Chapter Twenty Three

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The next morning, Cason and I were moving slowly. We walked through the woods, trying to get our bearings. The cornucopia was only a few yards in front of us, so I was shocked that more people hadn't found us. Especially the Careers.

I washed Kenta's muzzle with some of the water we had and his tail started wagging again.

Cason and I practiced knife throwing and took turns with his trident and spear. Slowly we were getting back to what we used to be. It was amazing how much the Tracker Jackers took out of you.

We each still had large red welts on our faces, but didn't let them stop us. We were fortunate that our eyes weren't swelled shut.

Mid afternoon, the rain started. It started, not with a sprinkle, but all at once. Cason and I were running for a good tree to hide under to evade the thunder and lightning.

I looked over and saw that the cornucopia was completely sunny. Not a drop of water had wet it. Of course. They want to draw us back there.

I pointed and Cason looked over then at me. "You sure we're ready?" He hollered over the rain.

"As ready as we'll ever be!" I hollered back. Because, after all, who was ever ready to go to what would probably be their death?

I took his hand in mine and we walked to the cornucopia. I led him behind it, still in the shadows, so perhaps we could sneak up on the Careers.

I saw one of them, Shawn Clark, sitting on a crate, glaring at the rain. It was now or never. Better to get the ball rolling.

My resolution to not do what the Capitol wished vanished when I saw the prospect of going home. When I saw the prospect of seeing my family again.

I drew the knife from my pocket and, after Cason gave me a small nod, threw it with frightening accuracy. The cannon that went off was, sadly, music to my ears. Only one more person to go. I refused to think of that moment with Cason until I had to.

"Idiots. Probably got themselves-Shawn!" I recognized Eric's voice and Cason and I faded back into the shadows.

I watched as Eric knelt by Shawn then wrenched the knife out of his forehead and threw it down onto the ground.

"Damn it damn it damn it!" He yelled as he stomped around, hands gripping his head and him looking down at Shawn. For the first time, he was afraid. For the first time, he was vulnerable.

"Where are you Eleven? You're lucky I didn't get you earlier. Your little buddy was determined though, so I thought I'd let him have the honors. But then I saw his picture in the sky instead of yours." Eric was starting to circle the cornucopia, looking for where we were hiding.

I felt a pang in my chest. So Noah had been with the Careers. That's why they had left the cornucopia unoccupied. They knew we were waiting. They knew Noah would enjoy my death more than either of them. The thought made me sick.

"Come out come out Eleven. Time to play. Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time? Playing the Game?"

Cason was pushing me forward so we wouldn't be seen by Eric. I knew we could circle this cornucopia forever, so I pulled another knife from my backpack and pushed Cason behind me so he wouldn't be in my line of sight.

"Where are you little Eleven? Tricky little thing, aren't you?" Just as he had come around the corner, I sent my knife flying. It landed right in his stomach and he fell to the ground.

Kenta started circling him, biting and snapping. "Don't Kenta. He's as good as dead." I commanded. My voice sounded oddly wooden. Two more deaths by my hand.

I was starting to understand Olivia. She was driven loony by her time in the Games. I could see why. She may see the faces around every corner, their whispered voices in her thoughts. That's why she can't keep up with a conversation. I can hear them now. Shawn's voice and even Noah's voice, even though he wasn't my kill.

Cason turned me around and pulled me into a tight embrace. "You did it!" He cried. But it didn't feel like an accomplishment. It just felt like murder.

Cason lifted my face up and planted his lips on mine. I kissed him back but as soon as I did, he went ridged then fell to the ground, a knife sticking out of his back. Just then, Eric's cannon went off.

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