Chapter 54

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Dhadtoudi lunged at the middle Hish Young Blood only to have the larger of the three strike at her in response. The female dodged but one of his sharp claws traced her arm from her shoulder to her elbow, resulting in a series of crimson droplets trickling down her skin. T'ahrou let loose an enraged growl before attacking the largest Hish with his bare fists.

Claws, blades, and blood alike were sweeping and moving through the air every which way until finally the middle Hish fell to the ground in a pool of luminescent blood. A large gash covered the span of his abdomen, allowing his internal organs to fall out onto the grass around him.

T'ahrou and the largest Hish were locked in a brutal fistfight that was littered with animalistic snarls and growls. Mandibles flared in shows of power and domination, amber eyes burning with defiance.

Dhadtoudi cried out as the smallest Hish collapsed one of her ankles and slammed her to the ground. He readied himself to snap her neck with one hand while he traced the blade of his retracted Ki its-pa from the base of her rib cage down to her pelvic bone with the other.

"Show me! Let me hear you scream like the pitiful Ooman that you are!"

"Pe M-di Pa'ya-te Thei-de..!" A metallic SHINK rang out as the blades protruded from her gauntlet and embedded into the gut of the Hish young blood. His roar was deafening as he reeled back in pain. Dhadtoudi jumped to her feet before retrieving the dagger from her thigh and launching it into the skull of the largest Young Blood. His body fell lifelessly to the ground as the blade sank into the depths of his brain, and the female moved to stand over the Young Blood that was now on his knees bleeding out before her eyes.


"You come to our threaten our risk a war between our people...yet you call me reckless?" The Hish flared his mandibles slowly before Dhadtoudi reached out, took one in each hand, and forced the appendages outward until they snapped and separated from his face. The male cried out in pain as green blood poured from the fresh wounds and ran like glowing streams down his neck and armored chest. "You are nothing." She ran her blades through the flesh of his neck up through his skull and into the brain.

The Hish fell limp to the ground, his body spasming for several long, disturbing seconds before finally ceasing altogether. T'ahrou moved to stand alongside the female, holding his hand over a wound on his side as he did so. "Dhadtoudi..."

"We should go." She spat on the body of the fallen Hish warrior before she turned on her heel and began walking toward the city once more. "It is time I speak with my mother."

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