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"Should I wear the plain white top or should I wear the brown tutrle neck? No... that'd be too fancy" Yunho keeps mumblingto himself while fishing through his clothes. "Why do you care so much anyway? Just wear something casual" You suggest confusedly.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you didn't I" he awkwardly laughs and avoids eye contact with you. You suddenly straighten up and glare at him. "Forgot to tell me what?" the menace was dripping from the tone of your voice. You felt in no way angry at Yunho, you just knew your friend long enough to know that he wouldn't tell you the truth unless you tried to sound threatening.

"Remember that hot guy I kept seeing that's in our year? Yeah, I might've talked to him a bit and maybe, just maybe I might have invited him to join us for lunch today and I may have told Jongho and Hongjoong already and maybe I forgot to tell you..." he shyly fidgets with his fingers and you feel extremely happy for your goofy friend. "You should've told me earlier! I'm so glad you managed to talk to him and now you're trying to get to know him better!" you beam brightly.

Yunho also calms down after you speak and he smiles. "Thanks for understanding, now what should I wear?"

You walk alongside your best friend, feeling extra short and extra underdressed at the same time. You turn to look at Yunho, who is wearing a light brown turtle neck top and black jeans. You figured it looks sophisticated and it makes him look a bit more grown up than he really is on the inside. Meanwhile, you decided to just wear a plain white top with plain blue jeans, not even bothering as you were too focused on Yunho.

You observe the exterior of the cafe, calming down at its presence. The light brown paint on the walls looks fresh and clean. You notice the same soft brown paint inside, and you lay your eyes on the aesthetic, natural paintings on the walls. You take in the scent of warm coffee mixed with chocolate and other sweet deserts coming through the open door and although you dislike coffee, you feel warm and comfortable as you and Yunho shuffle in. You make your way to Jongho and Hogjoong, but you can't stop thinking about the different treats you can enjoy now to feed your sweet tooth.

"Is he not here yet?" Yunho asks Hongjoong, clearly talking about the "hot boy". Hongjoong shakes his head and elaborates, "He'll probably be another few minutes, somehow he found my number and told me that he overslept" Yunho raises his hand. "That would be my fault, sorry I actually gave him all of your numbers" You raise an eyebrow and give Yunho a questioning look, not even having to open your mouth to convey the question. "Yes... even yours" he answers.

You simply just shrug as you're too occupied drooling over the various items on the menu. You're so immersed that you don't even notice the man that approaches your table. "Hi" his simple greeting containing so much warmth. You recognise the voice from somewhere and look up. As you make eye contact with him, the both of you freeze for a second before he coldly nods at you and sits down between Yunho and Hongjoong across from you. You try to process the situation in your head and nearly scream.

It's Seonghwa.

"Y/n! I think you're the only one who hasn't met him yet, since Hongjoong and Jongho talked to him at orientation. This is Seonghwa-" Yunho gestures to Seonghwa, who continues to stare awkwardly at the table, "-and this is my best friend, Y/n" He finishes off after pointing to you. You awkwardly smile at Seonghwa, trying to keep your friend happy without revealing that Seonghwa is actually that rude lab partner you were complaining about only a few days ago. Just as you're about to say "nice to meet you", Seonghwa bluntly discloses what you were so desperate to hide.

"We're actually lab partners." Yunho's eyes widen in realisation as he remembers what you had told him about Seonghwa and he grows flustered. "Oh is that so? Haha what a coincidence" he uncomfortably laughs, but a waiter thankfully breaks the awkward tension between the three of you, Hongjoong and Jongho completely oblivious to the situation. "Are you ready to order?" the man with faded red hair asks, his deep, rough voice sending shivers down your spine.

Yunho slightly jumps up and slowly raises his head to see the waiter's face, both his mouth and the waiter's dropping open at the same time in shock. "M-mingi?" Yunho stutters, his face going red. You're not sure if it's out of embarassment or something else. You raise an eyebrow at Hongjoong, who returns the gesture. 

"O-oh...hi" Mingi shyly splutters. You feel the atmosphere growing awkward again, so you try to say your order. "I'd like-" you don't get to finish as you are interrupted. "I'll just have a coffee" Seonghwa states, shooting you a look. You feel yourself shrinking in his presence once again, not knowing what you might have said that could have offended him. Mingi seems to finally snap out of it as he gets startled and quickly jots down Seonghwa's order.

The rest of your friends state their orders one by one, but you're deep in thought. Why was Seonghwa mean to you but nice to everyone else? How did he end up getting close to someone as sweet as Yunho? How would you be able to break through his shell?

"Earth. To. Y/n." You slowly come back to your senses and see Yunho's gigantic hands waving only a few cenitmetres away from you face. "Oh! Sorry I'll have a...uhh... chocolate cake?" you hope that was an item on the menu, as your mind went blank. Mingi doesn't do anything but nod before smiling to Yunho and walking away.

"What was that about" Jongho asks, the question directed to Yunho. "I-I don't know..." he blushes again, not daring to lift his eyes to meet the rest. "Stop stuttering, it feels weird to see you shy" you say with a smirk, knowing exactly what's going on. It seems as though everyone gets it too, as they all smirk as well. Everyone except for Seonghwa of course, who still looks highly uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, after some light conversation, your orders arrive along with Mingi. You hear him mumble into Yunho's ear. "I'm off in a few minutes, would you like to hang out at my place when you're done?" You notice Yunho's eyes widen in shock and the tips of his ears go rosey. He nods subtly, trying his best for the rest of his friends to not notice anything. You notice though, but he doesn't seem to realise.

You smile to yourself. Yunho's already getting so far with his relationships and you can't help but feel proud. But you still can't help but wonder:

When will it be your turn?

In case you haven't noticed already, I'll try to upload daily and see how it goes.
If it doesn't work out I'll probably update once every 3-4 days?
We'll see how it goes for now! ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡

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