Chapter 47

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Dhadtoudi had been spending more and more time at T'ahrou's dwelling as her brother and mother were arguing more frequently, the intensity increasing with each go around.

T'ahrou would return from the his internship late at night, she would prepare his meal, they would converse with his mother, father, and sister for a time, then retreat to his quarters where they would rut several times before finally lying in the darkness.

Dhadtoudi looked over to see two large, amber eyes staring back at her, seemingly luminescent in the darkened room. "You should sleep."

"You first." She moved closer to his naked form, taking advantage of his excessive body heat.

"I have." He wrapped his muscular arms around her waist and pulled her tightly against him, something that he had learned long ago helped ease the human's nerves. "What shall we discuss?" Talking about trivial subjects would usually bore her to the point of sleep at some point so why not try it now?

"I want to ask a human question." T'ahrou waited patiently for the female to continue. "At what point did you find interest in me?"

T'ahrou thought hard on this, clicking softly as he wracked his brain. "I'm not sure. I noticed one day that I wanted to take the life of anyone who would get too close to you. You were not mine, but I refused to let you be theirs."

"I was under the impression that Yautja did not experience jealousy."

"We don't. At least not the same way that you would. We ignore many emotions because they will cloud your judgement."

"And yet you welcome anger..?"

She could feel his mandibles brushing against the top of her head as a low, rumbling chuckle reverberated through his chest. "We use rage to increase our strength in battle."

"But have you never been so angry that it's clouded your mind?"

"Twice. It was as if my body was a puppet, controlled by some unknown force."

"That sounds absolutely ridiculous." Another low rumble in his chest, and Dhadtoudi stifled a yawn. "You are very attractive when you have your little temper tantrums." T'ahrou traced a clawed fingertip along her back, creating circular motions atop her pressure points. Before long the female was emitting a heavy respiratory sound as her body melded into his own.
The next morning began with a groggy, heated session of mating before T'ahrou was called away by Aichu to assist with a technical malfunction in one of her weapons. Dhadtoudi remained in the bed, basking in the sunlight as she twisted her long tresses up and into themselves as she had learned to do at the human colony. At times she longed to return to the planet if for no reason other than to hunt others like the scum of Loriette.

When she was sure she wouldn't be able to return to her fitful sleep, the human slid off of the large bedding and dressed herself before stepping into the corridor to be met with the knowing gaze of Ath-Meye. Her grey eyes widened in surprise and she bowed low at the waist, paying respects to the matriarch. "Taan Kal, mate of Yahti."

"Taan Kal, Dhadtoudi. You seem refreshed." The girl could feel the blood rushing to her face, and she kept her head low. "Worry not, young one. You are Yautja. It is part of our way." The larger female cocked her head to the side in curiosity, her mandibles clicking together slowly as she did so. "How Long do you plan to stand like this?"

"For as long as is necessary." An amused rumble sounded from Ath-Meye's chest and she gestured with her hand for Dhadtoudi to rise. "Come with me." She followed the matriarch to her personal quarters where she watched as Ath-Meye retrieved a large leather-bound book from a storage drawer beside her bed. "Sit." Dhadtoudi sat alongside the older female on the bed as the latter opened the book to reveal several graphic and somewhat terrifying diagrams of Yautja couples joining in mating rituals. It was a violent and often bloody process, sometimes even ending in the loss of life. "This is another part of our way. Although I do not expect you to participate in such...extreme endeavors...I am well aware of your attachment to my son, and his to you."

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