Chapter 21

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Tiffany's pov:
   I have a doctors appointment today to check the baby and get my first ultrasound. Im currently 2 months with means im 8 weeks. Chris told me he's gonna be in the studio today. I sat in the office and waited. Im so glad this hospital is a regular clinic too so people dont think anything about me coming here.

"Tiffany." The nurse said. I got up and walked to the back with her. "Here for your first ultrasound appointment correct?" She asked. "Yes." I said with a smile.

*during the ultrasound*

"Is this your first?" She asked. "Yeah..." I said with a smile. "Congratulations." She said. "Thank you." I said. "Do you have any?" I asked. "Yes I have 3 daughters." She said. "Thats great." I said. "Are you hoping for a boy? Or girl?" She asked. "I want a girl.. but i dont care if its a boy. "As long as the baby is healthy right?" She said. "Exactly." I said.

*after the ultrasound*

"When can I find the gender out?" I asked. "20 weeks." She said handing me the pictures. "Okay thank you." I said. I smiled and put the pictures in my bag. I walked out, got my next appointment then left the hospital.

"Free clinic? Thinking of getting an abortion?" A guy asked me with a camera. "Thinking of breaking your face actually." I said annoyed. I sat and waited for V to come. "Woah you're aggressive... must be on your period." He said. "Woahh you're annoying... must have been neglected as a child." I said back. I dont care if it blows up and becomes an issue. I understand he has a job but harassment isnt the job. V came and I got in. "I wanna go home." I said. "No lets go to the mall." She said. "Why? I wanna go home. He fucked up my mood." I said. "Pleaseeeee..." She said pouting. "Ughh fine..." I said. "Yessss." She said smiling.

Chris's pov:
   I had Trey over Tiffany's house tryna set up something real cute for her. She does alot for me, she's watched the kids while I work, she's having my child, she's my best friend and my girl, I just wanna make her happy since she's been under stress. "I think we should fix the bathroom first." I said. "I agree." He said. We walked upstairs with the stuff and started.

V's pov: *3 hrs later*
"V.. my feet hurt. I wanna go home now." She said. "Okay.. Im sorry I kept you here..." I said. "Its fine but lets go." She said.

I text Chris that we were on our way because she wasn't feeling good anymore.

Tiffany's pov:
We got in the car and drove off. I sat there texting Chris that I want to sleep when I get home. He spent the night yesterday so Im warning him that I want peace and QUIET.

*after the ride*

"Thanks for the ride." I said. "No problem." She said. I got out and grabbed the two bags of my stuff then walked in the house. I set mt bags down and my keys while closing the door. I took my shoes off and walked upstairs. It was completely dark. I went into my room and seen my bed. "What the fuck?" I asked.

"I just thought I'd do something special for you since you always do alot for me and your under alot of stress right now

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"I just thought I'd do something special for you since you always do alot for me and your under alot of stress right now..." Chris said. "Are those real?" I asked. "Nah babe. They're battery activated." He said making me laugh. "This is so cute. Thank you babe." I said giving him a kiss. "Ima go shower and then we can relax and watch movies." I said. "Alright." He said.

I walked into the bathroom and seen another surprise.

"Seriously?" I asked

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"Seriously?" I asked. "Yeah... maybe we could chill together..." He said with a small smirk. "Im down for that." I said. "Lemme move the bag." He said. He moved it and handed it to me. "Open it..." He said. I smiled and opened the gift. It was a new bag. I started to cry. "Dont cry babe." He said hugging me. "I just don't deserve this...." I said. "Yes you do." He said.

After a while, we finally got in the tub. We were both relaxing. I hand my back on his chest. "Bae?" I asked. "Wassup?" He said. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said. "Thank you for all of this..." I said. "You dont need to thank me." He said. "But I want to. You do alot for me and since I found out I was pregnant, Ive treated you like shit... Ive just been stressed out with filming videos and editing so the people who watch me dont get any ideas..." I explained. "I know that bae. Thats why I dont stress about it. But being stressed out makes the pregnancy go bad.." He said. "I know... But speaking of the pregnancy. I got ultrasound pictures." I said smiling.

"Ayeee how's my other lil man?" He asked. "Or little lady..." I said. "But the baby is fine. At 20 weeks I find out the gender." I said. "Thats dope babe." He said. "Im excited." I said. "Me too." He said.

*after the bath*

We both dried off then walked into the bedroom. We got dressed and moved everything from the bed. Once we were done, I got in bed and Chris went to play the game since he wasnt tired.

*3 hrs later*

I woke up and stretched. I looked at the time 3am. I could hear Chris being loud. He aint tired yet? I got out of bed and walked into the game room. He was playing 2k... "Babe...." I whined. "Wassup baby? Was I being loud?" He asked turning the mic off. "No..." I said walking over to him. "Come to bed..." I said. "After this game bae..." He said starting a new game. "Noooo now..." I said. "Come on Tiff. This last game." He said. I moved his arms and laid down on his chest since he was laying back while the game was starting. "Babe yo big head is in my way..." He said making me gasp. "Can you pleaseeeee get off?" I asked.

Chris's pov:
She started twirling her finger on my chest. That was her way of saying she wanted dick. "Tiff it will take 30 mins.." I said. She sucked her teeth and got up. "Forget it." She said walking away. She closed the door and eventually closed the bedroom door too. I sighed and turned the mic on. "Yo I'll be on tmm at my crib." I told the guys. "What happened?" Trey asked. "Ima go give her some attention." I said. "You mean dick?" Tyga asked making us laugh. "Peace niggahs." I said and cut the mic off. I ended the game then cut it off.

Tiffany's pov:
I laid in bed scrolling through netflix. Chris walked in the room and laid next to me. "You could of stayed on ya game...." I said slightly upset. All I wanted was attention.... and some dick. "Naw bae, you got my attention." He said. "Well Ion want it now." I said turning my back towards him. He wrapped his arm around me and moved his hand down my panties.

"You dont want it but you wet as fuck..." He said in my ear while doing circular movements with his fingers on my clit. "Answer me bae..." He said and started to finger me. "You sure you dont want it?" He asked and nippled on my ear. "Fuckk..." I moaned as he kept fingering me. He moved his hand and laid me on my back hovering over me. "You're not walking tomorrow. Okay?" He said smirking. "Mhmmm okay daddy..." I said in a moaning tone as he sucked on my neck.....

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