Chapter Three

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I gasped. No. No. I prayed. I hoped. I had faith. What else could I have done? No. It's not possible.

I watched as Asahi walked up to the stage and felt a weight drop in my stomach. No! This can't be happening!

Cassie put her hands on Noah and Asahi's shoulders. "And here we have our tributes for this year's Hunger Games! Are there any volunteers?"

I stepped forward, my mind moving on it's own. Asahi gave me a look that told me to go back, but I wouldn't. Not now. "I volunteer!" I cried.

Cassie looked down from the stage and smiled. Two Peacekeepers came up behind me and led me towards the stage.

Asahi came walking down the steps and took my arm. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" She whispered, panic in her voice.

I felt tears sting my eyes but pushed them down. "I'm saving your life." I hissed as a Peacekeeper pushed her away.

I walked over to Cassie and looked across the square. I could see my Mother and Father in the back, tears in their eyes. Asahi was standing with the other eighteen year olds, a mix of panic and anger on her face.

"What is your name dear?" Cassie asked me, holding a microphone in front of me. "Akemi Sato." I said, my voice surprisingly strong and unwavering.

"Sato...I'm betting that was your sister?" I nodded. "Well, we have our two tributes for this years Hunger Games!" Cassie said, facing the audience with a cheerful smile.

Noah and I were led over to the Justice Building. It was the fanciest building in District Eleven. I had never been inside, but I had heard rumors that there was even air conditioning.

I was led into a small room with two couches, a fireplace, and a coffee table ladden with sweets and biscuits. After the door closed behind me, I searched the room until I found a large jacket. I folded it then tied it so it made a sort of bag then loaded all of the food I could fit into it.

The door opened and I quickly shoved the bag behind my back. "You have three minutes." A Peacekeeper said. I raised an eyebrow then smiled in relief when I saw my family come in.

I dropped the jacket bag and ran into their arms. "How could you do this Akemi? I would have gone! Why did you volunteer?" Asahi demanded, squeezing me tightly.

"You would have died! Our family needs you too much for that to happen." Asahi was about to say something else, but I picked up the jacket.

"Take this. It has food and sweets that you can use for a while. Or sell them. I say sell them. You could make some good money out of it." Father rubbed the back of his neck, a clear sign that he was uncomfortable.

"I don't know darling. Maybe-" "I'm probably going to die and you're refusing my dying wish?" I asked, a slight smirk on my face.

Mother sighed then took the jacket from my hand. "And if we are caught?" I glanced up into the corner of the room where a camera was hiding.

"I say it's okay. If the Peacekeepers try to make a fuss, I will raise awareness in the Capital of our unfair treatment. If they stay under control, I will stay silent." Asahi looked at me with pride. I glanced up at the corner and saw a green light flash. Good.

I had no qualms threatening the Capitol. After all they had done, sending tributes into an arena to die for sixty five years, I was beyond caring or being afraid. At least, I was at the moment. I wanted my family to remember me as strong an unafraid.

Mother handed the bag to Father then pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you so, so much my darling. Fight with all you've got. Stay who you are. Try to win." I nodded.

We hadn't had a victor in ten years, so I doubted I would win. I still smiled and thanked my Mother though.

Father set the bag down on the couch and pulled me into a tight hug as well. "I love you Akemi. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you. I need to try more. I-" I pulled away and wiped a hand across his cheek, wiping away his tears. He never cried. I hated seeing him cry.

"You did everything to help your family. I couldn't ask for a better Father." Father pulled me back into a hug and Mother and Asahi joined. I hugged them tightly but was interrupted by the door opening.

"Your three minutes are up." A Peacekeeper said, pulling us all apart. I shoved the bag into Mother's hands and gave them a reassuring smile. "I promise I will try to win! I love-" The door slammed shut before I could finish.

I sat down on the couch and wiped my cheeks. My eyes were teary, but somehow none of them had spilled.

I looked up at the sound of the door opening and was surprised to see a young boy standing there instead of a Peacekeeper. After a moment I recognized him as the Mayor's son, Gabriel.

"Gabriel? What are you doing here?" Gabriel scratched his head nervously then came and sat in front of me.

"Well, you know you're allowed a token from your district. I wanted to make sure you had one." Gabriel handed me a very small silver ring with a metal cherry blossom on it. In the middle was a small diamond that sparkled. I turned it over in my hands, marveling at how fine it was. I noticed writing on the inside and looked closer.

What are you fighting for?

I looked up through the tears in my eyes. "You never know what's going to happen in there. I thought you might need a reminder of everything that is waiting for you at home. Plus...I thought you might want something as beautiful as you in the arena." I looked down, trying to make my blushing stop. I slipped the ring onto my finger and smiled again. It was a perfect fit.

"Thank you." I finally choked out. Gabriel rose to stand and I did as well. To his obvious surprise, I pulled him into a hug.

"Really. Thank you. This is..." My voice trailed off, unable to say what it meant to get such a nice gift.

"I know. Good luck. Fight hard. Stay alive." I chuckled. If only it were that simple.

A Peacekeeper opened the door and Gabriel left. The door didn't even fully close until another Peacekeeper came and led me out of the room and to the train station.

The platform was packed with cameras and reporters, but I ignored them all. I gave a small smile, but nothing more. Here we go. I thought as I stepped onto the train.

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