Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning to a pressure on my bed. I rolled over and saw that Father was siting next to me, stroking my hair. I shot up and knocked the breath out of him with a hug.

"Father! I've missed you so much!" I cried, holding onto his shoulders and burying my face in his neck.

"I know darling. I've missed you too. But I'm home now. Come. Your Mother has already prepared breakfast."

I got up, but kept an arm wrapped around Father's waist. I was scared that if I let go I would loose him again.

Asahi was sitting at the table and I gave her a hug as well. "What has gotten into you Akemi? You're so...emotional today." She said as she gingerly returned my hug.

"Your sister has good reason to be emotional today. Since it's the reaping and all." Mother said as she sat down.

Father sat beside her and I finally released Asahi and took my seat next to her.

Breakfast was mostly silent. We were all wrapped up in our thoughts, scared of what was yet to come.

A chime that echoed throughout the District made us all stand. We had thirty minutes before we had to leave.

"Girls, dress nicely." Mother said as she and Father walked outside to give us privacy.

Asahi and I got out our 'nice' clothes. Mine was a midnight blue dress that Asahi had gotten me for my birthday that year. I hadn't ever given thought to how she could have afforded it then.

I slipped it on over my head and was slightly embarrassed when I saw how short it was on me. Asahi stifled a chuckle.

"Don't worry. No one will even see you. Just... try not to attract attention to yourself." I rolled my eyes. Like this dress won't attract attention on its own.

The dress had two skinny straps, a built in bra, and made me look quite skinny. I was already skinny, so I often thought the dress made me look like a skeleton.

"You look beautiful!" Mother exclaimed as she and Father came back in. She slipped a small blue flower behind both of our ears then led us outside so she and Father could change.

When they were finished, we all looked back at our home then walked down the sidewalk and to the town square. The reaping was held there as it was the largest open space in our District.

As we got closer, I noticed how there were more Peacekeepers in the square. I never left our house except for work or school. Asahi did most of the shopping so I had no reason to come to the square. I guess I had never realized just how many Peacekeepers there were in District Eleven.

When we arrived at the square, a woman behind a small wooden desk pointed to a group of sixteen year old girls. "You go there." She said. "You go there." She said to my sister, pointing to a group of eighteen year olds.

I gave my family a hug before walking over to the silent group of sixteen year olds. In fact, the whole square was silent. I didn't realize why until I heard a man talking and a Peacekeeper came over and shot him in the head. So much for keeping the peace.

We all stood in silence until a woman with long electric blue hair that fell in curls to her waist walked onto the stage. Cassie Banks. She was nice enough, but exaggerated everything.

"Welcome! Welcome to the Sixty Fifth Annual Hunger Games!" The square remained silent. Cassie looked at all of us with dark blue lips that made it look like she was suffocating.

The mayor came up to the stage and said a speech about how we were all lucky to have the Districts and have a merciful Capitol that kept us safe with our Peacekeepers. He obviously didn't know or didn't care what the Peacekeepers really did.

Everyone pretend to listen, but really we were just wishing to go back to the safety of our homes. At least there we had some control. Even if it was only in our minds.

A video played about the history of Panem and I chuckled lightly as the girl next to me rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I shook her awake however when I saw a Peacekeeper looking over at us. She gave me a thankful smile and stood up a bit straighter.

Cassie walked back up to the microphone and tapped it cheerily. "I know we have always done ladies first, but this year let's change things up a bit!" She walked over to the boys bowl. It was a very large glass bowl full of tiny slips of paper.

"And the male tribute from District Eleven is... Noah Brown!" No one cheered or applauded. Why would we? It was just a boy being sent off to his death. A boy who looked about a year younger than me and had bright blonde hair walked up to the stage. His hands were trembling and I knew he was terrified. As he should be.

"And now for the ladies!" Cassie called happily, walking over to the girls' bowl.

"And the female tribute for District Eleven is...oh dear, how do I pronounce this?" My stomach clenched. Not Asahi. Not Asahi. Not Asahi. I crossed my fingers behind my back.

A man walked up behind Cassie, read the piece of paper, then whispered the name in her ear. "So sorry! The female tribute for District Eleven is Asahi Sato!"

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