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"Where are we going?" Jeonghan said as they climbed into Seungcheol's tiny black hatchback. "I don't know, this was your idea!" Seungcheol laughed loudly as he pulled out of the carpark. "Well, we need publicity..." Jeonghan shuddered. "I guess our first date is going to be the company coffee shop." "Not necessarily..." he said as he drove. Seungcheol had a better idea. The perfect idea actually.

Jeonghan stared out the window of the untidy little car as it sped along the highway. The wind was in his hair and he felt so free without the obligatory beanie or bucket hat. He felt like he was finally finding out who he really was. He looked over at Seungcheol driving, eyes on the road, but with a small smile on his lips and he smiled too.

"You really should be nicer to Jisoo," Seungcheol said as he turned off the main road. "He really should stay out of my private life," Jeonghan rebutted and Seungcheol shook his head. "It's too late for that. You've already made him a part of it, for what it's worth, and whether in hindsight that's a good or bad thing it's done now." As the traffic lessened, Seungcheol looked over at Jeonghan's thoughtful expression. "You're right. I've already let him in. But he needs some boundaries and my bedroom is definitely one of them." Seungcheol wasn't going to argue with that.

His eyes shone with excitement and wonder as they pulled up at a run down looking park. "What is this place?" Jeonghan asked and Seungcheol grinned widely with his own barely contained excitement. "A petting zoo!"

He walked around and took Jeonghan's hand to help him from the car. It seemed unnecessary but it was already a habit. It was mid-morning on a weekday and the place was almost deserted except for a few school buses in the carpark. "Jisoo said publicity.." Jeonghan said, a little lost, as they waked towards the entrance. "So? You really want our first real date to be a publicity stunt?" Seungcheol replied as he dragged Jeonghan by the hand. He paid for two tickets and they walked in and within a minute Jeonghan was screaming with delight.

The place was full of different pens where you could walk in and pet the animals. Little bags of food were available to buy and Jeonghan pleaded with Seungcheol but the bodyguard stood firm. "No, trust me, its better without the food." He smiled and knew Jeonghan would figure it out soon enough. The first pen with the little animals, guinea pigs and rabbits, delighted the childlike man who dashed across the dirt after a particularly fluffy white rabbit with red eyes. "He's so cute..." he squealed as the poor rabbit found itself caught up in an oppressive hug and Seungcheol laughed loudly in the sun. He knew this was the perfect place for Jeonghan to spend a morning.

"I want to feed them..." Jeonghan whined again but Seungcheol stood firm. "No baby, not a good idea," he said and when he realised the endearment had slipped so easily from his lips he blush. "I'm not a baby," Jeonghan pouted with his hands on his hips, "and I want to feed the goats." "You look more like a baby than ever," Seungcheol laughed again at the singer's ridiculous display, "and trust me. Do you trust me?" he spoke softly as he moved a little closer and Jeonghan relented. "Yes. I trust you."

They took no notice of the small gathered crowd watching them. Seungcheol took Jeonghan's hand and led him into the big pen. Goats and sheep wandered around, there were even a few alpacas, and to Jeonghan's delight a few deer. "Deer!" he breathed with glassy eyes, "Please take a photo of me with the deer!" Seungcheol obliged, snapping photos of the smiling man petting the beautiful creatures, a look of awe and wonder on his stunning face, the blinding sunlight only accenting his beautiful features. Seungcheol's eyes flicked over to a group of schoolchildren and when Jeonghan saw them he began to laugh. They all had bags of the food and were being harassed by a group of goats who nudged them for food, jostling each other out the way, even biting at their clothes and school bags. "See?" Seungcheol smirked and Jeonghan nodded. Now he knew why Seungcheol said it was better without the food.

"Last pen," Jeonghan said as he dragged Seungcheol by the hand to the largest one. They didn't go inside, they just walked along the fence line and Jeonghan was excited to pet a donkey, then a pony. And then he saw the cows. "Oh my god!" he said as he ran towards them. "They're like giant puppies!" he ran his hands all over the beautiful brown and white cow's face. "He looks like you," Jeonghan said to Seungcheol. "First of all it's a girl," "How do you know?" Jeonghan interrupted him and Seungcheol began to laugh. "Hannie, baby, all cows are girls." He watched Jeonghan think carefully about it before the man hid his face. "Well now I feel dumb," he giggled into his fingers and Seungcheol gently took them in his. "Second of all she looks like you. Pretty. That ugly guy looks like me!" he pointed to a lazy old camel chewing some hay in the corner and Jeonghan dissolved into a fit of giggles. "You're right! Stand here and take a selfie with him!"

They took their fill of photos with the animals before wandering slowly back to the front of the zoo. Schoolchildren weaved around them, running in their excitement, yelling and falling over and pushing each other. They picked their way thought the short crowd before walking into the little gift shop and café at the front. "You want something?" Seungcheol said as they checked out the generic souvenirs and Jeonghan picked up a stuffed cow. His big eyes nodded as he held it to his chest and Seungcheol took it from him and walked to the counter.

"You're Yoon Jeonghan!" the woman said behind the counter and Jeonghan nodded a little shyly. He was confident on stage and in the studio but out in public not so much. "Wow," she said as she rang up the cow and Seungcheol got his wallet out. "A real celebrity here in our tiny little zoo!" Jeonghan looked over at Seungcheol before approaching a little closer. "Would you like to take a photo of me here?" he asked and her eyes lit up. "Definitely! All our animals are rescues, and we rely on donations to stay open, we could really use the publicity." Seungcheol's eyes watched Jeonghan carefully for his reaction but he seemed happy to oblige. He stood in front of the counter with the woman and Seungcheol took the photo for her before handing the phone back.

"We had a great time," Jeonghan said as they walked towards the door. Seungcheol watched him pull his wallet out and grab a fistful of cash and stuff it into the donation box as they left. "I wish I had more," he whispered as Seungcheol watched him stuff about six hundred dollars' worth of notes in the slot.

Seungcheol bought them ice creams on sticks from the vending machine outside and they leaned on his car in the midday sun as they ate them in silence. "Thank you," Jeonghan said as he turned his head towards the bodyguard, unshed tears suddenly shining behind thick lashes, but with a gentle smile on his face. "What for?" Seungcheol asked and Jeonghan unselfconsciously folded himself into Seungcheol's arms. "For taking me out on the best date ever. My first date actually, I've never been on one before, and this was even better than I ever imagined." He dropped his melting ice cream on the ground as he snuggled closer and Seungcheol held him tighter. "Thank you for treating me like a normal person. And for knowing how to make me have so much fun."

Seungcheol finished his ice cream before untangling the man from his arms. "You're welcome," he said, feeling overwhelmingly sad, but unsure exactly why. "It's what you deserve!" And for the first time since he was a child Jeonghan felt like someone knew him. Not the singer, the idol, the famous face. The person inside.

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