Chapter 6

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Zaiyu's newfound "sister" sat patiently in the floor in front of his...their mother, waiting for her tresses to be complete. Mother had changed her into an all red dress that the youngling had seemingly protested against but eventually gave in and changed out of her borrowed armor. He was surprised at how still and quiet the youngling had been thus far: four hours and their mother was barely halfway through. There was just so much...what had father called it? "Hair"?

"What about Dahdtoudi?"

His mother glanced up at him while still twisting the endless strands into strong, braided tresses. "Why 'Little Knife'?"

"She's small...and her eyes cut into your soul. It's unnerving, to be honest."

His father cried out victoriously from the feasting area. "Ha! I told you they did, Daih'kea! And you said I was being psychotic..!" His mother sighed and turned her focus to her mate.

"So you approve of his choice?" The elder nodded as he plated several bits of fruit and meat before carrying it to the lounge and placed the edibles on the ground in front of the youngling. Daih'kea reached down and quickly separated pieces of seafood from the rest of the food items, finishing off by pointing at them and stating "m-di!".

The child paused, looked at the older female's hand, copied the form, and jabbed a chastising finger at the accosted bits of fish. Their mother patted the youngling on the head and returned to her unrelenting task as the youngling munched on bits of the other various food items which sat before her. "What's wrong with it?" Tah'kath folded his arms over his chest as he stared at his mate, who returned his solemn gaze.

"Fish makes her vomit. She took two bites her first night here, and I couldn't get her to stop retching for hours. Her system must not be able to tolerate the oils." The male hummed thoughtfully, accepting his mate's answer. "But honestly, 'Little Knife', Tah'kath?"

The elder nodded as he leaned back against the nearby counter. "I believe it fits, and if Zaiyu will be designated as her guardian, I feel that he should have the majority vote."

Daih'kea clicked in irritation before giving in to her son's pleading amber eyes. "Very well. But after tonight, there is no changing it." The males both agreed to the terms and Zaiyu moved to sit cross-legged a few inches from the silver-eyed being.

He pointed to her chest and said sternly "Dahdtoudi..!". The girl said nothing, but stared intently at him for several seconds. He repeated the word again, and the youngling looked up at their mother.

Daih'kea also gestured to the girl, said "Dahdtoudi", and then pointed to the young blood while she said "Zaiyu". The girl pointed to herself, still looking up at her mother who repeated the word "Dahdtoudi". She then jabbed a finger at the male sitting across from her, and Daih'kea repeated "Zaiyu". The girl did not repeat either word, only grunted and returned to her food. "Well, that's progress. It's the first time she's made a sound besides an awful screech."
Later that night, Daih'kea had finally completed the hellish tresses and given the girl her bath before dressing her in the orange and yellow dress that would be her sleeping gown and made a pallet for her on the lounge. Daih'kea was fast asleep in her quarters with her mate, just as Zaiyu slept soundly in his bed. Dahdtoudi sat upright in the darkened gathering room with the furry animal hide bunched in her lap and looked around in the silent blackness.

What was this new being in the home? Why was it sleeping down the hallway, and so loudly? More to the point, why had it poked her cheek?! She hadn't appreciated the gesture, and she would be sure to get it back for its insolence.
"Dahdtoudi," The girl turned to face her mother, a good sign in the Yautja's mind, "go wake Zaiyu." Daih'kea pointed to her son's room, a motion which the young female mimicked. "Yes, Zaiyu. He must eat." She then pointed to the boiling pan in front of her. "Go on, go wake Zaiyu." The girl looked from her mother, to the door in question, back to her mother, and walked over to the door. She pointed to the metallic object, and Daih'kea nodded while clicking her mandibles excitedly.

The tiny being faced the looming object and stood on her toes in order to reach the control panel. Once it slid open, Dahdtoudi silently crept inside the darkened room. Several seconds later, Daih'kea jumped in surprise and a loud crashing sound could be heard from her own quarters as the small pyode-amedha screamed at the top of her lungs.

"ZAIYUUUU!!!!" The young blood screamed in response and Daih'kea couldn't help but laugh as her mate ran into the hallway wearing nothing but a towel, combistick in-hand and ready for a fight. "ZAIYU!"

"STOP YELLING AT ME! What are you doing?! Quit pushing me...I told you to stop!"

Tah'kath growled in annoyance and returned to finish his shower. Daih'kea only rolled her eyes and called out to her son. "Zaiyu, come eat." The young blood clicked in irritation and shortly after let out a low roar. The tiny pitter-patter of feet could be heard upon the metallic floor as the youngling rushed back into the feasting area. A broad smile had formed on her soft face, and Daih'kea had to force back a chuckle.

When Zaiyu finally appeared from his quarters, he stared imaginary draggers into the youngling. "So it does speak..."

"Zaiyu! She is your mei-jadhi. Show her the same respect that you wish to receive."

"No, right now she is not my sister. Right now she is a shrieking annoyance...she will be my sister when my head stops pounding."

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