose up quickly and panicky, except for Ahin who learned to be oblivious to JooE's yell in the morning. A mix of sleepiness, confusion and anger was plastered on the six girls faces who was woken up by JooE all the while yelling out "What!?" or "What happened!?", except for one girl who yelled out something shocking and very much more different from the rest. The girl was non other than:


"I want you Yeonwoo!"

When Taeha was woken up by JooE's yell, which she detested, the first thing that came out of her mouth that was probably meant to be said in her dreams were those words.

Of all the mixed up confusion and groaning and other noises that was made from the other five girl's annoyance including JooE's laughter, unfortunately for Taeha, apparently her sudden bit of confession or phrase wasn't misheard and in fact the thing that was heard the clearest out of all the commotions.

The 7 girls stopped abruptly (Ahin was still deep in her slumber) and another round of "What?!"'s was heard yet again this time, Hyebin and JooE included.

Yeonwoo and Nancy were the most surprised but all of their mouths are slightly agape. Silence was now the only sound that could be heard in the room. Every eyes are now on Taeha who looked like a turtle trying to get back into its shell out of sheer embarrassment.

"Uhm," Yeonwoo was the first to recover, gulping, and tried to break the awkward silence. She glanced to her side at Nancy who seemed to now find the ground more interesting than Taeha's surprise.

This was the first time Taeha felt weird around the group whenever she says something surprising and she was now staring shyly into oblivion, blushing furiously.

Everyone (except the still sleeping Ahin) was surprised even though they kinda tad bit knew Taeha would hit on Yeonwoo sooner or later but they weren't expecting it to be this way.

Suddenly in the midst of the unbreakable silence, the smallest of the group flinched and snorted. Ahin was now awake and the group, now except Yeonwoo, was surprised yet again.

This was impossible or a sort of a miracle to the group. Ahin was woken up by the mere silence. She rose up yawning all the while rubbing her eyes, sleepiness still visible on her face.

This distracted the 7 girls except Yeonwoo and now their eyes were on Ahin.

"Morning y'al-, why y'all staring at me?" Ahin asked, her yawning interrupted as she realised most eyes were on her.

Meanwhile Taeha was now able to catch air because of the distraction. They seem to suddenly forgot about her surprise.

"How did you wake up?" Daisy asked Ahin who was a bit petrified due to how her friends were staring at her like she just grown another head. Ahin waking up can't seem to register in their heads.

"Uhh I opened my eyes?", Ahin answered a bit uncomfortable, "can y'all stop staring?"

The girls (still except Yeonwoo) was still confused and surprised but decided to move on and do their morning routines.

Yeonwoo unaware of what just happened was still thinking about Taeha. She needed to talk to the younger.

Once everyone was moving and doing their shenanigans, Yeonwoo made her way to Taeha who seemed petrified inside but moving around a little.

"I need to talk to you later," Yeonwoo whispered to Taeha, making sure she looked as normal as possible when she spoke to her as to not cause another weird scene. At this Taeha froze, she thought everyone has moved on. But she still nodded in response not looking at Yeonwoo.

'This was one hell of a weird morning,' Hyebin, Yeonwoo, Jane, Taeha, Nayun, Daisy, JooE, Ahin and Nancy thought.

End of this chapter.

I honestly don't know where this is going lol, hope it's not so bad hehe.

Also thank you for 400+ I honestly never thought I'll ever get that much reads, thanks y'all xx

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