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G W E N ' S P O V :

"Oh hi! You're here?!"

Thankfully I didn't have to wait longer. He came and unexpectedly, he smiled back at me.

"Hi!" He said.

He sits infront of me. Then the waitress came for our orders. I ordered choco java shake, ofcourse and ice coffee for him.

He didn't say anything. I look in his eyes and I felt that he's waiting for my reason why I invited him today!

"Are you going to Gabby's party tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know! Maybe, maybe not!" He replied!

I just nod my head!

"Uhmm!" I hesitated! How do I start this kind of talking? I've no idea!

"So," he interrupted. "Why the invite?"

"Uhmmm! I just want to say sorry if ever I've hurt your feelings!" I started.

"You could just text me!"

"Text message is so impersonal and insincere!"

"And why'd you think you owe me an apology?" I know he's waiting for a genuine talk.

"I don't want to sound cocky but I know that you've had liked me back then! And I am so sorry if I lead you on. I didn't meant that to happened!"

"I'll be honest with you Gwen!" He said in a serious tone as if he wants to reprimand me in a relax manner. "I really did like you! And I still do! Unintentionally or not, you really did hurt me. But I want to apologize too, that I didn't corrected the rumours about you, two timing with me. Cause I felt betrayed! You should have told me that there's something going on with you and Austin."

"I am sor-"

"Let me finish first!" he said interrupting me again.

And our order came infront of us. As we mumbled thank you to the waitress who delivered it to us.

"Let me continue!" He said. "You really did lead me on! I thought you've given me chance!" He sighed while I am just looking at him apologetically.

"I saw how they bullied you, and I felt that every bad feelings that I've felt for you is all gone, as I see you suffered. Then I felt rising anger for Austin, cause he's the reason why you're experiencing that!"

"No! He's not!"

"Don't defend him Gwen! Wether you like it or not, partly, he's the reason why you're being bullied!"

I didn't replied anymore. Somehow, he's right!

"I want to comfort you! But I believed that you played with my feelings for you and you chose to be treated that way! But then I saw Austin defended you and revenge for you. But I still want to make myself believe that if only you've chosen me, you'll never experience that! I even has these thing going on my mind that you've chose him cause he's wealthier and because of he's more good looking than I am!" He chuckled.

"I am not after anyone's money!" I said

"I know! It's just my insecurities overwhelming me." He chuckled again. "I've even thought that you'll come back running to me when he dumps you cause everybody thinks that you're just his last conquest before high school ends!" Then he sipped on his ice coffee for a pause. "But then, he showed us the story of his love for you! At first I wanted to leave, but then I remained seated out of curiosity. After I've watched it, I realised that what I've felt for you cannot be compared to his love for you. Then I forgive you for choosing the roughest but rightest path." He ended it with a smile in his face.

"Ohhh!" I didn't know what to reply at first but then I felt relieved. "Thank you!"

"Don't say sorry and don't say thank you!" He smiled again. "I just realized later on that I am the one who has given myself false hope, not you. I can't even remember you said you liked me too. Maybe, I mistaken your friendship for something."

"No! It's really my fault! I was about to give you the chance we've both deserve. I was about to give up on Austin! Austin and I were both dorky, you know!" I smiled. "If not for the help of Gab, Ems and Dave. We've could have had been together. But it'll be unfair for you. Cause my love for him is something that cannot be change overnight. So thank God we've had a supportive friends."

He nodded and said. "Like today?"

"What today?" I asked.

"They're just here! Right there!" pointing at Emily and David eating and drinking while looking at us.

"Aw! How'd you know?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"I arrived here first!" He sipped on his drinks again. "Don't get me wrong, I thought you want us to meet so you could asked me to be you're side chick, at first. I was thinking of how will I'm going to reject you in a manner you'll never forget!" And he laughed because of his own thinking. And I laughed with him too. "But then you came with them. And I just thought of the things that I've liked about you, you're the sincere, innocent, simple girl. You can't hurt anybody intentionally. And you'll always be that girl. The girl that I've liked, that will never be mine."

It made me smile, the widest! "You're one of the kindest heart, sincerest guy that I've ever met Ronald! Not to mention that you're extremely good looking. You'll meet someone better than me, someday! Let's claim that!"

Then I hold his hand above the table and hold it a little tighter to show him how much I've cared for him.



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