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Jubilant. The mood was electric, everyone was buzzing, and Seungcheol couldn't get close. He tried to relax, knowing the people surrounding him were his friends, but when he wasn't right by his side, he felt anxious. It wasn't good. He knew that. His personal feelings were beginning to cloud into his work and this was what he was afraid of. Would it make him a better bodyguard? Was his constant attentiveness work in his favour? On the other hand, would his feelings cause him to overlooks something potentially life threatening. He didn't know.

He watched Jeonghan enjoy the attention like a flower being fluttered over by a hundred butterflies. This was what he was born to do. Anyone could see that. He revelled in the attention, thrived on it, soaked it up like water in a desert oasis. Seungcheol was surprised when the crowd parted and Jeonghan pushed his way through to find the bodyguard, standing shyly in front of him, holding his hands out with a soft smile. The man had turned back into the boy as a blush spread across his cheeks. "I couldn't have done any of this without you Cheollie," he said quietly as he gripped Seungcheol's hands tight. "I'm only standing here, now, because of you in so many ways." And then he was whisked away by Jisoo. "There's a huge row of flower arrangements in the hallway. We need pictures for social media of Jeonghan looking at them."

Seungcheol followed as did Wonwoo and Junhui. Jisoo had Jeonghan by one arm and Seungcheol walked on the other with the uniformed officer and the security guard close on their heels. Seungcheol knew it wasn't time to relax yet, the show might be over, but he wouldn't be happy until they were both safely ensconced in Jeonghan's penthouse apartment.

They slowed as they began to walk along the row of tall flower arrangements, mostly beautiful pinks and reds and yellows, all with congratulatory messages on ribbons. Jisoo began taking pictures and when Jeonghan walked along the row he slowed and then stopped with a confused look on his face. "Ew," he said as he held his hand out. "Whoever sent this should ask for their money back." Seungcheol lunged for him and grabbed his arm. "Don't touch that," he said and Jeonghan spun around in shock.

The wreath was tall but instead of being brightly coloured it was all white lilies. Or at least it was before they had all begun to crinkle and burn. They looked like they'd been burned or dried out with a hairdryer or something and the edges of their once-beautiful petals were burned brown and curled up. A big white envelope sat on the front and Wonwoo stepped forward with gloved hands. "Don't let anyone down here," he said to Junhui as he picked up the envelope and the security guard nodded and pulled his identification out of his pocket and turned to face the end of the corridor.

"Take him away," Seungcheol said to Jisoo and Jeonghan stood his ground. "No. I'm not a child. I have a right to see this. I want to know what is going on." Seungcheol sighed when he saw the glint of tears in Jeonghan's eyes. Why? He was so happy just minutes earlier. Why did some psycho have to ruin this for him?

No one spoke or even dared to breathe as Wonwoo opened the envelope. He pulled out a large pearlescent card with delicate filigree writing on the front. "With Deepest Sympathy," Wonwoo read aloud before opening it.

"Dearest Jeonghan

With deepest sympathy for you on this, the sad tragic death of your career, a long overdue and wretched end to your angelic image.

Kind Regards

Boo Seungkwan"

"He wouldn't..." Jeonghan murmured as they all stood shocked in silence. "No," Jisoo said firmly. "He wouldn't. He might be a diva, he might be egotistical and spoilt, but he would never risk his reputation to be this petty." Seungcheol nodded. "I agree with Jisoo. This isn't the work of Boo Seungkwan. We can't go blaming him." He held out a clear bag open for Wonwoo to drop the card and envelope in and sealed it immediately.

Jeonghan's bottom lip trembled and Seungcheol moved closer to him. "What's with the flowers though? Why not just leave the card?" "Actually," Wonwoo piped up. "The white lily traditionally symbolises innocence, chastity and virtue. They are the flower most often used at, and associated with, funerals as they symbolise the restored innocence of the soul after death." "Wow," Junhui breathed softly as he turned to make heart eyes at the detective, "So smart...." Wonwoo winked at him before turning his focus back to the problem. "So creepy," Seungcheol said as he marvelled over his friends curious knowledge of the meaning of flowers. Wonwoo could be a real weirdo.

"What do we do?" Wonwoo asked. Seungcheol was in charge and Wonwoo needed him to know that. This was his operation and he thought hard. "Jisoo, please take Jeonghan back to the dressing room. Junhui goes with you both. Lock the door and don't open it to anyone except for me." Jeonghan went to open his mouth but when he saw the look in Seungcheol's eyes, worried and pleading, he acquiesced. "Okay," Jisoo said and they walked back down the long corridor to the rooms.

"We need to see if there's security footage of this being dropped off," Seungcheol said and Wonwoo nodded. They found a black garbage bag and carefully bagged the flowers and moved them to a storeroom. They then made their way up to the security office of the venue and the tired security guard was only too happy to leave and let them do what they needed.

Wonwoo went over the security footage from the loading dock and watched van after van arrive and deliver things. Boxes of toilet paper, a crate of paper towels, the sound system technicians, then the florist vans. One after another pulled up and delivered wreath after wreath moved inside by quick working storemen. The last one to arrive was an unmarked van, not a florist van, a smaller vehicle plain white and unsigned. A man in a cap got out and handed over the arrangement, the storeman signed for it, and the van drove off. "Can you see the number plate?" Wonwoo said as he squinted closer at the screens and Seungcheol laughed. "Wearing your contacts isn't any good for your eyes," he chuckled as he wrote the numberplate down and stashed it in his pocket. "Yeah, well...." Wonwoo blushed as he turned away from Seungcheol. "Junhui hasn't seen me in my glasses yet."

"It's us," Seungcheol said as he knocked loudly at the door and Jisoo threw it open. The jubilation was long gone, replaced with a morose stillness, Jeonghan visibly tired. "Did you find anything?" he asked and Seungcheol nodded. "That's for tomorrow Hannie. Right now we need to get you home." The odd little group left the dressing room and walked down to the parking garage. Seungcheol was on edge, checking with his eyes and ears, flanked by Wonwoo dong the same. They checked all around the vehicles before opening the door for Jeonghan to get inside. "See you tomorrow," Jeonghan called out to Wonwoo and Junhui as he waved from inside the car. Seungcheol climbed in and left the other two behind to take the evidence with them back to the police station.

"You okay?" Seungcheol asked as Jeonghan moved over to the middle seat and put his head on his bodyguard's shoulder. They drove through the dark city, shrouded in the anonymity of nighttime and tinted windows, and Seungcheol moved Jeonghan from his shoulder to in between his arms. "I'm just tired," the white haired singer lamented gently. It had been a long day. "Don't let it be ruined," Seungcheol said. "When we get home you can lay in a hot bath and I'll sit next to you and read nice comments from your social media." "Cheollie," Jeonghan sighed through closed lids, "that sounds amazing."

"Meow," Chan Chan enthused from inside his crate and they both laughed. "No bath for you but I think some nice warm milk since you were such a good boy," Seungcheol said softly and Jeonghan lifted his face and fluttered his eyelashes. "I could do with some warm milk too Cheollie," Jeonghan breathed the words close to his ear and Seungcheol felt hot all over. He'd created a monster and he wasn't even sorry.

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