Chapter 50

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"Despite what my brother says, you don't have to follow me, T'ahrou." Dhadtoudi paused along the walking trail of the human colony and turned to look over her shoulder but saw nothing in the area aside from the naturally growing fauna. Silence was her answer. "Don't play coy. I know when you are watching me."

A long moment later, the air seemed began to shift and warp about thirty yards behind her before at last the cloaking shield fizzled away to reveal the large male standing before her. "Was I that careless?"

"No. I am simply that observant."

"Is it observation, or your instincts telling you to run for your life?"

Dhadtoudi clicked in amusement at his words. "I know you will not kill me, T'ahrou. If you wanted to, you would have done so long before now." She turned to continue on her walk amidst the sunrise, hearing the male's light footfalls several yards back. "Do you spy on me often?"

"I do not spy."

"Investigate, then." T'ahrou let lose an annoyed growl and Dhadtoudi trilled again. "I know you watch when I am alone." No response. "Do you deny this?"

"Do you trust the Oomans?" Her nose crinkled at the word.

"No. That is why I have not scolded you for following me since our arrival."

"I have not-" she cast an annoyed gaze over her shoulder and T'ahrou stopped mid-step. "I try to avoid it when I can. If Aichu is near, I leave the responsibility to her."

"So you feel responsible for me? Do you feel that my actions will affect your standing with my father? With the clan?"


"Then why do you feel responsible for me, descendant of Yahti?"

A heavy silence fell between them. "Not you. Only your well-being." Dhadtoudi grinned now.

"Good. Because I cannot trust your sister as I trust you."
Dhadtoudi was jostled back to consciousness when her body landed hard against the ground with a thud. Her grey eyes struggled to look around and she couldn't move the rest of her body. Her breathing was shallow and labored when the three oversized figures stepped into view. Three Yautja males, not yet blooded, looked down at the motionless human.

"What now?" Asked the first.

"Now we finish the job." Answered the second. Their language was not spoken in the traditional Yautja tongue. These males were Hish-qu-Ten, and the realization shot a cold chill throughout her paralyzed body.

"Hold on..." the third knelt down beside the female and looked her over slowly, his amber eyes seeming to consider something. "Why don't we have some fun with it first? Teach it a lesson? Just imagine how its followers will react when they find out." The other two clicked in amused agreement, and despite her attempts to voice her murderous rage at them, her body was still weighted down by the force of paralysis.

The third Young Blood began to tear away at her compression garments while the others shed their armor and gear. She tried again to yell; to assert her dominance over them...but the sound was nothing more than a soft whimper.

"Go on, Ooman. Let us hear your primitive screeches."

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