Chapter 60

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*Short chapter*

"I still cannot believe that you would allow him to travel to that planet alone..!"

"Dhadtoudi calm yourself. O'kaor will be fine. Yes, he still has the tendencies of a pup, but he is a warrior. If he does not report to us within thirty solar rotations, we will retrieve his body."

"So you do believe he will die?"

T'ahrou shook his head, the decorated tresses arching with the movement. "Only by your hand if not by the pyode-amedha first."

T'ahrou walked along the streets of the Yautja city while Dhadtoudi kept pace on her hover board. "Any word from Aichu?" Again T'ahrou shook his head. "Perhaps we should go search for her."

"Yahti has dispatched a team of Young Bloods to scout her hunting grounds. They should be reporting back within a few days." The female nodded as she took in her mate's words. It has been several solar rotations since she had last heard from Zaiyu, and all of the radio silence was beginning to make the human uneasy...but the one she was most concerned for was O'kaor. He underestimated the humans abilities, even hers. The last thing she wanted was to have to go back to that damned planet to drag him out of the fray because he let his guard down.

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