Chapter 20

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Dahdtoudi sank quickly into the oasis pool, not even bothering to remove her undergarments or gauntlet. If it was waterproof, she didn't waste her time on it. Her only goal was breaking this unholy fever. The temperature was so intense that it made her entire body hurt, and she cried out in pain. As she tried to steady her breathing and lower her heart rate, she rocked back and forth creating gentle waves in the water. It didn't help with the pain or fever, but it was a comforting motion.

"Zaiyu!!" A moment later, she could hear her brother's heavy footsteps rushing down the corridor before the door to the bathing area slid open. "Zaiyu, bring me something cold..! I need to cool down, please help me..!" His mandibles clicked lightly as he tasted the air, his pupils covering a large portion of his irises. A low growl erupted from his throat and he shook his as if trying to clear his mind. "Zaiyu..!"

He left the room as quickly as he'd entered, and Dahdtoudi fought the sting of tears in her eyes. Suddenly her mother was rushing to her side, tasting the air as Zaiyu had. "What is this..? What caused this?!" She noticed the bandage on the girl's arm, and she felt a deep anger bubble up from within her soul. "Is this wound what I think it is?" Dahdtoudi nodded as she continued to rock herself, and Daih'kea clenched her fist at her side. "You have to wait it out, Dahdtoudi. You can't force it away. It will take time and patience."

"It hurts!!"

"I know it does, little one...but you have to wait it out."
Tah'kath stepped quietly into his home, well aware of the frustrated roars and sounds of furniture crashing against the walls that were coming from Zaiyu's room. Activating the control panel, the door slid open to reveal a young, distraught Yautja with dilated pupils. They're both going to kill me now, he thought.


"WHAT IS IT?! WHY CAN'T I GET AWAY FROM IT?!" He overturned his bed with more force than was needed and it too was sent crashing against the wall. "I CAN'T FIND IT!!"

"Zaiyu, where is your mother?" A blood-curdlings scream echoed from the bathing area, and he knew where he would find his mate. Cautiously, he made his way to the bathing area and promoted the door to open. The sweet smell was overpowering, and it made his skin tingle. "Daih'kea..." The female's amber eyes bore into him like daggers, causing him to take an involuntary step back. "Daih'kea, I can explain."

"And you will," she hissed, "but I don't have time for your pitiful excuses at the moment." Dahdtoudi cried out in pain once more, throwing her head back against the edge of the oasis pool. "Breathe, Dahdtoudi. You have to relax your body."

"I AM RELAXED!!" The Elder received another threatening glare from his mate, and he nodded in understanding before leaving them to their devices. He stepped into his private quarters, attempting to block out the incessant aroma that currently plagued his dwelling.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he folded his hands in front of him and haunched over. "Father, when may I have pups?" The small child looked expectantly at her father, and he clicked nervously. "You are not able to bare pups, Dahdtoudi. Your body is unable to carry them...your DNA is not compatible with that of a Yautja. I am sorry, little one."

Tah'kath sighed as he turned his eyes to the metallic ceiling. "Father, if you know anyone who needs a pup sitter, will you tell me? I want to be able to care for younglings."

A pained and frustrated scream ripped through the dwelling once more, and the Elder punched the bed with all his might. "Dahdtoudi tell me, would you prefer to be a warrior or a healer?" His daughter, with him for seven years now, shook her head as she tinkered with the hover board that Zaiyu had gifted her. "I'd rather be a mother. Medicine doesn't interest me and I don't like fighting. I just want to be a mate and care for my pups..."

All those years of her wanting something that he'd thought she could never have, and now that she had the ability it was causing her pain and anger. And at what cost? What male of great honor would want to take a human for a mate? Granted, the pheromones were enough to drive most young males mad, but Yautja mate for life. That fact alone would be enough to keep potential suitors at bay.

After what felt like an eternity, a communication from A'ytu came through on his gauntlet. "Yes, healer?"

"Elder, I believe I have a way to ease the symptoms for Dahdtoudi. I will be over shortly." Tah'kath grumbled as he ended the communication and simply waited for his old friend to arrive.

Paya, please just let it work...

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