William's Dodging

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Our conference meeting went on for the whole morning, there was about twenty colleagues sitting in what was my fathers convocation room were big decisions are made with project such as relating to investment firming as we deal with the thirty real estates within this town and security for company's and homes. We've had a drop down since last month which is now four months back and everyone is concerned. I give some of my idea's which is to promote more, weather its flyers or adds on the T.V. Nobody disagrees or frowns at the idea. John who is fourth in charge of security suggested that the team should branch out further out of the town, giving Care Homes the security that they should have to keep them safe from harm like robbers and Renting Homes is an option too. I ended it with thanking them for coming and ask if they have an fresh idea's come to me before sending it out to public's eye. Everyone nods with a smile; some walk out of the room straight away leaving, others stay finish writing in there notes and others stay to chat. I unfold my spreed sheets into my folder and move off my chair. "Excuse me William, May I ask you something?" Deana hold her black notebook in left hand folding it up onto her chest. "Where is your father?" Her light blue eyes feel like they are staring at me. "His not working anymore, I thought I'd told everyone" She lifts her right hand to itch her head that her tight bun moves slightly. "Yes you did, I just need his opinion on something" I cut her off. "Well cant you show me? His out of town" She nods her head slightly that makes me feel very annoyed. "When is he coming back?" Nobody has question me of my fathers disappearance. If she pushes any further I might need to give her a warning. "He'll let me know but for know show me" I give her a glare that makes my face firm that I could feel the lines on my forehead. She opens her black folder giving me a paper sheet that maps out a few blocks in the next few towns over from us, it was sketching buildings what looks like brothel house. "Did you design these?" Deana nods her head "No Deb did, Deb?" Deb walks in her black high heels stopping beside Deana in a red dress suit that looks way to cold to wear in winter. "How long have you been working on this plans?" Deana gives me another one that shows Bondage play area room. Father wanted to invest in this whole whore house idea; What a scumbag. "Six Months, where not really ready for the finally piece" Deb talks nervously. "Who's idea was this?" I say in an blunt way. "Mine" Deb says as she takes a sip from her red wine class that Rose offers around the room. Why would this be great for our business? "Your father didn't approve in our last piece we did two months prior to him giving the role to you" I nod my head in way of not giving to much away. "Show me the full complete design...lets say in Four months? Is that enough time for you both" They both nod there heads in delight and thank me as they leave the room. It wasn't my father after all. I wont be a prick to not let them try; I guess I didn't know him that quite much beside's the abuse against my mother. The sky is bright blue with no clouds as I drive to school. The bell rings as lunch starts in the halls; busy like normal with the rush of people; as I walk past the art room four of my team mates greet me with a nod and a smile; then I see Max and Hannah making out against the locker. "Go get a room you too!" I push Max's shoulder sending him to lose his balance slightly; Hannah helps him up and passionately slaps her lips on his. I reach the cafeteria taking a blue tray and lining up to get some food. "Hey, good seeing you here" Brooke stands beside me leaning slightly on her left; with her hand in her black jean pocket. "Hey" My voice sounded at daze. "Don't worry I'm only here to get some Greek Salad, got to keep them low carbs" I put a bowl of Sir Fry Rice. "I've been busy you know" She twirls her right finger in her wavy hair. "That's good" I say bluntly. I grab two spring rolls onto my tray. "Don't you want to know what" I cut her off. "No I don't, please excuse me" My voice sounded like I'm still talking to one of my colleagues. I clear my throat and pay at the counter. "Well, go screw you then" Brooke says under her breath at first then starts speaking louder while placing her Greek salad onto her tray. "Don't go coming to" I turn around ignoring her; blocking what she is screaming at me now. "Whatever" I take a bite of my spring roll as I leave her behind and head to our table were it normally is; Sabrina sits next to Hannah as they look through a Discovery magazine while they share a packet of cheesy chips, Max and Peter sit across each other and Dee sits next to Peter eating her homemade harm sandwich. "Hey" Sabrina says while flipping through a page. Peter's eyes look red then normal as Max gives him a chocolate muffin he takes it and shoves his face in it. "What wrong with?" I point towards Peter taking another bite of my spring roll in my other hand. Everyone nods there head for me to not go on the subject. "Peter and Lisa broke up last night" Hannah whispers covering her mouth. Dee brushes his back but he jumps off his chair leaving us all shock in our sits."I can hear you very loud and clearly!" He scrunches his muffin in crumbles and then throws it in the bin on his way out thrashing the door open. "Max.."I say as he nods getting off his sit to catch up to Peter and follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. The bell rings for our next two subjects which is Geography and Economics; They go smoothly and fast by the time the last bell rings for home time the day becomes more chilly and grey. Sabrina wears blue tight jeans today that shows off her thick thighs and her Yellow top that compliments her Copper hair that is straighten with flicks in it towards the ends. She stands with, Sandy, Ole and Emily who look at me with caution. "You doing anything tonight?" I ask Sabrina as she turns my way with a bright smile that I adore so much. "Just studding apart from that nothing else, why got something in mind?" Sandy hugs Emily and waves to us from behind as Ben slides in with his green motorbike. "Have you ridden a horse before?" I ask nervously. "I sure have" We both walk to her car with Ole and Emily behind us. " I'll pick you up around seven?" She nods her head in agreement and unlocks the car as Emily gets in first and then Ole. "See you then" he voice sounds so sweet that all I want to do is pick her up and kiss her but I held back watching her drive back out of the car park. A tap on my shoulder sends me turning around seeing Cody in rage. He punches me but I lean to my right dodging it and then he tries again with his left hand just missing my ear. "Calm down Cody!" I might of added his anger by those words, as he swings another fist into my stomach. My feet still on the ground but my head was there too. My chest beats hard as my wolf instance are kicking in, the sharp pain from my thick nails coming to surface. "Cody please stop!" My voice sounded like a whisper but he heard it. He hits me again this time kicking my balls. I groan that my chest vibrates from it. "Cody stop it" I hear a ladies voice, I look up to see the principal in a mix emotion of concern, anger and disappointed. She grabs Cody in as Max and Peter helps me up to my feet. "You did good" Max says as Hannah give an ice pack. I guess I did good in not transforming and killing Cody which was easier done when your tempted.

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