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G W E N ' S P O V :

"What was that?" I asked Austin. We were in his car because he insisted on driving me home.

"What? This?" Pertaining on driving me home.

"This and that! You kissed me infront of everybody. Why did you do that?" I asks again.

"I was just carried away by the music and the situation, okay! Don't be mad about that! It's just a kissed!" He replied smiling at me. An indication that he doesn't really meant to kiss me that time.

"Don't do that again. They might think that there's something going on between the two of us." I stated in a small voice

"But we really do have-"

"That we meant to keep." I said cutting him off.

"Why don't we just let everyone know?" He said smirking "Problem solve!"

"And what? Be named as Austin's last conquest? No way!" I exclaimed, maybe I am still angry from what happened earlier.

"So that was the reason? You're afraid of what would other people say?" He asks

"No! I just don't want to be defined that way."

"Why do you think that way? What's wrong with them knowing what we have? Even our parents knows it already." He's getting irritated base on his voice, I think.

"Our parents discovered it because, we, I mean, you.... made a mistake of climbing into my room without permission, because of your....... sexual desire." My irritation right now is leading me into being irrational.

"Sexual desire? What the fuck! Did you just mistaken my concerns for sexual desire?" He asks frustratedly.

"Still, what ever your reason is for climbing up to my room, you made a mistake of falling asleep there, and waking up from my mothers scream the next morning." I am loosing all my sense of reasoning here.

"Fine! If you think that it's just a mistake." He pause for seconds. "Is Ronald one of the reason why?"

"What's with Ronald? He didn't do anything to you."

"Why're you so naive?! He likes something from you!" He shouted

"Something like what? Something like what Betty wants from you? Or you've done it already behind my back?!" I asked. I just realized how immature that sounds.

"What the hell was that?"

"You've been flirting with Betty all night and you expect me to announce being your girlfriend?"

"Do you not trust me?"

"Ask that to yourself." I whispered a little louder for him to hear me clearly.

"Answer me. Do you not trust me?" He shouted again

"No I don't." I yelled back!

He pause for a while. He stops his car and I noticed that we're already outside my house. Then he comb his hair with his hand in frustration.

"So why are you still with me if you think that you're just another conquest?"

Because I love you! But my pride won't allow me to say that.

"I don't know?" I was not shouting anymore but I am furious and confused.

Then my phone ring. I looked at it and it's Ronald.

"It's him right?" He smirked again. "Why can't you answer his call? Because I'm here?"

"What the..... okay fine. I'll answer it." This guys, I mean both of them are so damn irritating.

I pressed the answer button and put it in speaker phone.

"Hello! Gwen?" Ronald talk immediately.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Where were you?"

"Home. Why?"

"Oh? Uhm! I was looking for you allover the place." He replied.

I can still heard the loud music from the speaker of the venue. Some still stays so they can continue partying, while some, like us choose to leave cause it's tiring.

"Why?" I asks.

"I just wanted to, if you'll let me, drive you home. But you're already home, soo uhmm see you at school then." He sound sweet but it really doesn't have an affect in me

"Okay. Goodnight." Then I press the end button.

"See! That bastard is really into you. He didn't even bothered by what he saw earlier." He said getting frustrated again.

"You know what, if we really don't trust each other. Why don't we call it off for tonight?" Then I go out of the car, walking out of this pathetic argument.

He followed me up to our door and when he reached me, he grab my hand and make me turn his way.

"What do you mean by calling it off?" He asks.

"Let's just rest from each other for a day or two. We'll just keep on arguing on something none sense. Like what we did a while ago." I said.

He let go of my hand. He look hurt and confused. But what he said next broke my heart.

"No! I think we have to call it over." Long pause. I was too stunned to say anything. He did misunderstood me. "Let's...... I'm breaking up with you!" He said then he looks away!

"Wh-why?" I asked. Thank God he wasn't looking at me. I don't want him to see how hurt I am right now.

"This is just an accident. It feels like I've push you through, us, being together. It feels like I forced you to be with me. It wasn't meant to be this way." He whispered confused and sad.

"Uhhhmm oh...kay!" I replied. Don't cry please "Are we going to be friends?" Even just being friends, please!

"No!" He replied coldly. He can't even give me friendship. "It's all or nothing at all."

I looked at him. And his poker face is back again, so as his expression and gone is his smile.

That word shattered me into million pieces. And it saddens me most that a simple argument turned us to nothingness, again. Back to being strangers and who-the-hell-are-you.

What the hell just happened to us? Is this what I got for taking the risk?!

"Okay! Very well." Then I turned around and open the door. As soon as the door closed, I felt hot tears falling down my cheeks. Then it runs down. Like an unstoppable waterfalls.

I don't know where I am getting the strength to climb to my room, take a quick shower and continue crying some more. Until I fall asleep.



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