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"Yunho, he laughed at me" you complain to Yunho after your lab, who is now trying to console you.

With little success.

"What you did sounds funny though, to be fair" he shrugs. He yelps as you punch him on his arm. "Sorry but I'd laugh too!" he puts up his hands in defeat, failing at making you feel better.

Your plan for tonight is to watch movies with Yunho and relax. The both of you are currently walking through the streets, hands full of snacks and drinks. Except now, Yunho is carrying everything as a punishment for laughing at you.

He desperately begs for your forgivness, but his pleas fall on deaf ears as you whistle and turn your head away from him. While you're playfully looking around with Yunho apologising in the background, you notice Seonghwa walking out of a convenience store. You look down out of embarrassment, hoping he won't notice you.

"Hey Seonghwa!" to your horror, Yunho somehow transferred all of the items to one hand and is now waving frantically to Seonghwa, who now holds a confused look. "Wanna come over to ours and watch movies with us?" he asks, looking like a fool in your eyes.

Seonghwa's eyes widen. "You... live together?" This causes Yunho to panic beside you as he frantically tries to explain himself. "Yes but not in a weird way! We're best friends and roomates, nothing more nothing less-" the words keep tumbling out of his mouth and you giggle at him while Seonghwa smiles.

"I'm sorry, I have football training now so I won't be free until this evening" you let out a loud snort, earning yourself a glare from Seonghwa. Suddenly he smirks and you instantly understand that he's going to mock you for earlier events. Before he even lets a sounds out of his mouth though, Yunho interrupts.

"Then would you like to come over to the practice room in the music building at six today to watch Y/n play piano?" Yunho blurts out. You start to redden brightly and shoot him a dirty look. You'd never actually agreed to this.

Seonghwa notices you getting flustered and sneers. "I'd love to"

As soon as he leaves, you turn to Yunho. "Since when am I playing piano tonight and since when did I let you invite Seonghwa" you adopt a bitter tone to show your distaste. Yunho evily grins. "That's what you get" he says mischievously, dumping all of the snacks into your arms before running off.

Your anger simmers down into nervousness as you desperately think of what to play on the piano. Suddenly, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket so you set everything down on a bench and sit beside it, checking your notifications.

New messages from "Y/n piano time 🎹🎉"

You instantly know Yunho is behind this groupchat but you can't help but feel curious about the contents of the chat.

Y/n piano time 🎹🎉

Blue giant added Joongie~

Blue giant added Choi-high notes-Jongho

Blue giant added Seonghwa

Blue giant added Mingo

Blue giant

yooo as you can see i made
this groupchat to inform everyone
that y/n will be playing piano
for us at 6pm tonight so be there
or miss out lol 😎

Blue giant

oh yeah and i already invited
seonghwa so jongho, hongjoong and
mingi, it's down to you guys !




I'm looking forward to this, don't
let me down ;)


oh i'll DEFINITELY be there and
jongho is busy right now but
i'll make sure to drag him along


I'd love to see you play piano,
Y/n! I'll be there to support you :)
I'll bring nothing but praise
because I bet you're very talented!


I'll bring popcorn lol

You groan and feel like throwing rotten fruit at Yunho at the moment, but decide to just carry the snacks home first. If you don't hold back you might just beat up your best friend. Your day feels eventful enough as it is.

You slowly open your front door, fuming with rage. Your eyes widen as you're greeted with a decorated living room. The curtains are drawn and there are blankets and cushions littered all over your sofa. Your furniture has been arranged into a "U" shape, creating a comfortable and cozy area in front of the TV. A movie is already set up. You notice that it's a horror movie. Yunho's favourite. Just as you remember his actions from earlier, Yunho cautiously appears from the kitchen.

"How's my favourite best friend? Welcome home!" he sweetly sings, earning him a packet of crisps to the face. "Why did you leave me just to make a stupid groupchat!" you shriek. "To get the room ready to surprise you!" he confidently states. Although you know that it's a blatant lie, you can't help but soften. You find it extremely difficult to stay angry at your friend and decide to forgive him once again.

"Okay... but why did you add Seonghwa to that groupchat?" you ask the question that's been lingering in your mind for a while now. "Well he's our friend, right? We can't just leave our friend out" You didn't think Seonghwa saw you as a friend, but now you feel grateful to Yunho for what he did. It feels like a confirmation that things are normal between you and Seonghwa again.

The pair of you don't hesitate anymore to begin the movie. You make yourselves comfortable by cuddling with the blankets with a feast of unhealthy snacks and drinks laid out on a table in front of you. You switch on the horror movie and let the film play, taking you mind off the events you'll have to face later on in the same day.

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