William Strikes

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The first quarter of the game on the footy field was an easy flow with the Banana Slugs on five points and us on six points. It starts to rain heavy that makes the field slippery and patches of paddles on the field that we all tumble in catching and tossing  it to the next player. The crowd cheers loud as Max kicks the ball through the middle poles.  Mother is among the crowd with Hannah under an umbrella. They hug each other in glee as Sabrina and Lisa joins them, Sabrina sits next to my mother and Lisa sits next to Hannah. We take a short break on the second half hurdling in our team groups for our next game plan as the cheerleader's do a small team spirit song with them shaking their poms poms. Sabrina is in a yellow water proof coat talking to Mother, they both wear a smile and they both exchange a look my way that sends my stomach twisting. "Wheels what our game plan?" Peter throws the football to Coach.  I tell them the strategies we must use to win the game, due to the weather conditions, I check in with Nick and he agrees with the statements. We had to the filed lining up in a ours spots facing the other team. The whistle blows from the  referee's mouth and steps backwards as I throw the ball to one of my team mates; a off fence team slams him splashing him into a paddle onto the muddy ground hearing a bone pop and then his scream a few seconds later.  We get a free kick that I take but the ball slips out of my hand as I kick it sending it out onto the outer pole giving us only one point instead five points. The  Banana Slugs get a goal after another, the game as we knew it was over for us. Hearing Coach  Mark yell at the top of his lungs and thrashing his hands about that sends the team in an adrenaline. Its ten minutes to the clock and we are on the lower point, Max kicks the ball to Peter and then he tossers the ball my way and then I kick it making a grunting sound out of my mouth. The football is in the air going towards the middle poles. The crowd raises to their feet  but then sends a wave of disappointments as the ball hits the pole sending it out off the filed; making it a foul ball.   The bell rings to mark the end of the game as the off fence team runs and cheers mocking us of our lost. "Better Chance next game" Nick pats my shoulders giving me a confident nod.  I really wanted to win this game, Mother hasn't been to any of my games and I'd just wanted her to watch me win but we'd fail at it.  We shake the other teams hands out of respect for the game and get showered and changed when we get back into the boys locker room.  The rain stops once I reach to the car park where Mother stands with Hannah and Sabrina. "Hannah and Max will take me home, you go with your girl, I'm sure you'll need some cheering up since's the game and all" Mother says with a smile.   Sabrina isn't my girlfriend but no one seems to corrects that matter of subject; not even Sabrina. Max comes beside me giving Hannah a peck on the lips as them three go into Max's car leaving Sabrina and I alone.  Nick comes walking out with  three other  team mates giving us a glance but they don't stop talking.  My hands are warmed up in my jumper pockets in front of me while Sabrina taking her rain coat off of her onto  her right arm. "Come on " Her voice is gentle with her lips that wears a warm smile across it.  Sabrina's car smells of strawberries with her union fresh tag that hangs at her center mirror and her stereo plays in the background of the drive of smooth Jazz. The car stops in front of a building that has a flash light of red and blue of a pins and a bowling balls. I haven't played Bowling since I was five years old with my Mother and Father. "Bowling?" I question her as she gives me a nod in delight getting out of the car. Her frizzy curly hair swings in different ways as she tie's it into a high thick bun giving me a good view of her bare neck. I open the  door for Sabrina as she thanks me. The place is warm, lights shine on the walls with neon lights and white light's shapes of a bowling pin from the ceiling  brings  more light to the bar where we get our bowling shoes.  Sabrina tells the men her shoes size six and then I tell him mine which is size ten. Sabrina try's paying for the two games with cash but I pull out my card tapping it onto the card machine. "You can buy us some food later on" I tell her walking to our lane which is third row next to a family that is almost finished.  She carries a pink bowling bowl  putting it on the net as I finish putting my second shoes on.  "You know how to bowl? "I ask her with a grin that I couldn't help from coming to the surface.  "Of course I do" She waves me off with her hand moving her hips in a sassy way making her bottom bounce and then she bends over ready for an upright doggy style bang while the pink ball is almost touching the shiny lane. She swings the ball  backwards through her legs; then lets go of it making it hit hard against the floor and sliding hard knocking out half of stable pins. She turns around giggling and shrugs her shoulder that makes her look cute in a fuck-able way. "Good shout, now watch the Master" I joke getting  two green bowling ball for myself and place it on the net as Sabrina's pink ball rolls up.   I stand on the tip of my toes and then back on my sole's looking back at Sabrina who is now sitting at the table with her full attention on me. I throw the ball with my right hand slightly bending my knees. The ball hit's all the pins out giving me a strike. She claps and cheers giving me a tight hug but then hits me in a tough playing way on my chest as she notice I was winning already. We order food half way our second game. Sabrina get's a cheese burger with Lemonade and I get same fries,  three dim sims and two potato cakes.  "Who taught you how to bowl?" Sabrina's voice is in a surprise tone as I'm losing. The first game I won but I decided to give her this win, I could take her teasing any day with that big grin on her face. "Well to answer that, my father did"   I dip my dim sim in my sour sauce. "Oh yeah" She takes a sip of her drink getting the hint I don't want to talk about him with the tone of my voice changing. I take my shot on the bowling lane, the ball goes in the gutter getting no pins, the ball goes up once again in the net and I take another hitting two.  I take a sit back in my chair where I pick my potato cake and Take two bites of it. "I can see you taught yourself"  I wipe my mouth with the napkin. She licks her saucy fingers slow looking at me with those hungry eyes for something else.  "Sure did, I see no problems with it" She rubs her lower lips softy and then takes her last shot giving herself a strike. "Yeah" I swore under my breath as my jeans hardens.  We change shoes into our normal ones and put the balls back on the rack,  We start walking to the exit but Sabrina walks into the photo booth. "Come on; you not camera shy are you?" She pops her head out of the red curtains waiting to grab her hand. My lungs exhale's grabbing her hand pulling me in. I take a sit on the stole as she lightly sits on my lap feeling her bottom cheeks but then twitches off lightly off my hardness. She laughs covering her warm smile but I shove it away letting me see it. "Sorry" I'm not sorry but I don't dare to say. She takes a sit on my knee which make it worse as I can feel her lips of her vagina. "Whats with your mother?" She ask selecting a cover photo on the screen. "Our Father just left us, its was expected but still hard for her" Trying not to tell lies but not reveling everything the pack had done."The signs were there " I was going to say more but I didn't continue.  "She'll be alright with you there" She give's me a warm smile and I return one; a white flash appears for a slight second not ready for the photo. She pokes her tongue out as I give her small smile and then I place a peck on her cheek that sends her expression surprised that turns her lips turn into an O shape.  Sabrina turns my way our nose's almost touching each other, her eyes pulls me in with the twin flame burning between us but it breaks the trance with another surprise flash light.  Just Friends my train of thought reminds me.  Sabrina gets out of the photo booth as I fix my top hiding the man down stairs. The photo strip comes out of the machine as I grab it and give it to Sabrina. "Here you keep it" She fixes's her coat ready to go outside as its rains heavy once again. 

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