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For the millionth time since he took this job Seungcheol wondered how he ended up here. He was seated at a small round table in the most exclusive restaurant in Seoul with a sulking Jisoo on one side and what could only be described as two adult children across from him. Soonyoung and Jeonghan hadn't stopped talking, laughing, singing and generally making a scene since they arrived. The addition of two expensive bottles of wine to the table had only increased the noise and Seungcheol's stress level. Jisoo appeared to feel the same. "Do you drink?" he asked Seungcheol who shook his head. "Never on the job." "Good. So I can," he said and smiled for the first time in a long time as he filled his glass to the top with a rich red wine and took a huge chug. Seungcheol couldn't blame him.

His phone buzzed and he grabbed it out of his pocket. Shit. He had totally forgotten Luda. He'd promised they would get pizza and watch her favourite drama together but it was already too late. He was working and sent her a quick text apologising. Jeonghan watched him type away furiously as he made his apology and giggled a little. "Your girlfriend?" he asked and Seungcheol nodded. "I'd like to meet her," Jeonghan said as he poured himself a second glass of wine. Seungcheol nodded but he knew that was never going to happen. He would avoid it at all costs.

"Gotta pee!" Soonyoung announced to the table and walked off towards the bathrooms. "Yeee!" Jeonghan exclaimed and to Seungcheol's horror as soon as Soonyoung was out of sight he slid off his char and hid under the table. "What are you doing?" Seungcheol hissed at him as he lifted the table cloth. "Ah what does it look like? I'm hiding." Seungcheol looked to Jisoo for support but the man just shrugged his shoulders and picked at a slice of garlic bread. Seungcheol ran his hands through his hair in exasperation while Jeonghan giggled to himself under the table.

Soonyoung re-joined the table with a smirk on his face when he saw the empty chair. "Oh! Where's Jeonghannie?" he asked loudly as he ignored the giggles coming from under the table. "He must have left without even eating!" Jeonghan popped his head out from under the table cloth right between Soonyoung's legs and giggled up at the man who was now laughing too. "Oh there you are Hannie!" Soonyoung smiled at the face between his knees. "While you're down there..." he pushed Jeonghan's face almost against his crotch and they both laughed loud enough to make half the restaurant look around.

"Jeonghan." Seungcheol said sternly. "Anyone could be watching." Jeonghan just chugged the rest of his wine. "Nope. Not here. They don't just let anyone in here Cheollie." Seungcheol was about to protest but the meals were delivered and Jeonghan and Soonyoung were distracted from their childish games by the delicious food.

Seungcheol picked at his meal and wished it was pizza in front of the TV instead. Jeonghan and Jisoo seemed to really enjoy the food though and Soonyoung just shovelled it in so fast he couldn't have barely tasted it. When everyone had eaten and Jeonghan had downed another glass of wine they were finally done. Soonyoung pulled out a black credit card and Jeonghan argued with him but he steadfastly refused to budge. "No way Hannie." He cooed at the older man. "My treat. Can't I treat my most beautiful hyung with the stunning new hair to a meal?" Seungcheol couldn't believe the way Jeonghan melted at the choreographer's soft words. He was so needy. For attention, for praise, for compliments.

For love.

Seungcheol felt a whole range of emotions boil inside him. Jeonghan was so needy because he lacked any real love in his life. All the praise, the compliments and the adoration, from his staff and his company and his friends. It was all empty. Jeonghan had no one to hold him the way he needed. He slept alone every night in that big empty bed. He had no one to share his fears and his desires, his feelings inside, he was wholly and truly alone in this world.

black shield * jeonghan x seungcheol Where stories live. Discover now