Chapter Thirteen

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I turned on my light and was surprised to see Noah. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I went over to sit next to him.

"Isn't it obvious? Stopping you from making a horrible decision. You can't trust Cason. He's a Career. He's just trying to get in your head so it's easier to take down the competition."

"You're wrong about Cason. I know you're just trying to help me but-" "No buts! You can't see what's right in front of you! It's so obvious! He's playing you, Akemi! Why can't you understand?" I went back through every conversation I had had with Cason and knew Noah was wrong.

"Cason is my friend. He's my ally. Much more than you are. You've been ignoring me since we arrived. This is the most I've spoken to you since meeting you." Noah hopped off the bed and stood, glaring at me.

"You don't think I have a reason? I'm not just a jerk, Akemi! I'm trying to look out for you but you've chosen him?" My eyebrows creased in confusion. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?" Noah glared at me like it was obvious. "You only really have one good ally in the arena. I want you to choose. Here and now. Me or Cason?"

I looked at him with sad eyes. How could I chose? Cason had become my best friend here whereas Noah had ignored me from the start. Cason and I could relate to one another whereas I didn't know a thing about Noah.

My answer must have shown on my face because he scowled at me. "You'll regret not choosing me. Cason isn't good for you. Don't think for a moment that he is and don't come crying to me when he eventually tries to kill you." I stood, anger taking over. Noah jumped back, obviously startled.

"Don't you dare suggest anything about Cason." I said, walking closer to Noah. He took a few steps back.

"You don't know him. Hell, I don't truly know him but at least I trust him." Noah was pressed against the wall now.

"You haven't taken care of anyone but yourself since this all started. Don't pretend you're some sort of saint. You care only about yourself and how long you will survive."

Noah opened his mouth, but I pressed my elbow to his throat, cutting him off.

"Stop trying to get in my head. All this time you've been warning me about Cason, but really it's you. It's you I should be taking care to avoid. It's you who is trying to get in my head and befriend me so you know how to kill me."

An insane smile to rival Karlo's lit up his face. "I guess the pretty ones aren't dumb after all." "You're insane." I said, glaring at him.

"I may be insane, but I'm also planning on winning this. You chose the wrong side, Akemi. You'll pay for it. You won't last a minute in the Games if I have my way." I watched in shock as he pushed away my elbow and walked out of my room.

He was my partner. I thought he was my ally. But he's insane! He's crazy! Mad as a hatter! He wants to kill me just because I wouldn't join him. Well then, I'll have to kill him first.


That night I crept down to the lobby and into the little secret room. I kept looking over my shoulder, paranoid that Noah wouldn't wait for the Games to strike.

How can he be so crazy? I thought he was normal. Rude, yes. But mad, no.

I knew Noah was dangerous now, but I still wasn't sure how far he would be willing to go. The eleven he got in training suddenly made sense.

He was downplaying himself. Wanting to make people think he is weak. But I know otherwise. He is anything but weak.

When I entered the room, I saw that Cason was already there. We hadn't made a plan or anything, so I was surprised to see him.

He looked up from the arm he had been drawing on and a worry took over his face. "What happened?" I walked over to the couch and curled up next to him.

"Noah. He's insane. I chose you as my ally over him and now he's sworn to kill me." Cason ran a hand through my hair.

"I always thought he was rude, but never crazy." I shrugged and hugged my knees to my chest.

"He says I made the wrong choice and now I will pay for it." Cason pulled me close and I buried my face in his neck.

"I'll protect you. Noah won't get near you. No one will." I chuckled. "Same for you. I'll take care of you if you take care of me, got it?" Cason nodded. "Got it."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and started humming. He kept humming until I finally fell asleep.

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