William At The Beach Party

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Co- Captain Nick kicks the football to Peter; he catchers it but gets knocked off his shoulders either sides throwing his legs up into the air by the off fence players with their big heavy pads sending the crowd whisking out as we see Peter  hit the ground hard. "Coach were getting smash out there, put me in the game!" I sit on the edge of my seat as coach screams out to the filed; he points his finger at me.

"William; switch out with Peter now"  Peter walks in a hunch, his right arm is holding the left arm, it looks like its broken that a strange bump has appeared .

"No I'm good coach, I just need to stretch it out" Peter leaps his leg coming towards me.

"Let me help you"  I place my hands out to him. "Why, help?" Coach gives out water bottles for the second half of the game. "Because we are a pack, that's why."  Peter give's me his left arm snapping it back in; he didn't make a sound of pain.  "It'll heal" I tap his shoulders pushing him forwards on to the filed where the team groups up in a circle for a new game plan.

The crowd is cheering loud and the Cheerleaders  dance to the music; doing flips and shaking there red and black Pom-poms. Brooke is in front shaking her thick long brown wavy hair that plays pick-a-boo with her bouncy boobs in her crop top. "Some one looks like they need some cheer spirit loving"   She gives me a frown, I try ignore her as something catches my eye in the crowd, hearing Sabrina's laugh and then seeing  Cody beside her, I look away towards Brooke; she's shaking her ass; lifting her skirt up lightly so I could see her pink panties. I glance back at Sabrina again seeing Cody go in for a kiss. My gut twist in a knot at the sight of them two together.  "Go Bredrin's!" Brooke  screams in an high pitch cheer doing a double back flip.

"Where are you going Wheels? your team needs us!" Nick side runs as he tells another player to swipe in his place.

"Really I'm on bench, I'm no help to the team" I shove his shoulders sending him back lightly on his feet.

"It isn't always about playing the game, doing plan tactics and winning, a captain is suppose to show us support as well as that".  He points his index finger while he says it; I see Max like a shadow behind him; at the end of the hallway, expressions on his face gives me warning not to do anything stupid because I could easily drop this guy; but I know his right haven't been a good leader.

The horn goes off to the timer of the game as we hear our team name chant in the crowd. "Bredrin! Bredrin!"

"You both going to came celebrate our victory!" Max calls out with his two fist in the air running out to the flied. Nick jogs out as I follow him, the crowd comes on to the oval with fire creaks and flags of Bredrin. Brook cheers clapping her pom-poms and then pulls me in for a sloppy kiss sliding her tongue hitting  my front tooth but then it recovers after a few seconds joining in a twirling motion. It doesn't last long as Sophia knocks Brooke to her feet. "Opss, Sorry didn't see you there" Sophia's voice sounds really bitchy but then Brooke spits back. "Well if your boobs aren't always in your face; just maybe you could of" I stand in the middle of them now. I couldn't really be fucked with a cat fight right at this moment. "Whatever" I say under my breath walking away leaving  them behind as there faces looks puzzled by rejection. I feel a tag at my right arm. "No stop, where fucking over, this time for real!" Sophia gives me a frown as I tear falls down her cheek. "But I Love you" I knew that was a lie, I could hear her heart beating and it didn't skip a beat when she said that.

"No you don't, leave me the fuck alone" My hands push  her arm arms away; she storms off when Peter and Nick comes my way the golden cup trophy.
I don't think any one notice our little distribute, getting caught in the middle of a successful win I stay to congratulate my follow team mates.

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