Chapter 1

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Tah'kath and a small team of young bloods had just exterminated the last of the kiande-amedha and the elder was patrolling the human settlement to ensure no eggs had survived. He knew all too well that the black serpentine creatures would spread like wildfire if even one made it out alive. He motioned for the young bloods to return to the ship as he continued through the burning town. Tah'kath suspected the human leader James was responsible for the fire; he likely created it to try to flush out and kill the beasts himself...instead his own kind had died, if not by the blackened hellspawn, then by the very flame that was meant to protect them.

As he neared the last row of human homes, a shrill cry echoed in the distance. He ran toward the sound, following it inside a burning home. He prepared his combistick in the event that he did in fact discover a surviving kiande-amedha. Sprinting up the stairs, the sound grew louder. Debris was falling all around but he couldn't risk the possibility of another outbreak. He soon arrived at a room in which the entrance door had collapsed, and noticed the cries were being created by a human child. It was trapped by parts of the ceiling that had fallen in, and the flames were beginning to make the room unbearably hot.

Tah'kath stepped over to the child, kneeling down to look it over. He believed it to be a female, and it had dark hair but the brightest silver eyes. He'd never seen such eyes in a human before, and with how the light from the fire danced about, they seemed to twinkle like the brightest stars. Tears welled in those star-filled eyes, but they didn't spill over. The child looked just old enough to walk but not so old as to be capable of least nothing coherent, that is.

Even now, the child tried to pull itself to freedom but it was no use. His scanner indicated it had a broken leg and two locations that were bleeding internally. He knew he should leave the tiny human, that it likely would not survive long away from its caregivers should he free it. But those eyes...those brilliant silver eyes bore into his very soul. He could see something in those eyes, he was sure of it. There was pain, of course. Something else...desperation? The elder shook his head at the internal question and his decorated locks danced about his shoulders and chest from the movement.

Another cry rang out from the child but this one was different. It sounded almost impatient or angry, but the tiny human never gave up its struggle. He reached a clawed hand toward the determined creature, and it stared at him for a long moment before at last accepting the gesture.

Using his free hand, Tah'kath lifted a large chunk of the debris from its tiny body and pulled it into the open with his other. It screamed in pain now, and he was gentle about lifting it into his arms before turning to face the doorway. It was now engulfed in flames, so he would have to jump through the window. The elder was sure the tiny being in his grasp wouldn't appreciate the jostling, but he didn't have much of a choice at this point. Draping his red cloak over its small, broken body in an attempt to prevent any further injuries, Tah'kath got a running start and barreled through the glass pane.

Shards of transparent glass scattered about the ground as he toppled down with them, the little one in his arms screaming again with the force of the landing. He carried it to the ship where he was met by several youngbloods, each one curious to see what trophy he'd brought along.

As his cape fell to his side once more, all of the young bloods were taken by surprise at the dirtied, bloodied youth in their leader's arms. One was so bold as to tug curiously at the blue cloth that covered its body, and one known as Gaiyath was overcome by anger.

"Elder, you cannot honestly expect to bring a pyode-amedha onto the ship!"

Tah'kath moved past the brazen young blood and walked toward the healer's quarters. "You will not tell me what I can and cannot expect to do, young one. If I wish to hear your opinion, I will request it. Now all of you, go clean up...we will return to the mother world from here."

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