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Another day meant another music show schedule. It meant a whole day surrounded by Jisoo and Minghao, and now Junhui as well, nameless and faceless staff and random people all wanting Jeonghan. He couldn't blame them. Seungcheol rolled over and ran a hand down Jeonghan's bare chest. He could barely see him in the dark pre-dawn light but he could see enough.

Enough to make the hair on the back of his neck a little damp with heat, the hairs on his arms stand on end, his stomach muscles clenched tight with anticipation. Seungcheol hungered for Jeonghan between his legs again, inside him, owning him and dominating him as he writhed underneath.

His mouth watered as his body heated up in the rush of desperate desire. He wrapped an arm around Jeonghan's thin waist and wriggled as close to him as he could, the burn of his erection pressing against the cool naked skin of his lover. "Hmmm..." Jeonghan murmured in his sleep and stretched and the feel of his lithe body in Seungcheol's grasp was incredible.

When the alarm went off he wanted to cry.

"Not fair," Seungcheol groaned as Jeonghan sat up and switched it off. "Sorry Cheollie," Jeonghan chirped happily in the dark. "I warned you about this crazy comeback schedule." Seungcheol nodded and sat up too. He knew. He'd known all along and he accepted it. He would just silently wait for the time when they could at least lay in bed late two mornings in a row.

The sound of the shower roused Seungcheol again. He got up and slipped in behind Jeonghan, all business and no mischief, keeping his hands to himself. No matter how hard it was. He quickly soaped himself and rinsed and got out and was already tying his Magnums by the time Jeonghan emerged in a coconut ginseng cloud of steam and fluffy cotton. "Can't wait to get today over with," he mumbled, his good mood from before vanished into the steam, and Seungcheol understood why.

"It's hard to resist you when you look so soft and smell so good," Seungcheol let a hand wander up the inside of the towel as his lips wandered down Jeonghan's neck. "But this isn't going to get you to the tv studio...." "You're right," Jeonghan said as he offered no resistance. Seungcheol always knew exactly how to turn his moods around.

"Black..." Minghao said as he held up the bottle. "Purple," Jeonghan countered and they sat across the table from each other and stared. "I know how to solve this," Jeonghan said to break the silence. "Cheollie, what would look nicer wrapped around your dick? Black or purple?" Jeonghan fluttered his eyelashes at Seungcheol who blushed and walked over to the table. "Silver," he said picking up a bottle of silver sparkly nail polish and Jeonghan grinned. "Silver it is."

Seungcheol watched as Minghao painted each nail on the ends of Jeonghan's long fingers. His mind wandered to imagining exactly how they would look later when Junhui burst in through the door with panic all over his face. "Seungcheol sir, we have a big problem," his eyes flickered around the room. "Is Wonwoo here?" "No," Seungcheol's brain instantly cleared and focused. "Junhui what is going on?" "Suspicious package," Junhui said quietly as he leaned over.

They hurried along he hallway to where a bored looking security guard and a few show producers were staring at a box.

black shield * jeonghan x seungcheol Where stories live. Discover now