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You step out of the studio, noticing that the sun is nowhere in sight. You exhale loudly, creating a white cloud in front of you. You shiver slightly at the sudden drop in temperature and decide to walk home as fast as you can to avoid the cold as well as the dangers of the night time. You start to regret wearing a skirt as your legs start to feel like icicles already.

You're about halfway home before you hear whispering from a secluded alleyway near you. A chill goes down your spine and you feel even more determined to keep walking and ignore the eerie sounds around you. As you get closer and closer to the alley, the whispers become more audible.

"Y/n. Y/n come here" You hear a voice hissing your name from the alley right beside you. You had two options. Either run away, or investigate the voice calling out to you. You know deep down that the second option will definitely get you into some sort of trouble, but you feel intrigued. Before you even know it, your feet are carrying you in the direction of the voice.

Suddenly a hand tightly grabs your arm and harshly pulls you to the side and you're left standing face to face with a man.


"What are you doing!" you shout, in hopes of alerting anyone nearby, but you knew no one was around when you were walking past. His hand roughly clamps over your mouth to keep it shut. "Don't say a word and listen to me" He seethes.

"I pulled you aside to warn you about Seonghwa" Your breathing into his hand starts to quicken. You could've sworn a slight smirk formed on San's lips before he continues. 

"As you may or may not know, I am his closest friend and he tells me everything. He has talked a lot about you and since I care for you, I had to find some way to warn you without him hearing. He's very dangerous, Y/n. He will hurt you in the future just to get what he wants."

Your eyes change to show confusion and San chuckles, uncovering your mouth from his hand. "What he wants?" You worriedly ask, not knowing what San could be talking about.

"His crush. I know who it is and he even told me himself that he's just using you to get to her since she often sits near you in some classes. You were so kind that he found the perfect opportunity to use you." You feel so distraught that you miss the evil grin that appears on San's face. Seonghwa had just been using you? Is that why he suddenly became so sweet?

As if to answer your question, San continues. "That's why he got so kind suddenly, he decided to go along with his plan the day before meeting you. It's best to get away from him-" "Why should I trust you?" You interrupt, still in disbelief. You know you shouldn't believe him but what if he is telling the truth? San lives with Seonghwa and he had told you that he's been close with everyone he lives with since they were young. So there's a high chance that San was the 'best friend' Seonghwa told you about.

"Because I only want what's best for you" San shows off his dimples in a wide smile as he tries to hug you again. "Get away from me!" You scream while pushing him away. You get ready to sprint but something in San's eyes changes and darkness takes over them.

He violently shoves you into the wall, causing your body to jerk back abruptly. You hit your head against the brick wall behind you, and the world around you starts to spin. You slowly slide to the ground, still tightly clutching your head. "I'm just trying to help you and this is how you treat me?" He spits his words like venom. "Don't you dare-" "San!"

He's interrupted by a familiar voice. In a panic, he whips his head around to see Yeosang standing behind him, panting after running to the alley.

He storms over and grabs San by the collar. "I told you to stay away!" He shrieks, face glowing red with fury. "You can't tell me what or what not to do! Stay out of my business" San growls before throwing a punch. 

Before you know it, the two boys in front of you are fighting and fear envelopes you. Along with your head being in utter pain, these feelings overwhelm you and everything slips into darkness.

"Stop! I think she just blacked out!" Yeosang shouts, causing the fight to come to a halt. He quickly wipes the blood coming from his nose with his sleeve and crouches down beside you. San's eyes change once again but this time to something much softer as he sees you lying against the wall. Guilt eats him up as he simply stares with regret. "She's just unconscious. I'm getting Seonghwa, keep her company" Yeosang decides to trust San with you as he knows that San still likes you very much, and he would never hurt you in this state. 

Yeosang approaches the building that San had told him Seonghwa was in. He doesn't know what the building is or what Seonghwa would be doing there, but that's the least of his concerns. He just hopes that his friend hasn't left yet.

He flings the door open without knocking and finds a Seonghwa drowning in sweat, sitting on the floor with a strawberry in his hand. Yeosang doesn't hesitate or even bother taking in his surroundings before announcing, "Y/n is hurt. Follow me." Seonghwa's head shoots up to Yeosang's direction in a panic and his eyes widen at the sight of him. "What happened to you?" He worriedly asks, staring at the bruises on his face while stumbling towards his best friend.

"We don't have time. Come on" He doesn't even wait for a response before turning on his heels and dashing the other way, inducing Seonghwa to do the same.


Will you look at that! A chapter that isn't soft! (°ロ°) ! Featuring San the snake! You're welcome, Y/n (✧∀✧)/

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