Author's Note

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"Fragile" is finally complete!

It took less than a month to write, which shocked me. I didn't think I could update (nearly) everyday ヽ(°〇°)ノ

Anyway so many things changed from my original ideas for this story! I was originally going to make it much shorter, but I didn't realise it'd get all the way to 20 chapters!

What did you think of the story? I hope you liked it!

It's the first fanfiction I've ever written and although I'm quite uncreative, I tried (⌒_⌒;)
I decided to us "Y/n" as the main character rather than coming up with a real name because I'm simply too uncreative to think of a name so I'm sorry if that was cringy, next time I'll think of a real name (I didn't bother with a name in this story because I didn't think anyone would read it) (//ω//)

And I just noticed that the story hit 1K reads?? I'm actually so shocked right now, thank you all so much (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I remember at first when I got 6 reads I was so excited because I never imagined anyone to read my nonsense but 1K reads, it really means a lot to me. Like, so much. So thank you from the bottom of my heart ♡

I'd also like to specially thank:

@H0TEEZ- for supporting me and voting on all the chapters since the beginning, you really motivated me and kept me going!

@XIAODEJULY for being the first commenter and also supporting the story!

Thank you everyone for your support and your kindness does not go unnoticed by me so thank you ♡

If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them

By the way I have a new story up called "Invisible Halos" (San) and I'd really appreciate if you could check it out :) thank you :)

Anyway, thank you all for all your support and thank you for liking my horribly bland story ♡♡♡

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