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G W E N ' S P O V :

"It feels good that you see me that way." And he smirked.

"Everyone does!" I replied. And he just smile knowingly.

"I want to kiss you allover right now but that would be against your rule. So I'll just wait for the right moment to devour you again." He whispered to my ear. And it sends shivers down my spine.

Yeah! I also want to feel again what we did weeks ago. But if he thinks that what he said turns me on, well no, it doesn't. It only saddens me, to think that, that's just me in his life.

I am his last conquest. But I want to be more than just the physical needs. I want something more. I want all of him, but that's selfishness, right?

But I don't want to complain because I choose this. I choose to be his plaything. And as what I always said, it's better than nothing at all. At least I could feel him closer to me.

"Whatever!" I just replied smirking, then rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh I think it's our turn." Austin said looking at the staircase that is waiting for us. He then get my hand and snake my hand to his arms and smiled.

We start walking down the stairs as the flashes of camera lit all over us. Feels like Hollywood redcarpet walk huh. And I can assure that the photos will turn out good cause we both know our best angles and how to smile infront of the camera. As the MC introduces us.

Mr. Austin James Anderson and Ms. Alainna Gwen Evans

The program started as almost everyone arrived. I don't know what's with Gab and Austin but they stayed in our table. They said this is the best table for watching the whole thing. We just let them, who are we to deny this table. But the bad thing about this, Audrey also joins us.

I feel bad for David because as what he said, she's is too clingy! But I also feels bad for Audrey because as what I've observed, she likes him genuinely. She's just too immature handling it.

My first dance is Austin. Because again, Ms. Benedict asked the nominated for prom king and queen to dance first and lead the dance floor. As planned. And why should I complain?

We went to the center of the dance floor and start pairing up. This is nice, the feeling of being close to him. His left hand at my bear back and he's right hand intertwined with mine. And even though almost everyone is watching, we dance gracefully. And we swayed to the slow music the way it should be. I looked in his eyes. I see adoration and lust in it. And it made me happy knowing that he feels something for me other than lust.

After the song ended, I felt conscious and uneasy because, almost everyone's wondering eyes staring at us.

Then the music changed. Indicating that we have to dance what the nominated prom king and queen practiced! A ball dance!

Other nominated partners who aren't also nominated began going out of the dance floor and sitting down. As we start forming around. Ten boys and ten girls, including Austin, David, Gab and Ronald. Me, Audrey and Betty, and some on our squad. Don't ask me why Daisy's not included, she's not really pretty, she's just flirty!

Thank goodness all the girls knows how to dance, never mind the boys, as long as they can lift us up.

Then our intermission starts. Dancing and changing partners. And everyone whistles and clap as we finished with the dance perfectly and gracefully.

Then the party started.

Alcoholic drinks are not allowed, but what can the teachers do when there's someone like Gab who can manipulate the drinks without them knoing it. Mixing a little vodka in juices.

So me, Ems and Dave are just enjoying the prom. Just like what everyone does, dancing, roaming around, eating and drinking. I even danced with some schoolmates that I only knew by their faces.

Then I remembered to look where Austin is. Like instinct. I look around and saw him in the drink stands and food buffet, with his friend, laughing and drinking. That's when the very sexy Betty walk to him.

"May I dance with the most beautiful lady here?" Someone said snapping me away from the bad scene I was looking at. I look up saw Ronald standing infront of me. He looks good too. I actually saw him awhile ago. But nothing beats Austin of course.

"Uhmm okay." I replied. I can't say no. I have rejected him so many times and it would be too much if I deny him a dance, right?

He lead me to the dance floor and start slow dancing with me. He's good too.

"So, you and Austin?" He asks.

"We both don't have a date tonight so Ms. Benedict partnered us." I explained.

"I should have arrived later than the usual. We could have been partnered." He said smiling with disappointment.

"It's just a coincident." Then I giggled.

"I think Austin likes you." He suddenly said. Then he looked at where our designated table is. I looked at it too. Austin is now sitting there, staring at us intently. He then walked away and I just rolled my eyes to that.

"What made you think that way?" I asked.

"Nothing! I just know, when I see one." He replied, then he looks me in the eye and said "I hope you'll never fall for his charm."

Well it's too late, I already fall too deep a long time ago and I don't know if I am going to get up from it. But I just smiled at him.

After the music, Ronald lead me to our table and leave.

I think Emily is somewhere enjoying this night so I didn't look for her and go to powder room alone. But then someone pulled me. I was about to shout when I notice that it's just Austin, leading me somewhere I don't know.



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