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"Call me," Seungcheol said and Wonwoo nodded. He knew what he meant and would let Seungcheol known what he found on the traffic cameras. Seungcheol swung the door open and climbed out of the patrol car around the corner from the tv studio and walked the rest of the way. He didn't want to be seen getting out of a marked police car. He didn't want the media to get any wind of what was going on. It was too risky.

He walked past the thinning out crowd and showed his ID to a security guard at the door who barely glanced at it and Seungcheol sighed at the slack security that seemed to be everywhere. Was no one else concerned for these idols? At least he knew to be on alert. Any of them could be at risk at any time and they didn't know it.

"He's just about to record," a bored looking assistant said as she directed Seungcheol to the sound stage where he found Jeonghan on the stage joking around with his fans. "He's not here," Junhui whispered when Seungcheol crept up next to him. "We can't be sure he's working alone," Seungcheol replied but he was sure the fanboy was Jeonghan's stalker and he was almost certain he was working alone.

Jisoo joined them and they watched Jeonghan change immediately from cute boy to sexy idol when he began to perform. The crowd were screaming in between their fanchants and Seungcheol couldn't help but get swept up in the moment. Jeonghan was so gorgeous, his hair a little too long, the lights shining down making his skin glow. His body moved like no human should, he was almost cat like in his sensuality, and Seungcheol felt the room heat up around him as Jeonghan performed his song twice in a row.

By the end of the second time his forehead was glimmering with a fine sheen of sweat and makeup artists rushed the stage to touch him up. "It's great," Jisoo said and Seungcheol shook his head. "No it's not. I'm running it again." Jeonghan's scowl lifted when he saw Seungcheol standing side stage and he ran over and into his bodyguards open arms. "You're here," he murmured into the soft black cotton of Seungcheol's tshirt and Seungcheol smiled as he smoothed the singers hair with his hand and drew him backwards into a dark hidden corner.

"They're all waiting for you," Seungcheol said as he stood still and let Jeonghan snuggle against his body. "They can wait," he said as he finally lifted his head. His deep chocolate irises had been shaded a soft grey blue by a pair of contacts but Seungcheol still lost himself in them for a minute. "I got you something," he said as he looked around. Jeonghan squealed when he saw the little black velvet bag. "Now don't get too excited," Seungcheol said as he felt suddenly shy.

He was about to gift a piece of jewellery to a man who could buy himself diamonds and gold of the highest quality and this was less than a few hundred dollars worth. He second guessed himself but it was too late to back out now that Jeonghan was clutching his shirt with expectation all over his face. Seungcheol tipped the contents of the bag into his hand and lifted the string of fine black pearls up. "I don't expect you to put it on now," Seungcheol said but Jeonghan took the string and wrapped it around his wrist immediately. "A little help?" He held his wrist out and Seungcheol clipped the clasp and Jeonghan smiled at him with shining wet eyes. "This is a conversation we need to have later," he said as his eyes flicked over to the stage, "but please go down and watch me."

Seungcheol slipped out from the backstage area and stood off to the side of the audience. The backing track started up again and Seungcheol held his breath as he watched the man glide and writhe across the stage like he was made of everything sensual in the universe. Pride suddenly filled his chest, pride at how talented Jeonghan was, pride at the small part he had to play in the creation of this piece on stage even just by supporting, and most of all the pride of possessiveness. Jeonghan was his.

His fans might line the walkways and scream his name, they would fill the audience of his stages and chant and cry and sing along, they could all admire Jeonghan's talent and his ethereal looks and his sexiness and sensuality. But only from afar. They didn't get to see him wrecked, legs spread and hair askew, his eyes begging for Seungcheol and his lips swollen and hungry for more. That was the side of Jeonghan that was for him only and it felt wonderful. That behind closed doors Jeonghan was kind and funny and so childlike. So innocent and yet so sexy and seductive. He was generous and strong and driven towards his goals like nothing Seungcheol had ever seen before. And all of this was for him only. No one else saw all facets of the man Jeonghan truly was.

And now, with Seungcheol's eyes on him, Jeonghan felt whole again. He felt protected and free, he felt strong and sexy, he felt wild and confident and safe. Safe and free to be himself. The man he truly was inside.

He danced like Seungcheol was the only one watching him. He danced and he sang and the fine strand of black pearls dangled from his wrist as his heart fluttered in his chest. No one had ever given him something so wonderful and so special before. Jeonghan knew he was going to wear it every day no matter how much Minghao would protest.

He danced and sang and finally it was over. He could read the room, he knew he'd performed well, and he sank to the floor on the spot. Sweat poured from his head and dropped down his back. He was exhausted. He tried to stand on shaky legs and found a strong arm helping him to his feet. When he looked up it was Seungcheol helping him to stand. He waved to his fans and let Seungcheol walk him off stage to a chair where he collapsed again and reached for the bottle of water Jisoo was holding out.

When the whole bottle of water was gone his head began to clear. "Jeonghan, that last time was amazing, but you can't put yourself under pressure like that. I won't have you getting sick or injured." Jisoo was curt and clipped and Seungcheol could see the concern barely veiled in his eyes. Jeonghan went to protest but Seungcheol knelt down beside him and took his long delicate fingers between his own strong ones. "He's right Hannie. Let us take care of you and keep you safe. Okay?"

Jeonghan blinked down at Seungcheol and then back up at Jisoo. "Okay," he said brightly as his fingers slipped free to fidget with the strand of pearls around his left wrist. It was about time he grew up and started listening to the people in his life. He smiled softly and Seungcheol helped him up again and his knees trembled a little less with the water in his system.

"I'm fine now," he said softly as they walked him back to the dressing room. As soon as they were inside and the door closed behind them Jisoo and Junhui's phones both buzzed with a notification. Jisoo hand went straight into his pocket and when he unlocked it his face went pale.

He handed the phone to Seungcheol who read through the email.

The comeback is over.

Stop all promotions and remove the album from all streaming platforms within 48 hours or these photos will be released to the media.

Attached to the email were the photos. Jeonghan and Seungcheol in the pool. Jeonghan and Seungcheol cuddling as they shared an ice cream outside the petting zoo. Jeonghan and Seungcheol holding hands outside the company building and the tv studio and others of Seungcheol holding Jeonghan close against his chest.

They were incriminating to say the least. Rumours had been swirling barely below the surface about Jeonghan having someone new in his life and more than enough attention was already being spotlighted on the sexy muscular bodyguard who accompanied him everywhere. There was no plausible deniability. The photos would be enough evidence for the media.

"What do we do?" Jeonghan said as he looked over Junhui's shoulder at the identical email he'd received. Jisoo and Junhui were both employees of the company and their details were listed on the company website publicly. Seungcheol turned to Jisoo and handed the phone back and the manager frowned as he looked at the other three men.

"We need to get a drink," he said and the rest of them nodded their agreement.

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