William Is Avoiding

31 5 7

The nights sky is dark and asleep but the festival lights brings it back to life full of its bright colors from the Fairest Wheel.  I said I wasn't going to be here but who could past the  opportunity to see girls in Bikini's selling hot dogs as Cody's mouth falls open at the sight of them. 

"Come get your Hot Dogs!" a girl says in a pink bikini that shines and her white cowgirl hat that the wind slightly  pushes the front of it and her pink high stilettos makes a clicking noise  as she waves at Cody and I while we walk towards  near the High Drop ride.  I  grab two hot dogs from the hot box she carry's  around her neck that stops near her stomach and place two note in her left boob; the girl giggles.  "Here their naught guy, did you want the change back?"  Her spray tan gives a thin white line around her lips as she talks.

I take a bite of the hot dog and give her a grin that every girl falls for when I do it. "Keep it"  I wink at her this time as she gives me a small smile with a nod and walks away.  I give the second hot dog to Cody; he grabs it and  thanks me; within seconds it gone.  He pats his stomach  with his right hand and makes a big sigh noise out of his mouth. 

"Ehh, well that's disgusting" Lisa stands behind me with Peter as they search for the fairy floss stand.

"What...It was a pretty good!" Cody shrugging his shoulders while staring at his phone screen. 

   "Whatever" She fans her fingers at him and tabs at Peter's chest in excitement "There it is, come on!"  They both start jogging as Peter right arm hooks within hers.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder, the smell of nail polish I already knew who it was when I turned  around to see Sophia.  Her hair is down with the wind moving her white bow in different placers as she puffs her lips out making her lipstick  appear heavy; she blinks her long fake eyelashes  as if she is imaging things.

She stands next her strange emo friend Stella crossing her arms with her black choker dress.

 "Hey, you said you weren't gonna be here tonight, so arr,  whats up?" She gives me a smile while slightly moving her head. "Changed my mind that's all"  I put my hands in my pocket of my leather jacket. 

"Hey mate, Hannah and I going on the ferries wheel did you want to come with?" Max is looped in arms with Hannah with  four tickets in hands. 

"Oh perfect!" I take the two tickets off his hands and hand one to Cody and Sophia as I push them both towards them.

"Have fun, I'm not in the mood for heights right now" Max and Hannah faces looks surprised as Hannah try's to get away from the group back to Stella and I, Cody puts his left arm around her as she pushes it away but proceeds to follow.

Stella eyes goes wide as Sophia looks back trying to tell her to come back. I twist Stella around with my hands in jacket  "Wanna go for a walk?"  She flinches back and start's walking a different path "No, I'm going to the fruit bar" I start walking in  her path following her "Fine whatever" 

Phone buzzes, its a text message from my Mum.

***Hello Son. 

Everything is fine, when you get home please come from the front door not back,

Father isn't in a good shape ***

Stella buys Coca-Cola and a watermelon fruity bar stick as four other girls approaches at her side, she hugs one of them and gives another a girly kiss on the cheek that reminds me of what Sophia dose when she greets her friends.

"I gotta go" I say to Stella as she start's chewing on her bar stick, I take my car keys out of my jeans and jog to the parking lot which was twenty minute to I actually reach my car.

I type back within a few seconds, the icon button plays up, I raise my phone a little higher then normal  as I am walking and then tap it harshly against my right palm and it sends through.

A car honks at me as jump to get off the road crossing, I didn't even notice that I'd just walked though on a red man. 

*****Writers Note****

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