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Seungcheol had to catch a taxi over to the Police headquarters and he tried to slip in unnoticed. He hadn't been back here since he'd been forced into retirement and it made him weak with nostalgia. This place was once a second home to him. He'd always been afraid to return here as a failure, as someone who was a shadow of his former self but now he was filled with a strength and purpose like he used to have. He had to protect Jeonghan.

"Choi Seungcheol for Detective Jeon Wonwoo," he said as he presented ID at the front desk. "You need to be fingerprinted and iris scanned," the junior officer working the desk told him. Seungcheol handed over his ID and allowed the officer to scan his eyes and fingerprint him as he entered all the details. "Occupation and purpose of the visit?" the officer asked and Seungcheol wasn't ashamed to say he was a private bodyguard.

"Hey man," Wonwoo said as he wandered out of a locked door. "Sorry you had to wait out here," he said but Seungcheol just shrugged it off. He wasn't who he used to be. He was no longer a police officer, prodigy detective, valued member of the force. He had a different purpose now and a different path in life and he wasn't sorry. He especially wasn't sorry as Wonwoo walked him from the modern and brightly lit foyer and reception area back into the dingy and musty offices they still worked from. "Have a seat," Wonwoo directed Seungcheol into his office and they both sat down at the desk.

"This used to be my office," Seungcheol mused and Wonwoo nodded. "You think I would let anyone else take it? It's the one furtherest from the toilet." They both laughed as Seungcheol was suddenly flooded with memories of public service life. Now he had expensive coffee and private bathrooms. No more instant coffee and disgusting shared toilets for him. He wasn't even sure if he missed it. He was getting spoiled.

"How is Jeonghan?" Wonwoo asked and Seungcheol nodded. "He's good. He's stronger than I thought he was and he's handling this quite well." Wonwoo nodded knowingly and Seungcheol knew what he was thinking. Junhui was the same. He'd never imagined the goofy and cute security guard to be so smart and competent. "Check this out," Wonwoo smiled as he grabbed his phone and showed Seungcheol Junhui's selfies he'd sent through that morning with Jeonghan and Seungcheol had to laugh out loud. Jisoo would have a fit if he saw them.

"So," Wonwoo opened up his computer and waited while the snail paced government internet connected. "I've traced the numberplate back to this courier company. I contacted them for information of the delivery and they told me it was made in the name of Mr Boo Seungkwan and paid in cash." "Okay so we need to go see them and find out if they have security cameras," Seungcheol said and Wonwoo nodded. He grabbed his badge and gun form the desk drawer and soon they were both on the move.

They arrived at the courier company and walked in to find an unattended reception desk with a computer open. Wonwoo scowled and dinged a little bell on the counter and a balding man walked out with a frazzled look on his face. Wonwoo flashed his badge and the man immediately straightened up his back and attitude. "What can I do for you today?"

"I phoned and spoke to someone this morning about a deliver." Wonwoo handed over his notes with the manifest number and the details and the man inspected it carefully. "Isn't Boo Seungkwan some famous singer?" he asked and Wonwoo nodded. "Yes. We need to see your security camera footage." The man frowned and handed the piece of paper back. "Sorry man. We don't have one on the desk here. We only keep cameras out the back. In case the drivers get sticky fingers and, you know, parcels go missing."

Seungcheol shook his head. A dead end. Nevertheless, Wonwoo wasn't so easily dissuaded. "Can I have a look at your records please anyway?" he asked. They didn't have a warrant so the man could say no. but he typed the manifest number into the computer and turned the screen around. "The item wasn't dropped off here. The manifest has a pick up location and a delivery location." He printed off the screen and handed it to the Detective who thanked him. It was more than they expected.

They drove across town to the small florist specified on the manifest. It was way out of the way, small and boutique, definitely not something you could stumble across. "This place isn't going to have any cameras," Seungcheol said and Wonwoo nodded. "Only one way to find out," he said and opened the door as a little bell rang overhead.

"Welcome to La Petit Fleur," a tiny woman with tight braids said as she wandered from the back workroom. "How can I help you today? Something for a special lady in your life?" her eyes flicked over to Seungcheol who blushed. When he was with Luda he was really quite generous, surprising her with flowers and dinners and even the occasional piece of jewellery. He hadn't even considered Jeonghan would like something like that. In fact, he'd been the recipient of the singer's generosity on many occasions, and had never given the other a single thing. The only thing he'd ever done for him was the petting zoo date and since then he'd given him nothing both literally and figuratively. He ran a hand through his hair as he sighed heavily.

"We're here on official business madam," Wonwoo said as he flashed his badge and handed the manifest over. "We would like to see your records from this date in relation to an official police investigation." Once again they had no warrant and she could turn them away if she wanted but she just smiled and pulled out a carbon copy book. "Nice young man, he must have a very spoilt girlfriend, he's in here all the time..."

She flicked through the pages and found the handwritten cart note with the order details on it. "He always pays cash on the day. Here is the order." Wonwoo's eyes scanned over the order for an arrangement of a hundred white lilies. "What about cards and stuff?" "Customers usually bring them in. I put them in the arrangements, I never look in them, that would be unprofessional." She thought hard. "Is the boy in some kind of trouble?" Wonwoo ignored her question. "I don't suppose you have security cameras?" he asked and she shook her head. "No." "If he comes back in please give me a call," Wonwoo handed his card over and she slipped it into the pocket of her apron. "Thank you," Seungcheol bowed as they left.

"Unhelpful," Seungcheol sighed again as they walked out. "No credit card details, no address or email or even a name to go by, or any footage to link him to the florist. Another dead end." Wonwoo shook his head and pointed up at the intersection. There were cameras on the traffic lights. "I'll get the traffic department footage when I get back to the office. Until then we'll just have to wait it out and see what happens."

They got back in the police car and began to drive across town. "Do you want me to drop you straight back to the TV studio?" Wonwoo asked and Seungcheol nodded as he stared out the window. "Actually, can we stop for a bit?" he asked as they passed a small open-air mall. Wonwoo pulled the police car into an empty park and Seungcheol grabbed his wallet out. "You're really good at this stuff," he said to Wonwoo as they walked through the exclusive boutiques and towards a small jewellery store. "Can you help me please?"

Seungcheol almost choked when he checked his bank account balance. He'd kind of lost track in the last few weeks, no longer having to pay rent or buy groceries, when he was with Jeonghan everything was somehow already taken care of. He walked into the jewellery store and straight up to a glass cabinet full of diamonds and gold and narrowed his eyes. "None of this," he said to Wonwoo as they walked along the display. Suddenly something caught his eye and he pointed it out to Wonwoo who nodded in agreement.

The fine string of black pearls wound into a bracelet was delicate and stunning and unusual. Too feminine for a man but too bold for a woman. It was unusual and meaningful and perfect. When he swiped his bank card he barely even cringed.

"Nice choice," Wonwoo smirked at the tastefully wrapped package. "You didn't even need my help. You obviously know him better than you think..." Seungcheol nodded as they got back in the patrol car. Wonwoo was right as per usual.

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