Sabrina Breaking Free

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"This is going to be awesome" Max says without making eye contact as he controls the car wheel that brings us onto the highway. I sit in the back seat next to William on the right who shares a pack of choc chip cookies with myself and Hannah at the passenger seat and Peter on my right side hunching over leaning on the window seal in his black hoodie. I offer  Peter a cookie that William passes to me but he nods making his hoodie fall back slightly showing the front part of his messy blonde hair. "Stop mooning, this will be fun!" Hannah say's looking into the center mirror of the car while putting her thick  wavy hair into a messy high bun. "You'll get to see me transform" My voice sounds unfamiliar to me but  still confident.  At that comment Peter looks at me with a soft smile; his eyes darts towards my right ear where the imprint is and then to William. I don't know if that had happened or that I imagine it.  Peter still remains slightly hunch back but the excitement is in his face expression. Warmth touches my hands that lay in my lap, I glance at William; his lips plays a soft laugh that  makes everything feel dizzy.  "That's not for his eyes to see my Twin Flame" I hear laughing, I glance around the car, seeing Hannah laughs with her mouth wide open into an oval shape and her teeth become's wide and pointy; her eyes become big and everything around me feels the air is thinning out, that's when I hear a scream of terror. I open my eye pushing the sheets off; getting onto my feet, they feel numb as my throat cramps up in my voice box from screaming. I stare at the door, nobody comes in, not my Father or neither does my brothers from the bathroom door. "Sabrina?" I hear Noah's voice in a whisper. "This isn't real!" My voice sounds loud. I hunch into a ball seeing my toe's in a bend; crunched against the floor like a plastic rubber; blood soaks out of them like a sponge;  I scream more that I feel a pop in my chest; the sounds becomes  a half cry and a half grunt towards the end; then I blank out into a black haze where I feel my bed under my back and my bed sheets are covering my legs. The ceiling of my room is covered  in glow lights that I hanged a few weeks back. A knock at the door clarifies  that I am awake with Father's voice asking if he can come in. Getting out of bed was easy after having bad dreams all last night, Father stands in his grey baggy pants and his blue jumper that hangs lower then normal. He  holds a glass of hot Choc mug that I know his  about to tell me bad news. "What is it Dad?" I grab the mug and set it onto my nightstand while Father close's the door behind him taking a sit beside me onto my messy bed. "Grandma is...we've had to" he rambles his words but he eventually say's it. Grandma had past away. We'd just seen  her  this morning in the care homes, she was smiling and dancing.  This is one of them nightmares; I'm still in one and all I have to do is drop my hot choc and I'd wake up and I'd  just done that. My hot choc stings my right leg and then the mug breaks into large blocks onto the brown floorboards.  My skin tingles as tires fall down my cheeks leading onto my chest. I'm transforming into something, in front of my father. My breathing quickens as father stands in front with chains his face emotions are full of fear . I am not  going to be chain up again and be trained. I have had enough of it. I see the reflection of myself onto the window behind Father. My eyes are a amber red and the feathers are growing out.    "Darling!" My Mothers voice breaks the tension within the room as she opens the door with a big bang. Her brown eye's stare at my huge wings that I feel touching the cold floor.  Emotions of sadness towards me and then it change's of disappointment towards Father. "Boys go  downstairs and stay there" Mother pushes her right hand back; palms flat and her fingers pointing up to the roof; pushing Matt and Tyson back away from the door.  I see Tyson's small hands grab onto the door frame as Matt pulls his t-shirt, tagging him downstairs. I big sigh comes from Tyson mouth as he harshly steps downstairs. "Come on lets play in the sandpit!" Matt voice is loud and full of excitement trying to distract him from what is really going on up here. "Mum?" My voice sounds desperate. "I know sweetheart" She nod's her head making her hair bounce. "John please, let her go, she will be okay" Mother says to father as he lowers the chains in his hands stepping aside. "Be back by midnight tonight" Father's voice is deep but has a slight sniff to it sounding like he'd been sobbing for a few hours  but it makes it hard to believe when no tear stains  are on his cheeks. Father opens the window in front of me but I don't go as just yet, this could be one of there test, to see if I pass it or not. "Midnight isn't enough for me"  Is the last thing I said before shooting out of the window and into the sky with my two wide wings gliding through the chill air.  

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