Chapter Twelve

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The next day was the last day of training. We all tried our hardest to learn anything new that we could, then at lunch we waited in the cafeteria, waiting to be called one by one.

Each tribute would perform in front of the Gamemakers and would be rated from one to twelve. One being the absolute worst, and twelve being the best possible score. As far as I know, no one has ever made a twelve.

"What are you going to do?" Cason asked, sitting down beside me. I shrugged and wiped my sweating hands on my leggings.

"I have no idea. What about you?" Cason smiled. "Use your weapons or knot tying skills. You've gotten really good at that. Show them that berry thing that you're really good at. It's bound to impress them." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Thanks Cason."

After several minutes, they started calling tributes. Cason smiled at me when his name was called then walked back into the training room. It made me nervous that he didn't return. None of them did.

After what felt like an eternity, my name was called and I walked in, trying to keep my legs from shaking.

The Gamemakers were leaning back in their chairs, obviously drunk. I frowned as I walked over to the trident area. I picked one up and smiled at the familiar feel of it in my hand. Thank you Cason.

I turned to the targets, positioned my feet, aimed, and fired. It hit the target right where the heart would be.

I looked back up to the Gamemakers and saw that only a few were paying attention. I walked over to knives station and threw a few of them as well.

When I looked back to the Gamemakers, I saw that none of them were paying attention now. I looked around the room and spotted the security cameras. They were almost hidden in the shadows, but I could see the small green light that told me it was on.

I walked backward a few steps, held the knife in my hand, glanced at the Gamemakers once, then fired.

The knife did just as I intended and hit the camera, which let off I high, very shrill beep, then ricocheted and hit the beam holding the Gamemakers box in place. An old man jumped as the knife stuck in the metal beam, a few inches from his left ear. I smirked then turned around on my heel and walked out, letting the door slam behind me.

By the time I got back to the apartment, I was severely regretting my decision. What did I do? This is awful! Asahi always said I had too much pride! Oh no oh no oh no...

I pulled out my ponytail and ran my hands through my hair. I paced back and forth in my bedroom and told the person who knocked on my door, probably Olivia, to go away.

Of course, she didn't listen and came in anyway. "Akemi? What's wrong?" I kept pacing back and forth.

"I got mad." I mumbled. Olivia tilted her head to the side. "Why?" I sighed and turned to face her.

"The Gamemakers were ignoring me so I got mad and threw a knife at the security camera. That's all I meant to do, I promise, but then the knife ricocheted and landed in one of the metal beams supporting their box. I don't even know how since it's metal, but it happened!"

Olivia looked at me in confusion. "Don't worry. I'm sure they will get over it." I stared at her in shock.

"Get over it? I nearly killed one of the Gamemakers and you think they will just get over it?!" Olivia just shrugged.

"What else can they do?" Kill me, make my time in the arena hell, there really is no limit to their power.

"You're joking, right?" Olivia shook her head. Like I said, totally looney.

"Anyway," Olivia said, clearing her voice, "it's time for dinner. I'm sure Cassie and Noah will be excited to hear about how your training went!" I couldn't believe the words she was saying. Did she not hear me? Did she not understand?

Cassie was less than pleased when she found out. "You did what?!" She cried. "I didn't kill anyone! Just...I almost did." Cassie shook her head then held it in her hands.

"This is terrible. Truly terrible." Olivia smiled at us. "The scores will be on! Let's go watch!" Noah rolled his eyes at her and I barely refrained from doing so as well.

We gathered in the living room and watched as the screen turned on. Krishna came hurrying into the living room to join us a few minutes later.

Everyone cheered when Noah got a eleven. I was shocked. I had never seen him wield a weapon in the training room. How did he do it?

Everyone cheered again when my eleven came on the screen. "The two Elevens got elevens! There's kind of a beautiful symmetry to that I think." Krishna said with a smile.

How did I get an eleven? Surly they are mad. I nearly killed them, of course they are mad.

I gave everyone a hug, except for Noah who walked off, then went to bed. I tossed and turned for an hour then finally got up and went to the kitchen.

An Avox, a mute servant, brought me a cup of hot chocolate which I sipped as I looked out the window.

All lights in the Capital were on. The city never seemed to sleep. I watched as people walked by in absurd fashions and hair styles, wondering how on earth they found those things attractive.

When I finished my hot chocolate, I set the glass down on the dining table and walked back to my room. The problem was, someone was already there.

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